One thing that was not needed- icebreakers...
From the time women started arriving there was a dull (and sometimes not so dull) roar coming from the conference room.
We laughed, we cried...we worshipped.
And I cannot thank God the I was able to spend this weekend
with amazing women from over 46 churches!!

This is the TEAM that made this all come together and go so smoothly.
Click on pictures to enlarge

If you would like a copy of one of the pictures, email me and I will send you an invite to my Snapfish acct and you can order whatever you like.
More pics HERE.Our next event is a Praise and Coffee Night at the Plainwell Coffee Mill.
April 23rd at 7 PM
I'll be talking about.."What to do when everything changes."
Wow, that looks incredible!
I haven't stopped by in so long so I can see I have missed A LOT!
I wished I lived closer so that I could attend some of these events!
(Lattes and Lollipops)
Wow, has that conference all stemmed from a blog community? That's amazing and awesome!
I so want to join the next weekend getaway...looks like an awesome time in the Lord.
I would love a copy of the group photo that you have is that on your snapfish acct?
I am so glad you had a great time!!!
Looks like ya'll had so much fun. What a praise! I am sure a lot of work went into the event and it looks like God blessed.
I have given you an award… Stop by and pick it up.
So great to see that your weekend was such a success. I wish that I lived closer that i could join you ladies.
Holy Smokes Girl, it looks like it was an incredible weekend!!! What an amazing testimony to His grace to have women from 46 churches there...Go God!!!
You're rockin it for Him...what a beautiful thing that is!
Looks great!! I wished you lived closer so I could participate ;)
I would have loved it if you all could have come!!!!
The pictures are great. Its fun to see old friends.
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