they're not big enough!

Habakkuk 2:1-3
I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart,
And watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected.
2 The Just Live by Faith
Then the LORD answered me and said:
"Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.
What has God put in your heart that you have been too scared to believe He could bring to pass?
Trust Him today, maybe it's time to take the next step.
Dare to dream big!
My sweet Sue, What a blessing as always! Hope you had a great weekend! Love, Faye
If it seems impossible or not tangible at the moment it is difficult to believe. We try so hard to wrap our finite minds around an infinite God.
thanks for the encouragement I received from this post!!
Amen! When I'm not dreaming, I'm stagnant. Nothing can grow in stagnation.
My husband and I share our dreams; dreams to pour into other couples' lives what we are learning/have learned in our marriage relationship.
When the dream is big enough. The facts don't count.
Copying down the verse and putting it up on the computer today! :)
I needed this one. I've recently started my own business, and it's slow getting started. I'm having a difficult time not becoming discouraged, but I know this is what God wants for me! Thanks for the encouragement!!!
Did HE tell you to write this just for me???
Thanks, friend.
Such a timely message today as I contemplate new directions for my blog. Thank you! Blessings.
Stopping by from Twitter. :) I wrote about dreams/hopes on my blog today as well. Thanks for adding to the momentum.
Blessings in your work!
Roxane (Peace Garden Mama)
Thank you so much for this. God has placed some things in my heart that I often think, "who do I think I am to be dreaming like this?" God spoke to me through this and I too will be writing this in my journal as a reminder and encouragement from the LORD through you...thank you and blessings!
I have been dreaming about being able to stay at home and work so I can be more active in my son life (and any other blessings God would like to give to us) and be be more available to my family ... I have also been dreaming a lot about my husband giving up some strong hold and fully giving his life to the Lord.
Sue...I am sorry I haven't visited in a while...but someone just came to my blog and said there was a similar message on yours as to what I had just posted...I think the LORD is trying to get us to catch the VISION HE has for our lives!
I had shared my devotion from my Oswald Chambers book from YESTERDAY on my blog...because I just couldn't get past yesterday! It sticks in my throat...and makes my eyes swim with tears.
I believe the LORD Is calling us to work MORE...and follow with a trusting heart that HE is working in our lives...for HIS glory!
I loved your posts! I am catching up now!
What a LOVELY post! Mel said it well - our finite minds simply can't hold what an infinite God has for us!!!
I'm so thrilled that many of you needed this!!! God is good :)
Thank you for sharing!
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