What about when WE are the walking wounded?
What about when WE are the ones bloody, wounded
and seething in pain?
How much anxiety, rejection and abuse can we take before we are the ones bleeding?
Jesus came to heal YOU.
I want to re-post a couple of posts that I did on God Healing our Broken Hearts:
Healing Broken Hearts part 1
Healing Broken Hearts part 2
I talk about some of my personal need for healing and sexual abuse that I experienced. I pray God uses them to minister His healing to you today.
If you are hurting today, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and pray for you, but since I can’t, feel free to email me any prayer requests and I will pray for you.
Love you girls!
I went back and read your older post.
God is good and He truly binds up hearts that have been ripped and crushed. I know.
I still struggle with trust and security-although I have grown in leaps and bounds the past few years.
The amazing thing is that what happened to me not only affected the way I viewed other people but also God.
Now I know He is my protection. Nothing can happen to me that is not first filtered through His hands.
He is my security-so I can extend my heart to others in love.
He is my redeemer.
Thank you for your heart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for linking to those archived posts. I've just started reading your blog, so I missed those two when you first posted them.
You have no idea how much I needed to read that, but apparently God did. :-D
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have been trying to heal from a broken heart, and have been in a state of depression for several weeks now. I have been leaning on God but it seems that I can't get past the hurt and be me again. Please say a prayer of peace for me. I could really use it.
Sue, I just read your past posts as well. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing so openly.
I think in some way, shape, or form we are all the walking wounded. In this world the enemy has fought to kill, steal, and destroy each one of us. Praise be to God that we do have the victory in and through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Although the enemy still comes at us each day we can use the Word of God as our weapon of warfare and we know His Word never returns void!
I stuggle daily. Keeping my eyes focused on the Lord is the one and only way I am truly an overcomer!
I have had some very hurtful situations and rejection from my own parents. As I am going through the process of healing, the thing that is hard for me is that I know I have to heal, even though the circumstances may never change, and I may never hear the words "I'm sorry" from them. It is a constant choice to take my eyes off of those who have hurt me, and put them on to Jesus! God is also challenging me to HONOR THOSE VERY PEOPLE WHO HAVE HURT ME THE MOST! That is so hard. But when I think of what is in my own heart, and how I have hurt my Lord, I know that I do not deserve the mercy He shows me every day....so I need to show that same mercy to my parents, and honor them. I do not believe that the things that have happened were God's way, but He has used them in my life to draw me into a deeper relationship to Himself, so for that I am grateful! I do not think that my longing for the love and affirmation of my parents will ever change, because it is a natural longing that every child has. But I can stop expecting it, and look to Jesus. I find that when I do not expect it, I do not get hurt and disapointed as much.
My pastor has a phrase he uses all the time. He says "The longest a trial can last is a lifetime..." Whenever he says that, it puts everything in perspective for me, because it reminds me that this world is not my home! It will end. All tears will be wiped away one day! AMEN!!
thank you for sharing on your blog!
Sue, that is powerful testimony. You are right about satan trying to weasel his way back in even after you've been healed. It is important to be in tune with the Holy Spirit so that you can recognize his ploys!
Thank you for sharing with us!
thoughts of a mom~
I am praying this over you:
Rom 15:13
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Glory to God.
Sue, I look forward to reading those posts. You remind me of my author friend Carolyn. She is writing a children's story in order to prevent and help children who are confronted with an abuser. She is passionate about helping others in this way... God bless as you reach out to others with the healing touch of Christ.
And might I add, Debbie, I am praying for you also. As a former young widow raising an infant son, I know that God does heal the broken hearted. We may have scars, but God does bring healing through His life giving touch. One day we'll touch the scars on Jesus' hands and realize just how much He loves us...
I'm so thantful "HE heals the broken hearted."
P.S. There is such a big need for your ministry in this area, Sue. So thankful God has placed you here for that purpose to those. God is so good!!
Oh, Sue, I just read it. I love it when you said, "Bring your pain and sorrow to Him. Let Him hold you close and heal you." So true!
Through it all, God is still good and reaches into the hidden parts of our hearts with healing and love. Thank you for sharing with others that with Christ Jesus, there is healing, even though at times we may struggle. God will see us through... all the way Home.
Hi Sue,
I wanted to say thank you for popping by my blog and leaving a comment. I enjoyed this post, and the two links from your previous posts. There was truth and reality there, so important. You didn't gloss over the pain but you didn't leave it there either. You pointed to God's healing Power.
Thank you and I will certainly be checking your blog again.
Susan...you have such a sweet spirit. I loved the book in the previous post - wow!
God is the healer of our wounds and we are all wounded in some way. Thanks Sue for the reminder to take the wounds to him.
Great post and I loved your previous ones too.
Forgiveness...such a big part of it. Something I struggle with but am working on. It is so hard to keep forgiving the same person over and over again but I am really making an effort...please pray for me.
Wow! I just went back and read the two past posts that you linked to. Thank you for being so open in sharing your pain and struggles, because I'm sure you've made countless others realize that they're not alone.
What AMAZING posts...I am so glad that you re-posted them...We have all been hurt...some much worse than others, but pain is pain. I too have struggled with the pain of a broken friendship and letting go and letting God..Your words are HIS and that is such a blessing!
I agree with JustMom...I did not realize how those posts would resonate in my heart!
LOVE visiting here!
thanks for the blessing!
I just found your blog, and I believe God directed me straight here. I've already read a few of your posts, and they have really touched my heart. God has really spoken to me through a couple of these posts, and I thank you for sharing so openly about so many topics. I'm looking forward to checking back often. Thanks for sharing!
Your blog is great! Thanks for visiting mine. I'll be back often!! :)
Amazing posts! God is certainly using you in a powerful way to reach other women.
Blessings to you.
loving my healer these days...was freed from a lot of things back in january of this year and the enemy has tried to bring them back up...and me and Jesus said NO WAY JOSE!
your heart is beautiful..thanks for sharing..
ps...did you get a new header?! loving that!! we finally had an amazing day of FALL weather..so your pictures made me smile! :)
Abby- thanks, I made my own header this time. I only have Publisher to work with, looking forward to getting Dreamweaver soon and having some real fun with it!
To all,
I am so glad that this post is touching so many hearts.
I know there are so many women who silently hurt from their past and I pray the Lord would set them free from their pain.
Sue, please visit my site. There is an award waiting for you.
These are such good posts! It is so great to see how the Lord is using them to minister to so many!
Love your new blog look! Did you do it yourself?
Thanks Gina,
It's my amateur attempt at changing my header. It's not professional- but I wanted it to look "fall."
What if it was the local church that has hurt us and left us wounded?
Where does a Pastor's wife go when SHE is the one who has been hurt? I can't talk to people in the church, I can't walk around "wounded", but on the inside I am...
It totally stinks, and I hate to admit it...always been the strong one who is there to encourage others...but what if you can't go to the others...
Please pray...
I know this pain all too well, email me and we can talk!
Wow! Sue, I am sorry for the pain you had to go through but marvel at how God has brought you through and is using you as His instrument to minister to others.
I always say we should look for ways to take the good and bad things that we've experienced in life to grow and use it to bless someone else. You are clearly doing this. Thank you.
sister sue! lovely new blog header and super lovely YOU!
shalom my friend...
ps you know what i love? when we are free to TALK and share opennly about where we have been and what we have wandered through. not to hide the pain and act as though it never existed.....
hiding things under a carpet never got rid of the mess. it only makes you trip and fall whileyour trying to pass it.
I tried the carpet, but it only left a big "lump" in the rug where the pain was.
Honestly, I really hate talking about the abuse. But if it can help someone else, I will.
Thanks for your sweet words friend!
As always great post, you inspire me I just have less boldness.
I love how Ruth used the carpet and tripping oh so true.
p.s. love the header you go girl!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments.
I'm sure that you visiting me was a God thing because I read your posts about abuse. This past weekend I faced a huge fear I had when I was sexually molested at a department store when I was 11 years old. Your words were just what I need to hear, thank you.
I'll be back.
sue: i feel the same way about my pain. i love it how God can use it if we will offer it too him. trying to wish it away doesn't help ease the brokenness in our heart. but somehow, he gives us beauty where our ashes once stood.
love you. you are a blessing.
Yes, I got your email. You let me know when you are available. Mon and Wed are best for me. I can leave Daniel home with my sister.
That was a very open and heart felt post BTW! ;) Yours always are!
Hello, so glad you stopped by and especially thrilled that it was a God thing!
Thanks for commenting on my blog!
I just posted about it, but my prayer request would be my latest bout with allergy-related asthma that I'm being treated for, and I'm also 7 mos. pregnant with our second daughter. I'm miserable and feeling so bad about all the meds I'm intaking all of a sudden! It's been such a sickness-free pregnancy till now.
I saw in your profile that you're in Michigan. My mom's family's in the UP!
And the beautiful thing is, Sue, you MEAN it. You *would* give that needed hug and you *will* pray for those who ask. I have been reading your blog long enough to know how very real your words are. Thank you!
I just know you are going to be an instrument of blessing to others sharing like this. I loved the illustration of the Spiders web, it really made sense - I could 'see' that. I am so glad that the Lord has been healing you heart. I was molested by a family member as a young girl (5-7) age group and my first memory of it came in my teens (19) when I was on a christian course in England. I think it had been buried in the recess of my heart and mind. The timing was right and I am delighted to say that I was healed and freed from this. The sad thing is that so many people have had to endure this and need reaching out to, to uncover the 'shame' feeling. The idea of anyone touching my children distressed me 1000 times more than anything that could happen to me, if that makes sense. Blessings on you for sharing!
I'm praying that your allergies clear up and you are feeling better, congrats on the new baby coming!
I am in south-west Mighigan, only been to the UP once!
Toni- You're so sweet!
Karen- I have to say, of all things that the Lord has me share and minister about- THIS would be my last choice for God to use. I don't want to be known as "the one who was molested".
But I will do whatever the Lord wants me to and I know there are many women hurting from this. The Lord knows best, so I will follow His lead!
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners;
To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn,
To grant those who mourn {in} Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.
Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, They will raise up the former devastations; And they will repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Is 61:1-5
He WILL rebuild the ruins!!
Sue thank you...He does heal our broken places. Thank you for being so open. There are so many women who need to know that they aren't alone in being abused as a young girl. They need to hear that God can heal them! forgive me for being so long...but had to post those verses... :-)
Sharon- forgive you for being so long! Don't say such a thing, I love it!!!
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