Lauren is on this new kick of asking me about the time. She walks up and serious as can be asks, "Mom, what time is it?"
It always makes me laugh because she knows nothing about time yet, but apparently she has figured out that this is something enquiring minds need to know.
It always makes me laugh because she knows nothing about time yet, but apparently she has figured out that this is something enquiring minds need to know.

That leads me to my post subject. Let me ask you, what time is it? If you guessed, time to prepare for Christmas you are correct.
I know, I know it seems to come earlier every year, but once Halloween is over, it's really time to get moving.
This was impressed on me even more as I read a post over at my friend Susan's place.
I want to share it with you and encourage you to start early, take you time and enjoy the true reason for the season.
While you're over there, hang out a while, Susan is a great hostess!
This title totally got me ~ hook, line and sinker. Looking forward to this series. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sue, thanks so much. I do enjoy visiting your site. You are such a blessing and help to so many women!
BTW - While we're talking Christmas here, I found another great link about keeping things simple via the blog trail. Actually it was a link through Kim, you know how that blog trail works - LOL!
Here it is:
Have a great day my friend and many blessings to your readers who are looking to simplify their holidays this year :)
I very much want to go through this season focusing on the true meaning of Christmas and what really matters. I have made the commitment to start early, be organized, plan as much I can ahead of time, let go of what I don't need to be doing, and enjoy these weeks to come. A few years ago, I had all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. That is my goal for this year.
Thanks for sharing the post!
Thanks Susan, I love that link!
Christy, I have never had it all done by Thanksgiving, but it sure would be nice :)
Hi Sue, Heading over there now. Thanks.
I actually started planning (well, looking through all my Christmas ideas, a couple of weeks ago).
Thanks for the link.
I love this ~ wish I thought of it ~ a book that is.
Organizing the Christmas season has long been in our household although it has been a team effort.
In the words of my then Kindergartener, son, "Grandma lives in the house stucked to ours". Precious I know! We have in in-law for my mother and we began our organizing of the holidays many years ago. Her little in-law has grown into "Santa's Wrapping Department" the very day after Thanksgiving complete with a Christmas Wrapping party the Saturday before Christmas. So much fun!
Friends and neighbors can stop by to use the "work table" anytime between the day after Thanksgiving literally up to Christmas Eve! This helps with wrapping as you buy! We have mom's coming during the day ~ wrapping to go home while kids are in school and stuffing the eaves!
Funny this is today's post I ran into one of those mom's just this morning!
Looking forward to fun of holidays!
What a great post that was about organizing our holidays. I always put my Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. It's become a tradition and I get to enjoy it longer (it's not a real tree, which helps). I usually have all my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving because I buy gifts during the year when I find something the person would like.
This looks like a great book! My goal each year is to have all of the gifts purchased and wrapped by Decemeber 1. I usually achieve my goal so then I have time to do all of the fun holiday stuff like baking and attending parties, and my tree has presents under it as soon as we put it up!
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