Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies.
11 Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.
12 She will not hinder him but help him all her life.
Rubies, what a beautiful description of a woman after God's heart. A woman that is a virtuous and capable wife, her husband trusts her completely and she enriches his life. In fact, she's so great that she never hinders him-ever- only helps him all her life.

But instead of looking like a ruby ring...
I spend most of my days...
Looking like this ring...

I'm sure you heard about the woman whose husband bought her a mood ring so that he could monitor her moods. He discovered that when she's in a good mood, it turns blue. But when she's bad mood, it leaves a big red mark on his forehead.
But seriously, I struggle with my moods and emotions. Somedays it's a challenge to find my own happy place, let alone enrich his life!
It's days like that this verse comes into play:
Romans 12:9-11
9 Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Yes, it can be a struggle to keep our moods in check, but choosing to honor our husband above ourselves is something that will benefit our marriages. When we obey God's Word, He will lift us up and then we will be like the woman that is more precious than rubies.
No, I don't think that a ruby is the stone I most resemble...but I'm working on it!
I'm praying for our marriages!
that little mood ring story made me chuckle ... i long to be everything Proverbs 31 says we women should be. thank God for His grace!!
This post was so clever! that is exactly how I feel sometimes! I am a first time visitor to your blog. Thanks for sharing this insight! :)
I hate to admit it...but I am more like the mood ring. I have just been letting my emotions rule me the past few months. I pray that God will change me from a mood ring to a ruby. :-)
Thank you for that post! In the middle of our "busy" season in our home and it's hard to keep a "good" mood in the midst of it all. I needed that reminder to pray for a better attitude on those days!
Beautiful post Sue!! I love the ruby verses the mood ring.. Truly inspiring! I love your post.
Love it Sue. I so remember those silly mood rings from being a kid. I long to be the ruby!
women have a lot of mood swings! I, myself, was a moody person. If i have those mood rings, the color will be switching for three to five times a day. Yes, I hope to be a ruby stone: one color, one mood and that means I have the strength to be always happy and positive, even there are problems afloat.
Honoring our husbands is our main responsibility as wives. They in return should love and take care of us.
Happy Blogging!
Thanks for the reminder. In a period of my marriage where it would be very easy to cast blame and justify my failure to live up to MY God given responsibilities, it was a timely word. Thanks, Sue. Keep praying, pls.
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