This change has not come about since January 2009, and I don't blame one President or one administration for the redefining of America, there has been a downhill moral slide happening in this country for a long time.
In a simpler time in American history, Abraham Lincoln stated,
“At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?
By what means shall we fortify against it?
Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the
Ocean, and crush us at a blow?
All the armies of Europe, Asia and
Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their
military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a
drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand
At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected?
I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us.
It cannot come from abroad.
If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be
its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time,
or die by suicide”
(The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume I, Roy P.
Basler [ed.], p. 109).
Our nation is as strong as our states,
which are as strong as our cities,
which are as strong as our communities,
which are as strong as our families.
The backbone of this country rides on the strength of our families.
When we teach our children respect for God and others, that becomes how they behave in school and how they respond at their jobs to their employers and in the relationships they have.
The state of our families reveals the state of our nation.
When the family unit becomes strong, our communities will be stronger.
When our communities are stronger, our cities will be stronger.
When our cities are stronger, our state is stronger.
And when the states are stronger, our nation becomes strong, stable and healthy.
So what is at the core of making our families stronger? You are.
Women, we have a responsibility in this. We can affect this nation by affecting our family.
YES! Fathers/men have a huge role is this also- but this blog is not focused on what men should do, I write this primarily to women so please don't write me about the man's responsibility- it goes without saying- if men rose up and lead like they should, things would be much different.
However, I know that many women are in situations where the men are not taking the Godly lead but that does not get us off the hook. God has given women tools to build her family. Here is the proof of that:
Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
A wise woman builds her house.
Building does not equate "taking over" or lack of submission to the God-given authority in our homes, quite the opposite. A women who loves her God and respects her husband's postition of authority in the home will be a strength to her family. Living by example in the way she conducts herself and the affairs of her home.
Women, we must work at building our family. We can do this many ways, I will name a few, but I would like your input too.
1. Put family first. So many (good) things can pull us away from our family and family responsibilities, we have to be careful to protect our family time.
2. Respect your husband, especiually in front of kids. This is huge! It teaches your children to respect authority.
Mark 3:25 (Jesus said) "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." NIV
3. Honor the decisions you and your husband have made concerning finances and how much is spent. 'Nuf said....
4. Pray for your family everyday! We have to-who else is????
These are just a few, I'd love to hear your input.
I'm praying for our marriages and families,
Amen Sue!!!
WOW....all I can say is AMEN!
Great post!
You inspired me to write a post on my blog entitled, "Don't Do Good Deeds". I started it as a comment here, but it just grew and grew, so I moved it on over there!
Blessings on "building your house" this day!
Lisa at www.osothankful.blogspot.com
It saddens me that this would be a revelation to many women! Of course we should choose to support our husbands.
Years ago I gave my testimony to my old church and one of things I was sure to mention was about "keeping score." Even among Christian women, I was hearing; Well if he does that, then I should get to do this!
It isn't about equality it's about being a godly wife! That's what God calls us to be!
I spoke recently to a woman who admitted she took a job against her husband's advice and it hurt their marriage greatly.
It is easy to say you respect your husband than to actually do it.
Excellent post! I love what Abraham Lincoln had to say and appreciate what you added to it!
To build you must have a strong foundation. So it starts with Jesus!
Yes I agree to that! first, the marriage should have a good foundation built on the teachings of our Lord. Then they can easily impart these to their children. It makes a very big difference when both parents are believers.
Families that pray together, really stays together. When one or more people are gathered to pray, the Lord will bless them.
We women should respect and honor our husbands. We should pray for them; we have the responsibility for that. It makes a lot of difference when we became a prayer warrior for our husbands and children.
I love the book, The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. It struck every facets of my marriage life.
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