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Friday, October 17, 2008

Here's Sam

We have a new member in the Cramer pod. She's black, with sharp little teeth and a tad on the naughty side. But her sweet temperament and the fact that she's not had any accidents in the house, make her a keeper.

Samantha, Sam for short, met the cat yesterday. I'm thinking she's never seen a cat. She howled and screamed louder than Hillary after Obama won the nomination. It was pathetic and now the cat thinks he's big stuff. Oh just wait Simba, just wait. Sam is full blooded shepherd and I have a feeling she'll change the pecking order within a couple of months.

Here is Lauren causing sibling rivalry as she hands the pup Macy's ball.

Ok, let me explain. I was trying to blog and Lauren crawled into Sam's kennel to play. I promise that I had nothing to do with it, and it is not locked!

~sigh~ You can clearly see, as could Lauren, that Sam does not like her kennel. Once again, it was the Hillary howl.

Gotta love kids and dogs.


Edie said...

"She howled and screamed louder than Hillary after Obama won the nomination." Now THAT is funny!

These are great photos. What an adorable puppy! I'm sure Lauren loves her new little playmate.

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

How can anyone resist a sweet puppy like that? Too cute...


Anonymous said...

She'll eventually like it, once she finds out it's her own little spot.

One thing that you can try that helped us out, is get a Kong. It's rubber, and kind of a honeycomb looking object. Once you get it, put peanut butter in it and put it in her crate. When she learns that she gets the Kong/peanut butter in the crate, she'll run to it.

Hope that helps.

Cathy said...

Cute little pictures, aw poor Macy ~

Praise and Coffee said...

Thanks Tom, I'll do that.

Anonymous said...

She howled and screamed. Oh to have been there to hear that. It must have been hilarious.

Nadine said...

What cute pictures. Sam is adorable. We once had a black lab named Sam (but it was short for Samson - it was he).

Amrita said...

Ooo so sweet.Sam is a delightful addition to the clan and kennel. I loved Hillary 's screams.

Wish i could afford to have another dog to keep my Sheeba company.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Beautiful daughter and cute puppy :)

Karen said...

What great pictures...such fun for your daughter to have a furry new pal to play with!

Karen Hossink said...

No accidents, huh?
Are you trying to make me jealous???
I'm getting a little tired of Mindy's accidents. But she is sooooo cute, it's easy to forgive.
Hope she gets used to the kennel soon.

Praise and Coffee said...

By that time that posted it may have been false... just a couple so far.
But I am a bit militant about following her around. :)

Susan said...

Tux, our kitty, STILL RULES THE HOUSE. And he doesn't let Samantha, all 85 pounds of her, forget it. EVER.


Zaankali said...

You just gotta love the bond between kids and dogs.

A Stone Gatherer said...

way way to cute! I love puppies! Sharp teetha and everything!

Anonymous said...

She is completely adorable! That makes me want a new puppy so bad, but my husband would kill me if I brought another animal into our house.

Praise and Coffee said...

The no accidnets thing is way out the window now! Good thing she's cute!

Jen said...

HILARIOUS!!! I love the Hillary comment!

Tamatha said...

aaaaawwwwww.....what a cute addition to your family:o)

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