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Monday, March 10, 2008

Prayer Request

The family's website:

Update 3-9-08

Jay woke up and recognized everyone in the room and talked!!!

Update 3/6/08 @ 8:34 PM
Great News. Hayden has been released from the hospital. He is with the rest of the family as they continue to support Jay. Good news continues as Jay was able to hold his right hand up in the air, and also was able to respond to a pin prick. Please continue to pray, as it is obvisouly helping!!!

Update...Thursday, 3:00PM:
Mark just talked to Stacey and Hayden is still in the hospital but doing very well. Grandpa was taking him on a wheelchair ride!
Jay is still critical. He is "right side responsive." Praise God!
He is undergoing another procedure today.
Stacey is doing well.
We plan to go see them when we get down to Texas.
Keep praying please! Jay is not out of the woods yet.

Your prayers mean so much to them (and me)!
Her sister has set up a website:

I just got this information:

Update 3/6/08 @ 9:42 Am
Last night Jay did manage to squeeze Stacey and Cindy's hand. Hayden is doing well and was happy he was able to take a bath last night. Stacey wanted everyone to know she really appreciates everything and thank you!

This is already a miracle! We were told initially that Jay had died! And yesterday they called the family in because they did not expect him to make it.

Our God is good! Keep praying!!!!!



Original post:

It's been a tearful day. Will you please pray for some friends of ours?
They are in Texas practicing for the the big motocross race next week.

Last night their 8 year old son (Hayden) took a pretty bad fall on a jump and his Dad ran out to help him. Then a big bike came over the jump and the father covered the son with his body but was hit.

They were both airlifted to a hospital. The son has been released with a fractured eye socket and cheek and several cuts and bruises. The Dad (Jay) is not doing well. He is in critical condition and needs prayer.
Please pray for him and his wife (Stacey). She was not with them and had to fly down.

They are a precious family that thankfully knows the Lord.

We leave Friday morning for Texas. I will keep you updated.
Thank you.

Our hope is in Him,


Cathy said...

Oh, how sad, Sue. I am praying for your friends and for traveling mercies for you.

Mocha with Linda said...

So sorry to hear. What a hard thing for them to deal with.

Paula said...

What an awful tradgedy. I'll pray for them.

Just Mom said...

Just said a prayer.

Shari said...

I declare a blanket of protection over that household - over their health and finances.
God I'm asking for provision in ALL areas. The funds to cover all medical expenses and traveling expenses and am believing for Complete restoration.
Thank you Father that you are our "Protector" and our "Covering"!

Monkey Giggles said...

Oh honey, what to say. There are no words only tears. You know I will be praying.

Consider yourself hugged!


April said...

I will be praying for the Lord to comfort and heal and for traveling mercies.
Love, April

Susan Skitt said...

Praying my friend. Yes, our hope is in Him. Amen.

Zaankali said...

How tragic. I will be praying for them.

Sandra said...

Is there anything too hard for God to do? God is more than able. I will be praying.

Mary Lou said...

Just prayed and will be praying.

Pam said...

So sad. Definitely praying for all of their family. Keep us posted.

Amy Wyatt said...

I will be lifting this family up in my prayers.

Barbara said...

Such a sad situation. Praying for this family for complete healing.

MaryLu said...

I'm so sorry for your friend, what a tragic thing to happen.
Praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

I have prayed. Thank you for being such a good friend to ask for prayer for them too. Safe travels for you!

Lisa said...

Father God, please touch this whole family with your healing hands, I pray for healing, and peace and comfort.

Beth Cotell said...

Praying that God heals this family.

Denise C said...

Oh Sue, I will faithfully cover this family in prayer...each time the Father brings them to my thoughts! Bless you for being such precious friends to them...and for being such a prayer warrior on their behalf!

In Him,

Anonymous said...

Praying, Praying, Praying.


Dionna said...

The sacrificial love of a father. Glad to hear he is improving.

NannyKaren said...

I am praying for healing, and encouragement.

concerned parent said...

Thank You Jesus He can do exceeding more than we can ask or think. Great Update.

Susan said...

Lifting them Up, Sue. So happy to see a positive update!

Praise and Coffee said...

You are all so awesome, thank you!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh Sue~
I am on my knees!!!!

Father God, I pray that your healing power will touch him from the top of his head to the souls of his feet.

May he sense your presence as you touch his body.

Keep us posted Sue!


Mississippi Songbird said...

So Sorry. My prayers are with all of you..

Anonymous said...

Praying for this family.

Are they here in Houston?

Praise and Coffee said...

They are at a Dallas hospital and we will be going to Whitney for the week.

Amy Wyatt said...

As someone who believes in miracles...I will be praying for one for this family. God can do things that doctors can never explain! Thank you for the update.

Kimberly said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Thank you for telling us so that we can pray as well.

Barbara said...

Glad to hear that Jay is doing better. Praying for a quick and full recovery of both Hayden and Jay.

Anonymous said...

Just say this tonight...I will be praying and for travel mercies for still...

Anonymous said...

Just read this tonight and I will be praying for your family's travel and for this sweet still...

Anonymous said...

We went through something similar when my husband sustained a head injury in a car accident. I understand. I am praying.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

My heart is breaking for Stacey, Jay, and Hayden...

We will MOST certainly be praying for them all...what a hard thing for the family, but we serve a GREAT AND MIGHTY GOD and HE can do ALL THINGS!!!

Paula said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date on this family. I've been and will continue to pray for them.
The paypal link is great!

Anonymous said...

You know I am praying BIG TIME!!

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

Praying in agreement! Their website didn't work for me.

Brandy said...

I just said a prayer for this family and will be checking back for updates. God bless you as you minister to them.


Our prayers are with all of you! God is Merciful and Faithful!

Paula said...

Yea, I'm so happy that Jay is progessing--Praise God

Susan said...

Praise God, Praise God!!!!

Amrita said...

Pray the Lord heals Jay and Hayden

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