John 20:1-2
2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put Him!"
They are about to realize that our Lord has risen, but I want to look at something else here.
I love how John refers to himself as the “one Jesus loved”. He says that several times.
He obviously believes that he IS the one that Jesus loved.
Do you wake up every morning and think to yourself, ‘I’m the one Jesus loves’?
When you look in the mirror or see your reflection in a window, do you think ‘I’m the one Jesus loves’?
How would you describe yourself with regard to the Lord’s feelings for you?
Maybe you think- ‘I’m the one Jesus is disappointed with’ or ‘I’m the one He’s angry with’?
My 2 year old loves the movie Annie (the original). We watch it at least once a day. There is a line that Carol Burnett says to Annie that just gets me every time. She holds her head in her hands, looks her in the eye and says;
“Why any kid would want to be an orphan is beyond me!”
I can’t help but think that so many of us live like orphans.
John 14:18
18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Those are Jesus’ words, He also said:
Eph 1:3-6
4 For He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love 5 He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will-
Are you living like an orphan? Do you struggle to believe that He loves you and wants to be a Father to you?
His Word says that He’s chosen you.
As a Mom that has give birth to 3 children and then adopted one, I can tell you that the love for my adopted daughter is very unique. It’s not that I love her more because I’m crazy about all my kids. But there is something so special about knowing that you’ve specifically chosen this child and you want to give her the best life possible.
Do you wake up every morning and think to yourself, ‘I’m the one Jesus loves’?
When you look in the mirror or see your reflection in a window, do you think ‘I’m the one Jesus loves’?
How would you describe yourself with regard to the Lord’s feelings for you?
Maybe you think- ‘I’m the one Jesus is disappointed with’ or ‘I’m the one He’s angry with’?
My 2 year old loves the movie Annie (the original). We watch it at least once a day. There is a line that Carol Burnett says to Annie that just gets me every time. She holds her head in her hands, looks her in the eye and says;
“Why any kid would want to be an orphan is beyond me!”
I can’t help but think that so many of us live like orphans.
John 14:18
18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Those are Jesus’ words, He also said:
Eph 1:3-6
4 For He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love 5 He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will-
Are you living like an orphan? Do you struggle to believe that He loves you and wants to be a Father to you?
His Word says that He’s chosen you.
As a Mom that has give birth to 3 children and then adopted one, I can tell you that the love for my adopted daughter is very unique. It’s not that I love her more because I’m crazy about all my kids. But there is something so special about knowing that you’ve specifically chosen this child and you want to give her the best life possible.
Last night while putting her to bed, she said ‘I love you’. She can’t talk very well because of her cleft palate, but she was signing it and saying it and it brought tears to my eyes!
We went through so many issue with attachment that when you see and feel her reciprocate love- it blesses your socks off!!
On a much larger scale, that is true of how the Lord feels for us also. He offers His amazing love to us and hopes that we will receive it and fall in love with Him too.
Why would any one want to live like an orphan when we can wake up every day saying- I’m the one He loves!!
1 John 4:9
9 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.
Let this Easter be a time that you recognize how much He loves you and because He died for you and then rose up from the grave, you don't have to be an orphan, you can be adopted into the family of God!
Ask Him to come into your heart right now, if you already have- start living like "I'm the one He loves!"
Thanks for your comments on my blog. :o) I so agree with your sentiments today...adopting has given me perspectives that I would never have understood fully. I love the parallels so much when I read them in Scripture.
And I identify with those "I love you's" being extra precious. Our first daughter had a long road to them, and now when she squeezes me tight around the neck at bedtime it melts me. There was a time when I would've thought we'd never be here. It reminds me of how the Father has these good things for us, but we're so fearful of letting go of what we know--even though it's just a shadow of what He's going to give us. That's how I saw Sophie when she preferred her crib to being held (for about a year). That was her entire security. Thank God she's let us in her hearts. :o) God is faithful.
What a beautiful post, Sue :)...I think I need to tell myself more often "I am the one Jesus loves"...Thank you for your reminder.
Lauren is adorable. I am glad that are people like your family, are willing to adopt.
Blessings to you and yours this Easter weekend.
Beautiful post! Thanks for stopping by 2nd Cup. I enjoyed your profile because we have some things in common (kids for one; I have ones 20, 18, 14.) I really admire people who church plant. I understand what a huge challenge that is. Have a great Easter.
Hi Sue, thank you for stopping by my blog. You might want to stop by our current family blog instead. www.beckeringtribe.blogspot.com
If you are meant to go back to China, you'll be lead there by God. You'll know! ;0
mmmmmmmm.....drinking my coffee and reading thru your posts. I didn't expect to feel convicted at all!lol Go God. A bit of "Jehovah Sneaky".lol I have been a Christian since 1988 and I know that He loves me and is my Daddy. There are still many days however that it is hard for me to receive this kind of love and acception. Thanks for the reminder.:o)
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