I love new beginnings.
I especially love that we serve a God who loves new beginnings too.
I need lots of do-overs!
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!
If you are like me, you also need His mercy new every morning!
Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
That fills my heart with hope!
Here’s something else new…
I will be giving away Praise and Coffee EVERY MONTH!!
Sign-up on the 1st and the drawing will be on the 10th of every month.
This month the praise will again be Mercy Me’s “All That is Within Me” CD.

(Specify if you are a hot cocoa drinker and I will substitute that for you!)
I will also be giving away 10 of these 4x5 magnets.

Because this will be ongoing every month, I have a button you can (but not required to) grab if you want to add it to your blog sidebar.
Here are the guidelines again:
1. Post a comment to THIS post.
2. Make sure there is a link to your blog or email so that I can contact you if you win. 3. One entry per person please!
(You can win one time per year, so everyone starts new this month!)
4. Feel free to advertise on your blog if you like!
5. In your comment, include a short (or long) note about your hopes or dreams (or, if you prefer the word resolution) for 2008.
The contest is closed. Next one will start February 1st!
Happy New Year Dear Friend!!!
I am so excited to see what God has in store for us, our friendship, and the DREAMS that HE has laid on our hearts!
I would love to be in your drawing, but even more than that I love being your friend!
Take Care,
PS - LOVE the new look...
How in the world did you figure out how to make tags for the sidebar??? You are starting to scare me you are becomming such a blog wizard!
I don't really have any New Year's resolutions. I'm just hoping this will be a really good year for me. I also hope and pray that my friends and family will continue to be in good health. :)
I'd love to get in on the drawing...but as for my hopes for '08 - well, a big one is aspiring to figure out how to get my blog page to look half as good as yours!! :) (This is something I've been working on a lot the past couple days and am currently about ready to tear my hair out over!!) I also have a lot of spiritual goals I have renewed hope of chasing after, as well as family and homeschooling ones. But I am going to try not to dream 'too' big, so as not to be crushed if I don't get anywhere close...is that defeatist of me? Oh, well. :)
Happy New Year!!
New beginnings are here! And with a grateful heart I'm rejoicing that His mercies are new every morning...
Looks like a fun give away. Was given some "Dunkin Donuts" coffee as a Christmas gift and was surprised how much I liked it - it was very smooth. And I love vanilla... LOL
Happy new Year to you and your family.
2008 has begun and we are entering it holding on to the Lord.
Thank you for your give aways every month.
Happy New Year and thanks for the contest! My prayer for this year is to continue to grow closer to the Lord, and to learn better how to wait on Him. I am expectant as we go into this year!
Mel and Jessi,
Bloggingbasics101*com is my friend!
I used to have a saying on my fridge...
If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough!
But I totally understand what you are saying! :)
I love that you added that button for your giveaways. Yes, I will be adding that to my sidebar.
As for resolutions, I haven't really given it much thought. I do hope to start spending even more time thanking God, rather than asking Him for things. Does that count as a resolution?
Happy New Year.
Just Mom,
I think that's a great resolution!!
My main resolution is to get back on the healthy lifestyle wagon. I fell off last year and my weight-loss leveled off (lost 60 pounds, but have 35 more to go). Praying that I will reach my goal for the sake of my health!
I love the new button and have added it to my blog! Please count me in!
~Sheila of My Memories
Well, look at you Ms. Sue!! The new look is so "new!" I love it!
And, Happy 2008 my friend.
I would love to sign up for the giveaway. And, I'm all about the coffee now!
My focus for 2008 is "Deeper Still." After this conference in Nashville this past year, God will not let this go from my heart. Desiring to go deeper with Him.
Love the new look. Very classy.
I don't guess I have a New Year's resolution. I just want to know Him more. I want my heart to look more like His.
And I would be glad to add your button to my sidebar.
Wow, 60 pounds is a great accomplishment! I pray the Lord gives you the strength and desire to lose the rest. I'll bet you already feel so much better!
You go girl. Thanks so much for the link!
Thank you ma'am! Going deeper is a great goal!!
What a fabulous new look. Are you sure you're not into interior design? (I love those Home and Garden shows although my house never quite looks like them... (smile) Too many Legos and Batmobiles floating around these parts...) Your blog always looks so inviting and homey!
Okay, back to the post. Let's see if I can remember all the directions. Oh yeah, I can just hit "Show Original Post". Let me do that now.
(Can you tell I woke up "wordy" this morning?)
Comment : check
Link: check
One entry, not a winner yet: check
Feel free to advertise: will add a check once I de-Christmastise my blog - (smile)
Hope or dreams: Okay, here it goes.
Since God has moved in my life the last so many years in writing devotionals (which I love by the way), I now feel His leading or actually release to pursue my first love in writing: Writing for children.
So, with that I will ask for prayer from my blog friends to pursue my passion, if this is what God wants, it has been the cry of my heart for many years.
Thanks Sharon! Great goal and I believe you already are a wonderful reflection of Him!!
You're so sweet thank you!
I am definetly not an interior designer. But I love playing with my blog and the "goal" is homey- so thanks so much!!
I love that your dream is writing for children- how awesome! I will pray that God will open those doors and flow through you as you write!
Thanks for the link too!
I didn't make any "resolutions" for 2008 this year. I am striving to reform my life instead and something that I am going change with His strength is a better attitude in each day dispite how I "feel" and to truly enjoy loving my family.
Thank you for the encouragement this morning in this new year! Isn't the God we serve just amazing and truly awesome, worthy of all of our praise.
JOYfully in Him,
I don't make resolutions either, but I have lots of hopes and dreams for this year and at the core of them it is to glory my God and draw nearer to Him!!
Good Morning my friend, love the new look.
When I woke up this morning and looked outside it had snowed about 8 inches. The verse Genesis 1:14 - came to my mind. What a great start to the new year - beautiful pure white snow reminds me that Jesus washes us (Isaiah 1:18) "White as snow" when we invite him into our hearts.
Happy New Year
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am looking forward to hearing more about the book you're working on. All in all Nancy, Have a wonder-full New Year!
Hope, Isn't it beautiful?! We got closer to 5 inches but now we are getting the lake effect.
I love it!
(But we did lose power last night until this morning for some reason!)
Happy New Years.
I've just found your blog and am loving reading back over your previous entries.
As far as "resolutions" I've made none. Oh yes, I'd like to lose weight, drink less Diet DP, etc. But mostly I just want to be more like JESUS.
Love in HIM,
Amen Denise!
Hot Chocolate and Mercy Me...I can just feel myself reaxing at the words! LOL! As far as thoughts for the New Year, my goal is to focus more on His Word and get more organized...Both have suffered this past year, so I'm ready for a fresh start!
P.S. Love the new look!
My resolutions include losing more weight, eating better, making time for myself, and having more fun :)
Happy New Year!! I just recently stumbled upon your blog through Lysa TerKeurst's blog. I keep up with a few of them, and they are so inspiring. Yours is one of them!! Great new look...I love it!! Great job!
So as far as 2008 and my goals (I don't make resolutions)...My goal this year is to live my life more INTENTIONAL. Be more intentional with my husband, my kids, my friends, my family and most importantly with GOD and the time I spend with Him. God has a purpose for me this year and I want to intentionally seek that out and live the life He has set out for me to live!!
Happy New Year!
Love your new "look!"
I'd love to be in your drawing too.
I know 2008 is going to be wonderful, I just know it. I expect great improvements and healing in Izzy, among many other great things! I just feel the love of God shining down on me and feel the blessings coming down from heaven.
My hope is that I'm as invested in other's lives as I was last year.
Just found your blog and so enjoying the visit. Would love
to enter the drawing too. I am
so excited about this year. I
want to fall in love with Him all
over again. I'm claiming Deut. 11:11 this year.
Please enter me in the drawing (Hot chocolate please).
We are praying for God to bless us with another miracle of adoption in 2008!
Pretty new look. Was surprised to wake up to the snow as well! No resolutions really. Just continued thankfulness for His mercies every day!
Hello there...I will echo what has been repeatedly proclaimed...I love the new look as well and I liked the Christmas look as well...just beautiful all around.
Count me in for the giveaway...
As for this new year...I want to abide more in His presence...which I know that is going to be really key (as always) especially as we begin a search for a new church home...
The biggest desire of my heart has been to write and with having a blog now that has become a reality but I am believing that I need to dream even bigger and that would be to write the devotional that I know God has been writing on my heart...okay...I "said" it out loud...no turning back or shrinking down...As I read this morning..."With God nothing will be impossible."
Blessings to you and Joyous New Year!
Happy New Year!
I love the new look too - I LOVE that font in the header - I enjoy playing around with that one too!!
I'm a cocoa drinker and I LOVE MercyMe!!
Sara, thanks- hot cocoa it will be if you win!
dodo, sounds good-especially the fun!
3evenboys, thank you! I love your goal for 2008- intentional-I'm talking about that in tomorrows CWO devotion!
Annie, thank you! My prayers are with you for Izzy. hugs.
bebe, amen!
Melaniejoy, nice to meet you! Great inspiration for 2008.
MOB, awwww another child, how cool!!!
Nise, thanks and amen!
Helen, thanks. Yup, you said it out loud! I had to do the same thing with my book, I'm hoping this is the year things happen with it.
Mommmaroar, thank you, cocoa it is if you win!
I want to work harder and hang out with my friends more. I prefer cocoa over coffee. Nothing better for a winter day.
Hey Sue!
Love the new designs and colors. You are so techie now! lol.
I'll be working on mine this year. (Will probably take me all year to do it and I'm a former computer techie myself...but out of touch!)
Yay for you on the CWO internet cafe! Totally deserving! You'll let us know when you're there, right?
Happy New Year sweet friend.
Cocoa it is! :)
I'm over at CWO tomorrow! Will you please come see me?? I'm so nervous!
I have a three word resolution this year- NO HISSY FITS.
Simple but very profound for a southern girl who can hissy fit with the best of them.
Two dreams for this year:
We are in the process of negotiating a movie deal with a Hollywood producer for a movie about our adoption story. I have a dream to inspire and inform people of the reality of Jesus and the beauty of adoption through this adventure.
Second dream:
I want to help other women realize their dreams of getting published in 2008. So, I am trying to figure out how to connect with other blogging women who desire to get published. It will be my 8th year to do my conference where I connect potential writers with publishers. But this will be my first year to try and get bloggers to come. So, we'll see.
Any ideas?
How cool- a movie about adoption, I'll be praying out it for you!!
And..um...help with publishing...when and where- I'll do my best to be there!
I know what you mean by lost of do overs. I plan to have a closer walk with God this year. I'm not really into resolutions either.
Hey, I was just returning your visit to thank you for the encouraging comment...and look! I found a giveaway! As I love, love, love coffee and the new Mercy Me single is my all time favorite...count me in!
And I so love your header!
Thanks Lisa!
Love your new look, and am excited for you and all the new things God has for you to do this New Year! God is using you! Be encouraged!!!
A give-away??? How fun! Let's see...2008...honestly, I think my foremost "wish" is to be more and more in love with Jesus...to be able to work through issues with Him and learn to rest in His grace. Blessings on you!
What a wonderful giveaway! I'm still working on my resolutions, but I know that I would definitely like to be a bit more organized this year!
Denise, great answer!
Mama Zen- that's cute....you are not sure yet but hope to be more organized!
Happy New Year!! Today my husband and I joined our local Y. So, that is one of my 'goals' this year. :)
I love the new look too.
Yes, please include me in the drawing!!
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog. I visit often & it's very inspiring. Please count me in for the giveaway - love MercyMe & coffee!! As for goals for this year - my top priority this year is to come up with a budget & STICK to it! I have plenty of goals for 2008, though! Happy New Year to you & yours!
Jennifer :-)
Please count me in! I love MercyMe!! And for the new year...well, my biggest hope right now is that all will go well with my 2nd pregnancy and delivery...I can hardly wait to meet baby #2 this year! :)
Just came across your blog tonight! I'm delighted to enter your giveaway. I am a huge fan of MercyMe - thanks for offering that.
My hopes for 2008 is that I would find direction in the Lord with what to do with my life. I have really been struggling with where to go from here. I pray that I would find my purpose in the Lord. Thank you again for your encouraging blog!
My goal is to know the LORD more deeply by the end of 2008 than I do now.
Thanks for such a fantastic contest. Anything with coffee any it will get my attention every time!
Yay! I'm always up for some coffee...especially Dunkin Donuts! Whoo hoo!
Happy New Year and thanks for being such an encouragement.
Happy New Year Sue! I love your new look it so inviting and beautiful. I enjoyed feasting on the verses you shared. I love new beginnings and what I am focusing on in the new year is to get my book written and to truly serve and minsiter to where God wants me to and the number one desire I have is to have the passion in my heart to seek HIM first with every day and to grow in my relationship with Jesus and in His Word! I feel a deep desire to minister to single moms and I am waiting to see where God takes that.
So, I am excited about your giveaway and thank you so much!!
Thank you so much!
Great goals!
Congrats on the pregnancy, I pray all goes well too!! I'm sure it will.
The Lord says that when we seek Him we will find Him, I have a feeling that if you keep seeking you're going to have a wonderful year!
No doubt the Lord has put the book and single Moms on your heart! He'll open doors for you.
What a great drawing!!!
Please enter me into to it: maure121 at gmail dot com
(hot cocoa drinker:):):)
This year I will be hopefully blessed with more patience and a healthy family
Hot cocoa it is!
Sue I love your new look! What a wonderful idea...and every month!
Typically I do not like to do New Year's resolutions in the typical sense. I like to choose something each year to "work" on spiritually.
For this year I keep thinking of "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you". This will be my prayer for this year.
I plan on writing a post about it soon.
Sue thank you so much for all your encouragement this year as I've gotten to know you. You are such a beautiful woman of God.
You are getting a lot of posts for this. You better believe I want to be entered. :D
Happy New Year!
I hope that through the year of 2008 we can encourage each other online as we walk with God.
I have committed to read the Bible through with a group online at Engage the Journey- I am really excited and am looking forward to watching myself stick with it.
Coffee and praise music sound great-thanks for giving us a shot at your prize. Thanks for the encouragement
Happy New Year!!!
God is Good!!!
So much is happening that I don't know where to start...I have started a new career & God has blessed me with wonderful clients...I will do His work.
This year 2008 I will finish all the projects I have started before starting anything new...Tall order for me but this is the year with God's help.
Hello! I haven't been to a dunkin donuts in years! Today, I have had so many thoughts racing around my head. I have been dreaming about my creative side. I am dying to just start creating things that I love. My 6 yr old has caught the fever too, and her and I are going to use a spare bedroom as our "artist" studio. In the coming weeks and months, we are going to clean it out, paint a mural on the wall together, and add desks, and tables, and all our necessities to Create!!! I am excited! I don't know what all I will be doing yet, I have so many interests, but I am eager to get started now! We are also praying for more children!! We can't wait to see what God has planned! I am so glad I found your blog!!!
I hope to be in my new home this year - not sure if I will - but am praying for it. DH and I are building a new house on my family farm... it seems to be something we've been waiting for. I hope the dream comes true t his year. It isn't a resolution tho... just hopes and dreams. =) Thanks for the fun contest with great prizes!
wonder if i can join. i'm not from the U.S.
i'm hoping and praying that my husband and i will already be walking in God's promises in our lives this 2008. i'm hoping and praying that i will be getting the breakthroughs God has promised me.
have a blessed new year!
I hope to exercise more this year, but doing it is the thing! And I want to work on some of the music I've written.
Please enter me in your drawing. You are so sweet to have all those giveaways.
Happy new year!
This year is going to be big for me. I am getting ready to go to college soon, and graduating in May. Odds are I will be moving out. I've also started three blogs which I plan on maintaining, and I want to eventually start writing a novel and submitting my poetry/writing to publishers.
Spiritually, I want to discover more about God and the people around me...and more about myself, too. I feel like I am starting to understand a lot of things, and decide my core beliefs and principles- these are really important and I need to give them attention.
Good luck to everyone!
you mean i can enter again since it's january! wahooo..:)
what's the chances of winning twice in 3 months? same as lightnin' i suppose..:)
goals for 2008? be in the Word more - see my flesh shrink spiritually and physically. since I am a stress eater the physical seems to be an indicator of whether i'm allowing God to order my days. and ordered days - yes, I want that too...
the list could go on and on but i'll spare you the details..:)
much love sue..
love the new header!
My hope (and prayer) is to draw closer to God, learn more patience and play with my kids more.
I want to uphold my husband and kids in consistant prayer.
Thanks for a super giveaway! I love Mercy Me and Coffee~
sharvey at connections-etc dot net
Please enter me in your contest, I would love to win. I would really like to be in a house by the end of the year. That would be my dream
Happy New Year. I have already made goals to lose weight not for only for myself but because I know that the Lord has been urging me to do so! I also plan on being even more commited to the work of the ministry and also see where the Lord takes me as far as possibly starting my own business! It has been in my heart for awhile but I am at the Lord mercy and timing with all this.
Please include me in your drawing.
Thank you for the picture,card and CD> I loved them all!! DId you get our Christmas card?
I would like to become closer to God this year. I need better self-control, patience, and love for those who hurt me.
I'm linking up with you, and will add you to Contest Frenzy tomorrow on Momsblogging.com.
I am trying, Really trying to let God lead my life this year. This has been a big problem for me. I am also wanting to lose 50 lbs. But I think this might take more than 1 year. I am also wanting totry for baby number 3, but I am leaving that up to God. I really don't drink coffee, but would enjoy hot cocoa! Hope you had happy holidays and I enjoy your giveaway! cookiecutter72 AT hotmail DOT com
My goal for the year is to try once again to get up before my family and have devotions. I am not a morning person so I have attempted this MANY times without much luck but I am going to try try again.
Thanks for the drawing, no coffee here but hot chocolate sounds yummy.
Happy New Year! I found your blog though another blog and thought I would enter just for fun :)!
My "resolution" for 2008 is to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I struggle with this on a daily basis and know that I need to just TRUST him because he knows what he's doing :)! I also want to stop worrying so much!
Here's to a wonderful 2008! If your bored come on over to our blog sometime!
God's Blessings!
Erin (jeff_and_erinb@yahoo.com)
Happy New Year Sue and sign this coffee drinker up!!
Yes you can! It just may take a while to get to you wherever you are!
I didn't want to try to keep track so I figured we would start the year new!
Oh yes we got it! I can't believe how big the kids are getting!!
I love all your goals for this year!
And I'm keeping track of you hot cocoa drinkers! ;)
I would love for us to be able to buy a home. It is so frustrating each month feeling like we are "giving" our money away and it isn't going towards a home. I really need to pray for patience and allow God to provide for us in his time. I am going back to work after staying home for 6 months with my son and this is so that we hopefully will be able to buy something even if it is just to start. We would love to have another child (maybe even 2) but we definitely can't do it living where we are now. I'm also praying for some direction regarding my career. I love being a nurse but my heart is so torn between furthering my career and staying home with my child (and future children). It breaks my heart to have to leave my little one. Ok...sorry this is so long...
We were overseas for 8 months and then we got pregnant and moved twice so we are just now getting into a new church where we live now after a long search. We really hope to get back into a small group and get plugged in at the church we are attending. I have more hopes and prayers but I'll stop for now. But God is big and I trust that he will take care of us.
I pray the Lord opens doors for you guys soon!
He is faithful, He'll lead you right where you need to go.
Hey! My hope this year is to be a better parent to my teenagers! They're a completely different animal than a year or two ago. I want to get to know them better. In the process, I want to be less self-centered when it comes to them.
Ah Flea,
Parenting teens! They are a wonderful yet difficult animal. I have learned lots the last few years about myself and my desperate need for a God who knows all!
My prayers are with you- and so is the Lord!!!
Just found your blog! I too enjoy coffee and enjoy finding ways to encourage others. This year, I am hoping to use the gifts that God has given me to encourage others and be a shining light for Him. Beginning with daily finding time to improve my walk with God while maintaining a healthy home, body & mind.
Sign me up for your giveaway! Thanks!
I am happy to find this drawing and want to enter!
My goals for this year are to take care of myself and my relationships, and to find what plans God has for my life.
Fun giveaway!! I'd love to win and share a cup o joe with friends! :)
My resolution this year is to kick fear in the fanny and go for my dreams. I have a HUGE dream that may become a reality, but fear has kept me doubting myself. With the Lord's approval and His hand guiding me I'm going to GO FOR IT this year! :)
Happy New Year & many blessings to you in 2008!
LOVE giveaways! Thanks for offering them!
My "resolution" is to see those in my life and all around me the way God sees them and not as a distraction or interruption to my life but as either a Child of God or a lost soul who needs God. More love is my goal!!
Thanks again and GREAT blog!
I really Love the grapes and 'tea" cup...sorry, I am a lover of the old English form of liquid gold better known as tea...Hot chocolate is super yummy too!
I am leaving 2007 with many changes and many uncertainties...but am beginning 2008 with the knowledge that my ever faithful God will lead and guide me every day of this great year of new beginnings. My hopes for this year are that I leave it with many of these questions answered....though, I am quite sure there will be new ones to begin 2009....ahhhh...life is never dull!
Happy New Year, and thank you for sharing your praise and coffee!!
My dreams for this year all have to do with becoming more disciplined: in my eating, in my exercise, in my parenting, and in getting Spiritually Fed by reading my Bible and praying. So far so good...2 days in!
Bless you in this new year!
Happy New Year!
My highest hope for 2008 is to draw closer to the Lord... to be a vessel He can use in a powerful way. I want to live a life worthy of the title "Daughter of the King."
Happy New's Year's to you as well. I would love to be in the drawing. I just love your drawings!! One of my bigger resolutions is to lose weight and get into better shape. Also to stay in the Word and Praise God everyday. I pray that each of my friends and family will have a great and blessed year as well. I truly love and are inspired by your blog. Can not wait for the Marriage Tuesday posts!!
Thanks for being such a blessing to us all in bloggerville.
God Bless you,
to continue to focus on getting healthy, and to ALWAYS remember God the ONLY one worthy of my praises!!
Oh I love coffee and I love to praise the Lord....
It is 2008
Ain't the Lord great.
May God bless you ~as much as you bless those who you touch with your words...
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
Happy New Year!! Thanks for this giveaway! Please sign me up!!
My goals for 2008 are to
- keep on shining for Jesus
- be the best wife and mom I can be
- improve my home management skills
- lose 30 pounds
I finally understand that I cannot do any of this in my own strength, but that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!! So I am seeking to fully rely on Him, and give Him all the glory!!!
P.S. Your new blog layout is beautiful!!
PTL! for the Lord's abounding love! My hope comes through His daily renewal of my body and spirit. Being a Mom of two is hard some days more than others. But, THANK THE LORD I can seek more of Him for strength each day! I DREAM of being a happier Mommy for my children and a more loving Wife for my husband!
Wow, I've enjoyed catching up on your posts. The last one with the pizza is a riot!
I also love the new look, it's peaceful. Which brings me to my hopes for the New Year. More peace in my life...which I hope will come by seeking more of God and simplifying all the STUFF that gets in the way of that!
Happy New year!
Count me in please.
Blogged ya:
oh forgot... I don't make resolutions because I break them too easy. lol
Hi, my name is Tina and I have many Goals, so please read them at my site:
Under 2008 New Years Resolutions.
I really enjoy your header and your site. Love it!! I am a big coffee, cappacino drinker so your site is close to home. Thanks, Keep up the good work.
Other sites:
Hey Sue,
Your blog is so beautiful!
What a wonderful blessing to have these drawings.
I'm praying for a year of some serious intimacy with my Father. A year to dig deeper in His word, spend more time in prayer, and a year to pray my prodigals HOME.
Blessings to you!
I don't do New Year's Resolutions--but I do focus on a word for the year. 2008's word is: CONTENT--as in being satisfied. I am going to strive to be happy with what I have.
And-I'm going to check out that blogging website you mentioned in another post!
My hopes and dreams for the new year are that people learn how to treat others with kindness and respect....my own resolution is to learn and practice PATIENCE!
2008... hmmmm, I hope to serve the Lord with gladness this year and learn more about Him. I want to grow as a wife and mother, and I want to be more intentional about building genuine relationships and pouring myself out to people. :o)
Mercy me, it's a giveaway!! :o) Please count me in for the coffee and CD - what lovely prizes - thank you! I have already added your give-away banner as well as your "Two Shall..." banner to my site - they are lovely and point my readers to one of the most beautiful uplifting sites around, P&C - just love it here!!
As to the New Year and goals/dreams - this I know, God always has something for us that ONLY He can accomplish and only He can get glory for - so just seeking His heart more and more is always a goal - (Lord help me to cooperate with the work you are doing in me!!) - it's so much easier to accept his easy yoke and light burden than to bow my back against it...
If I can do that - lots of the things that nag at me about me will begin to line up with God's will...
I truly am inspired when I come here - thanks Sue for submitting so beautifully to His will...
Blessings and Hugs and a Happy New Year!!
Becky S.
PS - I invite you to participate in my little giveaway too over at Just Bee 'n Me!
Praise and Coffee! Two perfect combonations!
I love your blog design; It's absolutely gorgeous!!
New Year Resolutions..oh wow..came up with 8 and so far doing good...though it helps giving it to God and asking Him for support! Lol
I would love to be in this drawing Sue! Oh-and I'm not a coffee drinker.:) Your blog is so wonderful and you touch many lives on a daily basis. For 2008, I really just desire a deeper relationship with God. I'm excited to see what He has in store for 08!
I just added your link in my sidebar..thanks!
I have so many goals and dreams for 2008...But one I am currently gearing up for is the completion of what God has started in me as far as my health. I believe that this is the year that I will reach my perfect weight and be free of sugar addiciton...
I love coffee...I think I should brew a pot!:o) Goals for this year: 1.spend more time with God
2.be deliberate about quality time with my husband.
3.eat healthy
What an awesome place to have come across in the New Year. A place that's about praise and coffee...a place I will return to often.
I am in anticipation for this upcoming year and just wanting to be ever more aware of His presence and promptings. I want to continue to grow in all areas of life.
Your blog is so beautiful. I love the new design!
Enter me, girl and I'll be sure and advertise on my blog.
Oh...forgot to post my hopes and dreams for 2008!
I think this scripture pretty much sums it up:
[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [ which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] (Philippians 3:10 Amplified)
I just found your blog -- how very cool. I would love to be entered into your drawing (and I'm hosting a giveaway on my own blog right now, too, if you want to stop by)!
I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for my family this year...that's about as close to a resolution as I get. :)
(And if I'm the lucky winner, I don't drink coffee. :) )
Just surfin' through the CWO blogroll and found yours! Weird... we have a lot in common... kids 19, 17, 15, Hydrangeas, Fox News, talking to the tv, working in my flower gardens... and others. Fun. :)
What is your book about? My husband is just now having his first one published!
Anyway... my "words" for the year are "Unchartered Waters." That's where God is taking me this year.... and I'm excited!
I just hope we all have a healthy year and one that we can all grow up more spiritually! Love your drawing!
Too cool. I haven't had Donkin Donuts coffee since I left NY 15 years ago.
One Word Resolution:
source: 2 Tim. 2:22
Dori got me over here! I love this header! Wow.
Wow! I used to work at Dunkin Donuts in Arizona; it was my first job at age 16. I used to work graveyard shift every weekend frosting and filling those donuts, about 250 dozen donuts each night. Dunkin Donuts coffee is awesome!
I'm enjoying your blog.
Sue, I posted earlier and decided to delete it and repost and tell you that I think the idea of sharing our goals for the year is such a great idea. Helps us to be accountable if we put it out there...I desire to reach the goal of really being in the word and praying every single day and to be more organized and not so focused on the stress in our office. Thank you for your help. Oh, I'm not a coffee drinker, so if i should be blessed and win I would like hot chocolate, please....dlowran1(at)comcast(dot)net
Sue---I had to take a few days to think on this because obviously to win something we have to put thought into it. You can't just let us leave a mindless comment...NOOOOOO! That would be too easy! :)
I now am ready as I have my resolution/goal for the new year: we are decluttering and simplifying our lives. I mean majorly!!
Now. I'm all ready to win stuff to put in my home that has not yet been decluttered. But it's OK b/c the CD can go in my car and the coffee will be used up. It's all good. Or,I would be happy with a magnet too. :)
Hey - count me in!! and thanks!!
I am not a real coffe drinker - i put just a tad of coffee and a lot of stuff!!!!!!!!! is that ok?
dreams - get a ministry website up and working. get non-profit status realized, get the Word out, and be reconciled on tough relationships!!! thanks for asking!
Can I enter again? If not, that is so totally OK!
My goal for the New Year is to be in on what God is doing and be in it with zeal!
Praying for you this moment!
PS I am a Foxnews fan, too! I so miss it with our saving money/ no satellite :(
Yes Holly, you sure can!!
Hello to all who entered so far, sorry it's hard for me to keep up on you all when so many comments come in- but I DO read them ALL I promise!!!
I love the give aways Kim, even if I don't win I love the excitement it generates!
This is my first visit to your blog. I was drawn in by your couples ministry. My husband and I have been separated for several years, living in different states. Many times I have thought about divorce but I never follow through. I know he still loves me and I guess deep down I still love him. Just so much stuff. I don't know where this will go from here, but I thought I would say hi and enter your drawing.
I would love to be in this drawing!! I absolutely love mercy me!
Happy New Year!
I look forward to the plans that the Lord has for us in this 2008th year.
May He continue to bless and keep you.
I will be adding your button to my sidebar.
My resolutions for the coming year are to get closer to God through prayer and bible study and to strengthen my friendships with my Christian friends.
Count my entry in! And I linked to the Tuesday posts! Love the concept, and will look for more!
Count me in! My desire for 2008 is to "bloom where I'm planted" and "give my all and my very best for the Lord in everything I do!"
Happy New Year. My goal for this year, is to get closer to God.
This is my year to bring closure to some "old things" to make way for the "new things". Closure brings clairity and paves the way for a "new beginning".
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