Before I even start with this crazy rambling post, I have to say Happy Birthday to Zoey, she is 1 year old today (she's the one in the tiara).
(Lauren, Zoey and Stephanie)
I can not believe that I haven't blogged in a month.
I apologize.
I just figure you're probably so tired of hearing from me on FB and Twitter that I don't want to bore you.
But I miss blogging. I think I'll make a New Year's resolution to start doing it more. I'll start next year.
So what have I been doing???
Well, I've been busy on the magazine. The next issue comes out in just
days and I really hope you like it half as much and I like doing it!
If not, just tell me that you do and you'll make me very happy.
I'm also going to start doing more with our
Praise and Coffee Blog Talk Radio Show.
Never heard of it?
That's because we've never done one.
(Don't worry, you're not out of the loop...there's no loop, just a circle. A circle of friends, and you're in it! I'm totally singing that song by Point of Grace)
But we are starting in two weeks when
Melissa Mashburn (Praise and Coffee Nights co-Founder) and
Ronel Sidney (Praise and Coffee Nights National Director) are here- in Michigan- sleeping in my guest room!
Here is the link to that show, you can chat with us when we're's really easy!!!
"Starting a Praise and Coffee Night in Your Community"October 6th at 11:00 AM EST.
Please come chat with us, we'd love to hear from you too!
And tomorrow night...September 22, 2011 at 8pm EST (7pm CST) I will be a guest on The True Vine Online Radio Show. If you're not busy watching Friends (oh wait...that was years ago wasn't it?) then feel free to listen. I'd love that. I promised all my FB friends, so I will promise you too, I'll bake you a cake if you come.
And because you're my sweet blog sisters, I'll also come to all your kids football and soccer games.
All of them that fall on Monday night...that's when I'm not busy.
Here's the link:
True Vine Radio ShowAnd if you're not completely sick of me by's my article at the Cafe'

Building Your Team with Unqualified People
Now it's YOUR turn, what are you doing?????
I want to know.