If you love a story of grace, you will enjoy it.
I did.
To all of us that have felt more like a sideshow than a star...

Click here to watch:
The Butterfly Circus
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
“Live 31 began on November 30, 2011 with a simple status update, “I’d rather have a Proverbs 31 woman than a Victoria’s Secret model.” Throughout the night, this status was reposted numerous times. As the status spread, we saw there was need for more action. We started with a Facebook page saying the same thing as our status updates. With mixed receptions of our message, we decided to post a video. Our founder, Alex Eklund, clarified our message, and we started to grow. In 3 days, we received over 120,000 views on youtube, and our Facebook page grew to over 7,000 likes.”
Proverbs 31:30:Start there...with fear (honor and respect) for God, and watch what He does with your life.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Ephesians 2:10It's taken me many years to come to the place of being comfortable in my own skin. Not only physically but also my identity. Who am I....where am I going...what is my calling??
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Obviously this would not apply to things like playing in traffic. I would not let them have that option. That would make you a bad mom. Not a real mom.Now that that’s established…*of course I'm teasing*
A couple other points:Don’t fight with your child.
Be consistent.
Be fair.
Set clear boundaries.
Choose your battles wisely.
Let calmer heads prevail.
Hearing loud music coming from her bedroom, I crack the door to hear Toby Keith blaring and see this child siting on the bed with her motorcycle helmet on surrounded by our two large dogs while "talking" on her cell phone. She looks up at me and says without a second's hesitation..."oh good you can be the Grandma."I hope your Thanksgiving has many wonderful moments.
Of course if you know me, you know that this has practically become my life's mission through the ministry of Praise and Coffee.
Proverbs 17:22 says:
"A cheerful heart is good medicine,but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."
"Expanding my family by adoption pushed me into uncomfortable places, challenged my notions about what family means, and brought abiding happiness. Like all true ones, my story is comprised of joyful moments and times of deep longing and pain," says Grant.
It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. Didn’t we just step off the beach 5 minutes ago? Ok maybe not, but here we go, parent/teacher conferences.
While every situation, child, classroom and teacher are different, here are a few tips on making your conferences productive:
1. Prepare ahead of time.
Look at the work your child brings home to gage how they are doing.
Talk to your child on a regular basis about how school is going for them.
I would suggest that you don’t just ask: “How is school going?” because you will get the answer “Fine.”
Instead, ask questions that will enlist more than one word answers.
Such as:
“What subjects do you like best and why?”
“Are you struggling with any of your work?”
“Who is your favorite teacher?” and “What do you like about their class?”
“Who do you hang out with at lunch/recess?” and “Are there any kids that you avoid? And why?”
2. Be ready with the questions you want to ask before going to the conference, write them down if you need to.
a. Is my child keeping up with the rest of the class? Do you see any learning disabilities or does my child need to be challenged more in the classroom?
b. What are my child’s strong points?
c. Does my child participate in the classroom?
d. How does my child get along with others?
e. If the child is struggling with bad grades, is there anything they can do for extra credit?
3. Let the conference be a two way conversation, don’t do all the talking, but your input is very important to a good relationship with their teacher.
4. See the teacher as a partner in our child’s learning. I haven’t always been thrilled with my child’s teacher or their teaching style but unless the situation is beyond repair, it is best to try and work things out.
5. Thank the teacher and ask for his/her suggestions on what you can do at home to help your child with his/her schoolwork.
6. Pray for their teacher and your student. Lauren and I pray together each day on the way to school.
We’ve had up and down moments through the school years.
My kids didn’t always give school their best effort but it helped when we stayed engaged in what they were doing and kept accountability by asking them about their assignments and stopping in to the classroom to check in with the teacher.
Conferences with the teacher also helped keep me on my toes because face it, we’re moms, we have a million things needing our attention. A good partnership with our child’s teacher can be a great thing for us real moms!
The "Real Moms of West Michigan" airs Tuesday mornings at 7:05 AM EST.
If you are not in the West Michigan area, you can listen online at iHeart Radio:
STAR 105.7
And visit Tommy and Brook at:
STAR 105.7 on the web
STAR 105.7 on Facebook
@TommyAndBrook on Twitter
I have to tell you, Lysa is sweet, genuine, fun and made me feel like we were old friends. And honestly, it did seem like I’d known her for years. And Holly Good, well I think she is about as nice as God. We connected about things that make you soul sisters for life! I was honored and blessed by their sweetness. I’ve met a lot of people and I’m telling you, they are the real deal.
Lysa’s book "Made To Crave" is fantastic and if you are one of the three people that hasn't read it yet, what are you waiting for?!
Her next book, “Unglued” is coming out next summer and it is a MUST GET! She read me some of it, and take it from me, it’s a good one. Watch for it! Of course we’ll splash it across the magazine when it’s available!
But, as amazing as Lysa and her assistant Holly are, I actually want to focus on someone else I met that weekend, someone whose name I don’t remember.
While Lysa was sharing part of her book Unglued with Holly and I, one of the caterers shared that she really wished someone would write a book about a subject that is near and dear to her heart. She is a counselor for young girls and she has a heart to help them understand how important purity is. She said that she’s seen many girls as young as 12-13 years old that are pregnant. She was very frustrated at the lack of resources out there for these young girls and asked if one of us would please write a book to help them.
We all agreed that a book should be written, but that she should be the one to write it. She has the passion for the girls and the proximity to the issue.
She lit up a little at the thought. She admitted that she had been doing some writing on the subject but didn’t think she had the skill to do it. We encouraged her to step out and do it. I hope that she does.
She has the passion and proximity.
What about you?
Have you thought about writing a book?
Is there something that you have the passion and proximity to write about?
Maybe it’s time that you became an author. Put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and throw down your thoughts. You might just be the person that is supposed to write that book.
Lysa also has some great resources to help you in your journey to become an author, in fact she offers a conference every year in July that could be just the thing for you.
Not only do they offer classes to help you become a better writer, but they are unique in that She Speaks offers you face time with agents and publishers!
What has God given you the passion and proximity to write about?
Get to it and check out that conference too!
They didn't tell us that it's the most frightening, wonderful, terrifying yet glorious experience this side of heaven.
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.
Thankfully, the simple act of calming my voice and quieting my tone can change
the atmosphere of our homes!
I spent years allowing the emotions of my day to be hinged on how my husband talked to me and treated me. If I felt loved and accepted by him, it was a good day. But if I felt I had let him down or he was angry or disappointed with me about something, it was a bad day. I lived my life through his eyes. My security came from him alone.
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