We had some incredible storms that went through here last night.

(I took this picture out my front door, this storm soon turned into a tornado warning to the east of us, thankfully one never touched the ground- I actually sent this in to our local TV station and they put it on the air and their website- NOW everyone knows I'm a weather nerd!)
But this morning I was listening to David Crowder on the radio singing "Everything Glorious"
Just then I looked up and saw the most beautiful sight.
The sun peeked out and illuminated the trees in our back field.

He truly does make everything Glorious doesn't HE!
I am so thankful this morning. Here are some of the reasons:
~My "son" (actually an exchange student from Mexico that we had in our home a couple of years ago) has come for a surprise visit! We were all shocked as Alan (pronounced Uh-lon) walked up our driveway. He's hear til Oct. 31st!!
He stayed with us for half a year and we love him dearly. He had another surprise for us...he is a Daddy now. So I guess I'm a Grandma. :/
~Lauren is actually feeling better and slept through the WHOLE night last night! Can I get a Praise the LORD!!
~ Lauren has gymnastics this morning, so she is so excited - it always makes me smile!
~We are going away for the weekend and the weather is looking beautiful!
~ I have a speaking engagement in December to the women of an inner-city church in Grand Rapids and I'm just thrilled, the ladies there are just precious!
~ God makes everything glorious- in His time!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend ladies, I'll be checking in from time to time if the internet is working in the motorhome!
Hi Sue
(totally unrelated to your post today...) I was admiring your "labels cloud" and have downloaded something similar for my blog... but my labels don't overflap eachother nicely like yours do. Would you mind sharing with me how your got yours to look so nice and so "overlappy"? Thanks! From one not-so-techno-savvy-blogger :o)
Dear Sue,
I just wanted you to know that I love your blog and it ministers to me. I read it everyday and I don't always comment, so I wanted you to know that you are a blessing to me! Have a great weekend!!!
If you click on the little arrow at the bottom it will take you to the cloud making page. Honestly that's all I know about them! I have no idea why mine overlaps, sorry!
Thank you for commenting! I am so blessed that the Lord uses it to bless you!
Thank you for posting the pictures-we don't see color like that much around here.
Cool storm clouds.
I agree He does make all things beautiful in His time. At times when the world around us seems to be brewing up a storm--He speaks "be Still" to my heart. And in the quiet-I hear His loving voice.
How cool about your speaking engagement. I pray the message being planted in your heart cuts like a two edged sword.
Your pictures are so cool just love the storm clouds and thought about you all evening. Was praying you all did not get the tornados and/or lose power. Glad Lauren is better and her nose is clean too.
So you never said was it a boy or a girl? Congrats Grandma.
Love, Alisun
have an incredible weekend my friend! :) i love that -- he makes EVERYTHING glorious. ashes and ALL!
the clouds have been looking pretty incredible over on this side of the globe as well. the other morning -- i looked our and and they were PINK! soooo pretty!
shalom my friend...
You always inspire me with you blog. I read it everyday.
Praise the Lord for health! We are struggling with that in our home, so I can totally hear your heart on that praise!
Beautiful pictures... He does make all things glorious!
So, we were watching the weather coming in and watching the news on three tvs (Jake watches the news like you) and I was trying to desperatly get baths done in case the power went out when we heard your report on the news. We just laughed at it...because it was so you! E-mail me when you get a chance and I'll fill you in on my Dad.
yes, you can get a "praise the Lord" and there you have it.
love the pictures! He is 'new every morning' and that is never more evident than in the turning of the seasons.
whether it's the spring budding/flowering of a crab apple tree, the bright blooms of a dahlia in summer, the glorious fire in the limbs of a maple, or the diamond sparkles in a freshly fallen snow... His love for us is no farther than the nature around us.
That is an incredible photo you took of the storm system, and of the trees the next day. I am thankful a tornado didn't touch ground and that you are OK.
hey sue? wondered how you post a video on your blog? i have been trying to figure it out and it is none too simple....
how beautiful, I love the pictures. Thanks for stopping by, I will be back.
Your trees are beautiful! We were just talking this morning about how Fall really hasn't come to our area & the leaves aren't changing. I love Fall...it's my favorite time of year. So, I'm a little depressed at this 80° weather we're still having.
Hope your speaking engagement is a blessing to you & to those who listen. May His presence rest on you and annoint the place!
Blessings, friend.
God is so good! I love your pictures. There is one time I watched a storm come into our town. I wish I had the camera..it was so amazing to watch.
The pictures are so good. Really nice to have Alan visit.Have a good time.
Thanks everyone!
Sharon & Melissa,
I appreciate the thoughts and prayers as I prepare to speak!
It's a girl- she's 3 months and her name is Angela (in English).
Amen Sue! He truly does make everything Glorious! Even today as we have a muggy, cloudy day I have been reminded that "He has made all things well".
Have a great weekend and I pray the Lord speaks from your lips to the hearts of the women.
Those are some serious blessings you shared, Sue. And the fall photo is so gorgeous. The trees are kind of going from green to groan here (bypassing grand altogether, lol). So I reeeally enjoyed seeing the foliage where you are.
Congrats on your weather photo. That storm destroyed our patio furniture yesterday. :( Once when dh and I were dropping off entries in our county fair, we watched a funnel cloud form right over the grandstand. The tail never made contact with the ground but if it had, we would have had to run for the restrooms (the only brick structures on the grounds).
You are not alone, I am a weather nerd too. I am not sure why but I am fasinated with it. If I could I would be a storm chaser. :)
LOVED the pictures. What beautiful trees. I love Fall colors.
Have a great trip and congrats Grandma!! :o)
beautiful pictures!
Beautiful pictures!
I hope you're all feeling better soon!
God bless :)
Sorry about your furniture.
Sounds like that was a scary experience with that funnel cloud.
I was a little nervous last night but we were fine.
Weather nerds unite!
How cool that you are speaking, Sue...I didn't know you did that but it is excellent to know...:))
Hope the Spirit empowers you in the most amazing way, my friend...
I hope you'll tell us about it later! :)
The pictures are wonderful and yes HE make it all glorious.
What glorious fall photos you took! God is so amazing.
On another note, I love the fall look of your blog. Fall is my favorite time of year. Having moved to Texas this last spring, I am learning that Texans don't celebrate fall...or at least not in the cooler temperatures-glorious fall colors-raking leaves sort of way I am use to.
Everything glorious... you captured that so well with this post, my friend! Blessings on your weekend!
Very beautiful pictures. It's so good to see God's glory pointed out.
I've just started reading your blog and love it! Just had to comment to let you know!
And, I made chicken broth today.. for chicken noodle soup tomorrow. :) My hubby is under the weather!
Hope you have a great weekend!
everything glorious...even when our circumstances are rough like it has been this week for my children...the luminaries on the trees for you were so beautiful...for you and for us...hope your motorhome weekend is filled with the Presence & Power of your precious Lord...may you sense his presence in your place...being in your presence on your blog is so sweet...you have such a sweetness about you that makes one wonder about your everything glorious God...
Hi! I just came across your blog tonight. I wanted to let you know about free giveaways that I host every week at my site. All of the giveaways are from companies who make their products here in the USA! I don't make any money off of this - I just want to see more jobs stay here in America. Come check it out - and spread the word!
Thank you!
It amazes me that the glorious beauty of this world is still but a reflection of the glory of God's kingdom.
I really enjoy your blog, it is an inspiration and would love to add it to my favourites if that is okay :0)
Thank you for commenting! Nice to meet you.
I will check it out.
Suzy Q,
Of course, I'm honored that you would link me!
Love it- I'm adding a link...check it out girls!
That is great - thank you so much for adding the link to my site! I have loved making the site, and I hope to spread this information to as many people as possible. Thank you for helping with that! Next week's giveaway is coming soon!
Have a great weekend!
How very lovely! Beautiful pictures...I love weather pics. too!
Have a healthy and wonderful weekend!
You GO GIRL!!! I am so excited for you in so many wonderful and "glorious" ways.
- The pic is great...then I looked at your "fall" scenery and was green with envy...in South Florida there isn't a FALL...;(
- Your surprise visit AND the news of the new baby!!! How cool is that?
-Gymnastics...don't know to much about (I have boys), but anything you can do that means spending time with your kids always ROCKS!
- Speaking...I KNEW it...you are so multi-talented and gifted...can't wait until you come to the southern most point of the US. ;)
What awesome pictures! Those storms were pretty incredible. I was over at my friend's on the other side of the state with 3 of the kids, and my husband called to tell me to not attempt to drive back home. I would have driven through such bad weather! I thank God for his protection for us and so many others. Hope you enjoy your weekend away.
You guys are so much fun, I can't wait to party together in heaven!
So glad you are ok!
It seems like we are on the same page right now, Sue. I had SUCH a "God moment" while driving to work Friday morning as I looked up at the clouds in the sky...He DOES make all things glorious!
BTW, the photos you took are absolutely AMAZING!
I don't mind you using the K.G. quote at all! It's too good to keep on one blog!
How did your speaking go?
Thanks to you, I learned how to do that widget thingy! I haven't been able to figure out how to put pictures of books on my blog, and now I can do it!!! It's fun to find new things on other blogs!
Thanks for stopping by for coffee!!
your view is beautiful! And I'm so JEALOUS! Your leaves are turning! :) Enjoy your weekend!
I loved that post with the beautiful pictures and video.
speaking engagement in Grand Rapids huh?...that is over a seven hour drive from here...bummer. What are you going to be speaking on? (since I am going to miss it):o)
Still praying about it, but I believe it will be along the lines of broken heartedness and healing.
Wish you could come, I'll let you know if I'm ever down that way.
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