Lauren decided on a more trendy look for her hair, it's a new symetrical "do." From the right side of her head it looks like a mullet, business in the front, party in the back. This makes the pig tails a little "off" but we're getting used to it. She is quite proud of her new look.

How lame is it that watching Top Gun still makes me cry?!

I was talking with a girlfriend the other day and she was referring to her "Blackberry" but she called it her "Blueberry!" She'll never live that one down!
I have to say a special thank you to Melissa at Mel's World for sending me a card with a gift certificate to Starbucks! What a sweetie!!!!!
Check out her Speak to my Soul Sundays, they are so uplifting!
Well, my plans have changed again! I am going to Texas! I'm pretty excited because the weather there is going to be in the low 70's- that is PERFECT in my book!!! Although it will just break my heart to leave all this snow and cold. :-P
We have satellite in the motorhome, but I've been told that it doesn't work at this track. So I asked my sister-in-law to post a few things for me this week. But I sure hope I will be able to keep in touch! I will miss you!
Anybody down near Whitney, Texas?!
Just in case there any bad guys reading this getting bad ideas because we are gone...there is something you should know.
I have 2 cubs that will be at home. The oldest cub 6'2" tall and military trained. He takes great pride in the fact that he knows how to kill someone with his bare hands.The second cub is 6' tall and over 200 lbs. He loves the thought of protecting his home with the arsenal of weapons he has stashed away. His motto, "shoot first, ask questions later."
If that is not enough to deter you. My otherwise sweet and lovable dog would defend this place to her death, I'm quite sure of it.
For those of you who are not bad guys, disregard the threats and have a Happy Jesus day! ;)
I have a special guest that will be posting the Two shall become One ~ Tuesday post, so be sure to check it out!!!!!
Sign up on the GIVEAWAY if you haven't done so for the month of March! I am extending the drawing until the 18th because we are traveling. I will be adding another prize too!
Our hope is in Him,
Have a fun, safe and warm trip! I'll be praying for your friends. That is great news so far!
Darn it! We live near Houston. I was all excited for a few minutes when I saw you were coming to Texas. I was envisioning coffee and scones with one of my bloggy friends. Sigh.
Have a wonderful trip. Sounds like the house is fully protected! LOL!
Oh Xandra, I would have loved that!
Have a fun time. Glad to hear your cubs are holding down the homefront for ya.
Sue, you never cease to amaze me...the Friday Fluffs are always chock full of goodies about the life of a Woman who lives in constant Praise and loaded with Coffee!!!
Love Lauren's new do!
Top Gun still makes my HUSBAND cry (not really, he'd kill me if he read that!)
Yeah, thanks my friend for the props and overall goodness in your post about me. Awe shucks!
I am dying of laughter here about your sons and their arsenal of destruction that awaits and "bad guys"...LOVE it, then you go on to say if you are not a bad guy, have a HAPPY JESUS DAY....
Well, I'm on the road and I have satellite! Let's just hope and pray that I have it at the track.
Love ya'll!
Prayers for safe travel!
Fun fluff!
lol...I like the "threats"!hehe
Wishing you a safe journey.
Top gun makes me cry too..
The Blueberry is classic..
Have a great trip! Nope, I'm not up there either. That's up by Dallas. And I think that area got about 7 inches of snow yesterday! :-)
Praying for all of you!! Healing for your friend!! (((HUGS)))
I would have said the same thing.
I hope you have a great time in TX. Sounds like the homefront in MI is in good hands! LOL
Bluetooth, blackberry, too confusing!!
Praying for your dear friends, thanks for the updates at the top of the page.
Safe travels for you too.
omThanks all!
We made it here, on a wing and a prayer with the crazy winter blizzard!
You always here about all the semi's and how they jack-knife etc during these storms and we saw plenty....but it's really scary to be IN ONE! Our rig with trailer is 75 ft long. It was insae...we SO should have pulled over, but oh no, hubby would have not part of it.
So we sat behind several pile-ups till they cleared.
Thanks for the prayers!
Internet is very fickle here, it won't let me post, but I'll try again.
Hope you have a great, safe trip to Texas. We are still praying for your friends. Keep us updated.
If you get a chance, stop by my site and check out my new Saturday meme. I hope you will join me and help spread the word.
Hmmm, Sue, my comment/blogger isn't too cooperative today, so if this is a duplicate, please delete one :)
Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is this:
One, your Lauren is a sweetheart!
Two, glad you all made it safely - whew - PTL!
Three, still praying for your friends. Praise God for the improvement :)
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