You'll also get "Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
You're going to love it!
PLUS, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!

~> Post a comment to THIS post telling me a little known fact about YOU!
~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you-PLEASE!
~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice. Here is a link to all my buttons: Blog Buttons
And here is my first attempt at vlogging (video blogging)!
Don't you just love how it grabs one frame and that is the picture you see LOL!!
Edited to add:
The winner of the September Praise and Coffee is:
Hi Sue !
I LOVE your "vlog". It was so cool to hear your voice & experience your energy.
May God continue to bless you in your ministry for ladies.
Jackie Carl (Marion, IN)
As I said on FB I loved your vlog and the stripes was a reference to the people who typically wear stripes....a funny. A little known fact about me...chocolate never makes me sick. When others have to pass because it's too rich I ask myself why I never feel like any kind of chocolate is too rich.
Love the "vlog"! So good to hear the sweet voice that goes with that sweet face!! Thank you for reading "The Message" passage....needed to hear that right now. My little known fact....I used to sing opera...sang one time with Opera Omaha...long, long time ago.
And I do have one of your buttons!
Hi Sue,
Loving the vlog, I miss MI so much!! Reminds me of the fal weather we are not getting here in VA. Anyway, little known d=fact, we are adopting again for the third (and last) time in three years!! Seriously, um guess little known fact, I am super shy. I also have your button.
Good Evening Sue,
That was cool, you are very down to Earth and humble, I thought your vlog attempt went well, I have been studying Matthew in S.S. I was right there with ya.
Something Nobody knows, all three of babies where through C-Section.
By the way Leanne from Salt made the comment.
I have your button:-)
Love it! My fact? I just know I will win one of these day!! :-)
Hi Sue !!
Loved your vlog....sweet!! Hmm...little known fact....well, I always say I am 5' 2" but I am really only 5' 1 1/2" LOL.... and of course I have your button on my blog.... love ya girl
adorable first time vlog.. you did a great job! you will do fine!
something many dont know about me? hmmm.. well, I guess one thing is that Pastor Billy Graham himself was the one who personally laid hands on me and prayed with me to receive Christ when I was 10 yrs old! ( I later went to bible school and became a foreign missionary, travelling to many countries and serving in Chile, Finland, Greece, and the states.)
cathy b
Hi Sue, I love your "Praise and Coffee" concept. We have been doing this for years in our Praying Wives Club but just didn't have a name for it. I added you on my blog (Praying Wives Club)because I love your "Two become one Tuesdays". This compliments my Blog nicely.
Have a sweet day and may God bless you continually...
Elizabeth, I laughed about the stripes too! Did you think it would be a "please bail me out!" vlog?? LOL
I so totally agree with you about the chocolate too...there's never been a dessert that I couldn't defeat!
Tammie Fay, Opera! You go girl, that's awesome!
Desiree!!!!!!! That is wonderful!!! Congratulations!!
Thanks Leanne! :)
Kristina- LOL!!! I hope so!
Susan...no bragging that half inch here girl!
CathyB- What a great little fact!!! Wow. Very cool.
Cherie, thank you so much!!
Feel free to use the name Praise and Coffee for your group if you like :)
That was great! I loved your first vlog! A little known fact about me huh? I always feel I'm really transparent, but let's see! I really am a shrinking violet. I love solitude! Being in public and public speaking freaks me out, ah but God! There you go!
Well Kim, it may freak you out, but you're wonderful at it because your passion and love for the Lord shines through!!!
You really let your hair down on the vlog, really like it.
Do more of these and sign me up for the giveaway.
You are a FAB Vlogger !! You have done the Lord proud with your first vlog. And, when I listened to you I was reminded of the famous
Elisabeth Elliot. She is a devinely appointed author. A while back I read something that she wrote which is very similiar to what you said on your vlog. Elisabeth Elliot: "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or dismayed." This is your friend Elisabeth Elliot, reading again today from Elizabeth Rice Handfords book, ME? OBEY HIM?
I love it when the Lord brings things together for me and your Vlog this morning really tied it all together. You're the hostess with the mostest, Sue. Thanks. Love Ya, Judy
P.S. An unknown fact about me is that I am a "HAM" ---- hahah, that is an amateur radio operator to all you silly folks out there who know me and say... '' that's not an unknown fact, Judy. We all know that you are a ham ..." :)
Judy, a HAM radio operator- whoa girl, that is so cool!
And thanks for your sweet words!
It was nice "meeting" you today on your vlog! :)
I love the verse you shared.
Little unknown fact about me: I hate vacuuming!
Lisalyn, Thank you!
Vacuuming I can take...it's the laundry I despise! :)
Hi Sue,
I LOVED your vlog! Thanks for serving our Lord through this site. You are reaching many with joy, encouragement and humor. Have a blessed day.
Diana Huizinga
(Ada, MI)
Happy September! I have always wanted to join the Peace Corps. Not many people know that about me!
Please enter my name in your delightful prize package giveaway
drawing. I appreciate it.
Many thanks.....Cindi
Thank you Diana, so nice to hear from you!
Cindy, that is a very cool thing to want to do :)
Yeah!!!!!! I love vlogs. You did an excellent job. It is so much easier for me to listen to someone than to read it because I can "see" better what you are trying to express.
Little know fact about me. Hmmm... I have bungee jumped.
I have your button.
Thanks Jennifer and I'm so impressed! I could never bungee jump...I'm afraid of rubber bands...er... I mean heights! :)
OK, first of all, I have your button! :)
Little known fact??? Hummmmmmm... I have a dozen or so sets of lyrics that I want to set to music and make a Christian rock CD, but wouldn't even know how to begin composing the actual melodies. I'm a singer, not a composer, unfortunately. lol
Hi Sue,
I enjoyed your "vlog." You are brave and you did really well.
A little known fact about me: I am the daughter of an Italian immigrant.
I love your vlog and, don't worry, you are just as wonderful in it as you are speaking in person! *wink*
Little known fact? Hmmm...I was the speed jumping champ and the only girl who could hit a softball back to the school from the field in 3rd grade. LOL
And, I keep your bloggy button up month-round! LOL
A little known fact....well, I haven't vlogged yet. Thinking about it even though my digital camera only has less than 30 seconds on a video.
I have your button on my blog.
Love your "VLOG"--your awesome and always have such encouragment for us all. Something about me. I am secretly addicted to chocolate and will hide it so the kids don't eat my treats.
I also have your button on my blog.
storkmm @ comcast dot net
Yay! I am entering my first blog giveaway!
First, love the vlog. Love it!
Second, love the blog. Love it! It (and my "stalking" of other blogs through your blog) has been so wonderful to read as I prepare for my marriage!
Third, little known fact (Oooh, and I'll keep with the theme of your blog!): Caffeine in coffee has no effect on me. I know, bummer.
Have a great day!
Great Blog! Found you from "stop and smell the chocolates" blog! :-)
A little known fact about me..... I have a really long and pointy tongue that can actually touch my nose! :-) LOL!
Hmmm, I don't know what people don't know about me, I am a pretty open book. Let's go with....my fascination with the show Pawn Stars on the History channel. I don't know why I like it, other than people come in to sell some pretty interesting items;)
reviewsbykaren at gmail dot com
I also have your button on my main blog;)
Thank you for your ministry! I have your button on my blog.....a fact...your blog is in the favorite menu bar of my internet.
This is my first time at your site, and I love the encouragement you give in it. It is so good to read and hear godly words.
My little know fact is that I would love have a few great girlfriends to hang out with in my same small town. Until God provides those, I'll keep being blessed by great internet blog "friends". Thank you and keep up the great work!
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