Of course when we went to China 2 years ago, I was over the top excited to be meeting my daughter. After kissing pictures of her and rocking alone while crying because my arms ached to hold this little girl who captured my heart, I finally was able to feel her in my arms. To look into her little eyes and see her gaze back at me- as if she's seen me before. We prayed that the Lord would give her sweet dreams in the orphanage and I believe with all my heart, he showed her the mother that was coming. I'm telling you...that look...call me crazy- I don't care...she'd seen me before. Her eyes said to me- "it's you."
But I'm going to be brutally honest with you. Aside from the joy of receiving my daughter, I did not enjoy China. I did not have a love for her culture or many of the people there. The lack of respect for life, especially life that may not be "beautiful" or "normal," angered and saddened me.
A woman in the park (ie. a large concrete slab) smiled at Lauren until she saw her scar from the cleft lip, then quickly pulled her child away. It is common for children like Lauren to be kept in rooms "for the deformed" while in the orphanage.
The society is void of God as a whole because of the Communist government. They are so deceived. They still worship Chairman Mao decades after his death. His pictures hang everywhere, most notably in Tiananmen Square (as seen in the picture of us while in China).

It has taken me some time to get to the point of hurting for these precious people. I know that most of them think the way that they do because it has been programmed into them since birth.
While I still am upset with the Chinese government, I know that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with the evil forces behind the deception. I now feel a great love for these precious people.

During this Olympics, we have an incredible opportunity to reach people that don't know Him. I believe that many will come to know the Lord in China at this crucial time in history and our prayers are essential to their salvation.
Here is a headline from the Voice of the Martyrs:
Pastor Sentenced to Re-education Through Labor - China Aid Association
On July 4, Pastor Zhang Zhongxin was sentenced to two years re-education through labor in Jining city in Shangdong province. According to China Aid Association (CAA), "Shandong Re-education-Through-Labor Management Committee issued a written decision sentencing Zhang Zhongxin to two years re-education through labor.
Authorities accused him [Zhongxin] of cult participation in the ‘whole scope of the church' organized ‘Sunday school training courses, preaching the gospel to the northwest, Tibet and other places for missionaries and pioneers sermons.'" CAA added that in 2005, Zhongxin established The Rainbow Missions Fellowship and Timothy Bible Training School in Jining city, Shandong province, where Christian leaders are trained.
Zhongxin has appealed his sentence. Pray for Zhongxin and his family during this difficult time.
Ask God to give them courage as he appeals his sentence. Ask God to protect believers in China who face trying times as the government cracks down on believers ahead of the Olympics next month.
It is hard for me to believe that this happens even today.
Voice of the Martyrs is offering free bracelets to remind us to pray for China.
I encourage you to click on the link in my sidebar for your free bracelet and pray for the Chinese people. They desperately need it.
Also, I just want to say how thankful I am and always have been for Lauren's birth mother who 1st chose to give her life and then when realizing she could not care for a child with special needs (and I DO understand this- it would be terribly difficult given the expense and stigma) that she laid her on the steps of a very busy temple knowing that she would soon be found.
To her, I am eternally grateful.
My husband is in China right now on business, and he has said the exact same things to me. It grieves him to see how they live and their devotion to something that is so far from God.
I will be praying right along side you, my friend.
I have been praying for China this week for a different reason, now I know to add on to my prayers. Last week I watched a HBO special on how many children are kidnapped and sold in China and it just broke my heart to hear. It saddens me so much to know that children are sold for the sole purpose to make money, (not to mention women being sold either).. ok I need to go and pray (while its quiet)
Thanks for posting
I have heard it said that we should not even be there!! What a great time for us to pray as one for China. Much respect for you my friend, and I lift you and your family up in prayer also.
It is so sad to see an entire nation deceived. Praying for China.
Blessings from Costa Rica
Still the church is groing in China. Praise God.
You saved and enriched a little girl 's life...God bless you.
Your marriage article is so good. it applies to all relationships.
My husband is there right now. He's there with Bring Me Hope. They are going to do a summer camp for orphans. They are going to experience camping, swimming, hiking, etc. You can follow his blog if you are interested!
Kim P.
As a new mama to a 2.5 year old daughter from Jiangxi China, I pray every day for the people of China- and in particular, my daughters birthparents. We returned in March of this year. Things are changing so rapidly there. The one thing that left such an impression on me was not just the overwhelming kindness and gentle spirit of the people, but also their steely determination. We were amazed at the mighty work being done by the people to prepare for the Olympics. There are churches there- and people do attend- (however, under the watchful eye of the government)Also, it struck me that most people we talked with there were very content there- unlike what I think most of us perceive- which is that everyone still wants to move to the U.S. There is a sense of progress and hope with the younger people. And there are many changes coming- the governing officials in China must know this...recent formal discussion and amendments to their "one-child policy" are an example. Why? The will of the people. As one of the world's most populous nations, China is emerging from it's former life-and has become a force- thanks to it's people...and part of the changes we will be witness to- is that you cannot suppress the will of so many for too long...Keep praying!
I'm excited for what the Lord can do in China during the Olympics. Some of what you've written, I was not aware and can sense the need is great just from what you've said. Thanks!
My heart broke as my children and I read a book about Gladys Aylward this past year in homeschool. To consider how long ago that was in China, and then to see little progress made since that time,....sigh, it's heartbreaking.
I so understand what you are saying. My heart was changed while reading Randy Alcorn's book Safely Home. Even though the book is fiction it is based on real life situations.
My daughter spent one month in China at age 16. She has had an enormous heart for the lost people there ever since.
Now, as always, it is time to pray.
What an informative post. I knew things were not great there but had no idea the oppression. Thanks for sharing and I will pray for the pastor.
Very informative, thank you.
Your personal comments were quite beautiful, Sue.
Made me a bit weepy ;-)
Thanks for this post, particularly reminding us ALL to be praying consistently for the people of China.
We have friends leaving the states on Friday for a 2-week trip to adopt a 6-year-old deaf boy. (A couple of years ago they adopted 2 sisters from Ukraine...way longer process than 2 weeks!) Please pray for them as well...that they might have opportunities to share the Truth.
So heart rending. Thank God he helped bring your little girl into a loving home.
Blessings to your family.
I'm in awe of the bigness of our God, even in the midst...
Thanks for posting.
P.S. got your gift today! thank you.
Such wonderful comments! Thank you all.
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