Hello March!
I'm so excited for spring to come after our long Michigan winter!!
This month I am going to do things a little different...
I am giving away the book by John Piper, "Pierced by the Word"
It's an awesome book with 31 meditations that will bless your heart and soul!

And for the first time, I'll be giving away "Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
You're going to love it!
ALSO, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!

~> To enter the drawing, just post a comment to THIS post telling me one goal that you have in your life right now!~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you, or stop back on the 10th to see if you've won to claim your gifts.
~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice.
I have a goal to restart my exercise program now that my broken feet are somewhat healed. I am excited about it!!
Oh, I have a button too!! :0)
hmmm my biggest goal right now is practicing listening to God and following the promptings of the Holy Spirit...it is so easy to throw a bit of Mel in there!!!
Also I have a button
My goal is to start eating healthy and excercising.
For me I have to "eat and elephant, one bite at a time."
So I want to be on my bicycle a couple of nights a week.
I can't wait for warm weather to start walking again.
Love ya!
Oh I'm so glad you got your coffee packaged!! That is so excited!! Count me in, and I also have a button on my blog. Piper and good coffee...I can't think of a much better combination!
My current goal is a joint endeavor with my husband of slowly adjusting our finances so I can stay home with the kids.
What a wonderful give-away! One goal in my life right now is to choose to trust God over fear of what I "imagine" might happen. (This week we're about to walk into a situation that the enemy has tried to tie me up over - but PTL - the Lord is releasing me from fear one opportunity at a time and His name will be glorified!)
hi; first time at your blog; sounds like a great giveaway!
one goal in my life right now is to try to reduce our debt a bit and live more frugally.
My goal for this year is to grow closer to the Lord through praise and prayer.
Hello. My newest goal is to spend every wed. night with my husband, as "our" night to pray together, bible study together, read together, to strengthen our relationship, and our relationship with God.
My goal is to "pray more and pray harder" for all those people in my life who need encouragement through these difficult economic and personal (illness related) times.
My one goal...well there are three...to eat more healthy, exercise and hopefully lose some pounds! Happy 1st day of March!!! Am a Michigander too and saw 2 robins yesterday!! Also all the snow has melted away...
I have a goal to read the bible more. AND I have your button!
I want to memorize scripture. I've been working at it 1 verse a week with my kids, but I want to up it to 1 verse for me and one with the kids.
I have a button.
My goal is to finish reading the Old Testament by September of this year. I read the New Testament last year. Reading God's Word has made me want to read more, learn more and get to know Him more.
My goal is to read the entire Bible this year. I got a daily Bible for christmas and so far I have been reading it everyday.
I also have your button on my blog.
Thank you! I can smell the coffee right now, from here!
Hey, girl! My goal is to lose some weight...and to memorize Psalm 30...and I have a few more, but I don't think you have enough room for me to write them all!
I will put your give away button my blog.
My goal is to be more consistent in my Bible study. I am in Beth Moore and loving it. I agree I am ready for our Michigan winter to be over.
I will add your button to my blog.
My work goal is to get this property profitable.
My personal goal is to spend more leisure time with my co-worker (hubby).
Hi Sue -
My goal is to regain my writing momentum.
Please enter me in the March giveaway. Thanks.
susanjreinhardt at gmail dot com
Wow COFFEE! I love the smell of coffee and sometimes even the taste of it. :) Trying not to get hooked!
A goal...well, I am trying to drink 3 quarts of water a day.
Your button is on my blog. :)
My goal for the month of March is to get my dishes washed and put away so my counters are clear each night. But I'm not off to a good start. 1st night and it's not done! lol.
And I have your button on my blog!
The Lord has been leading me to this goal, I thought those kind of people were a little crazy as little as 6 months back, but now I am one. I am taking control of my health and body with the help of a naturopath, better foods and strength in Jesus. So my goal that is leading me to this is to move out of depression and regain my energy, which is much needed with 4 kids under 7. I've been wanting to read more of Piper - great give away!
and I have a button, so enter me again!
My goal is to be more faithful in my daily walk with God.
What a fun giveaway - I am excited - I didn't know Piper had that book out and we are BIG fans over here! My goal - LISTENING to God and working where He is. That is hard for me - but I am trying to be diligent!
AND - I have your button!!! :)
My goal right now is losing the other 28 lbs of my 38 lbs weight loss goal.
Please enter me in the contest - the book sounds great..the coffee "smells" wonderful...the cards are beautiful! My goal for March is to know Jesus better, closer and deeper! I have your button on my blog too!!
Hugs from Hudson, Michigan
A goal I have right now? In which area of life? LOL How 'bout...
finishing the prep for Flicka's fifth birthday party on Saturday?
to enjoy my own birthday on Friday! LOL
that March is "clear the clutter" month for me. Tackle one room per week - Ebay, here I come!
to finish a study of the Book of Acts
receiving and reading "Jesus Take The Wheel: Seven Keys to a Transformed Life With God"
Got tons of goals! Pick one! *wink*
Oh, and I have a button as well!
It is so hard to narrow down my goals! But my biggest, due to the recession and the effects it has had on my family, is to continually trust that God has a bigger better plan for my life than I can see.
Oh I love John Piper! I have your button too! Can't wait for this weekend!!! 200 women huh!!! WOW!!!
Spend more time reading God's word. I am very lazy about this.
I have a goal to be a better steward of the time and resources God has given me by spending more time with God and my family and less money at the grocery store. Thanks! swatkins@christian-homeschool.us
My goal right now is to spend as much time with my teenagers as possible...I feel the years slipping away and want to enjoy our time together until they leave.
Alright...here we go...Trying again. :-) Count me in twice...button is on my blog. :-)
I have a goal of memorizing 2 scripture portions a month this year....yes, I've joined Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team. Transforming!
I have a button, too!
I have a goal of starting to exercise again. I use to everyday
until a year and half ago. I can
tell I really need it.
Girl, this month's Praise & Coffee has my namje written ALL over it...coffee, cards, and a John Piper book...what more could a girl ask for! Count me in please!
One Goal in my life right now; is to walk in complete obedience to the call He has on my life. (It's tough at times, but I am confident in Him).
xoxo, Love ya bunches!!!
Oh yeah...I got a button too!!!
My goal is to trust in Him to give me strength and energy, as I take on the challenge of finishing my degree, while working and being mom...
I also have your button!
My current goals are to get ny hisbands cholesterol down, start exercising again & paint my dining room this week! :) Thanks for the generous givaway! ~Sydney
Wow! I should read my posts before I hit publish! :) That's supposed to say "My husband" :)
I have your button on my blog!
Hey Sue,
Thanks again for another great giveaway!
I have a couple of goals. One is to finally lose those last 20 lbs and the second is to become more disciplined with my prayer life and listening to God more.
I also have your button.
Thanks again,
Hi Sue--another fun giveaway! So thanks--and maybe by posting my goals this would help. My number one goal I have NOT acheived this year is to start my diet to loose about 25 pounds. It seems like I never feel motivated to start and I know I have a million excuses but I need to start now! I keep thinking the weather will warm up and I can get outside for walking but it's still so cold out! lame excuse I know--then my other goal would be to be more diligent in reading the word EVERY day! I also have your giveaway button posted on my blog. It's a private blog so if you'd like to read it just email me. Use the button my my profile. Thanks again!
My goal is to try to spoil my husband more. He works so hard so that I can stay home with the kids. Unfortunately, I get so busy focusing on the kids that I don't always make sure he has what he needs. I have made an effort this year to make him a priority.
What a great giveaway - my first time to enter my name!
My goal is to more completely obey the first commandment & to better understand exactly what & how that feels in my life.
I have the Praise & Coffee button on my blog, as well.
Thanks Sue!
My goal is to memorize scripture.
I have your button
Sue, yes, please enter my name twice(your button is on my blog)!
My goal is to tell more about the saving grace of Jesus and memorize more of God's word!
Have a blessed week,
Miriam :)
Well, I have several, which is unusal for me, but I am trying to change as I age. Don't want life to totally slip by me and me miss out on so much. One goal which I've almost accomplished is to lose at least ten pounds, I am close to completing that one. One other one is to memorize the two verses a month with Beth Moore.
Thanks for the give away...oh how books appeal to this book nerd and note cards to this one who loves to send and receive them and to top it off the coffee..wow....He gave me two desires of my heart this week end...wonder if He's going to meet these through you...ha, ha..Blessings sweet Sue, Thanks for the email. I will try and pray for your relative when I pray for mine...Mary Lou you can reach me at dlowran1(at)comcast(dot)net.
Hi Sue
My goal for now is to keep on track with home schooling...it is so easy to skip a little here and a little there....I saw that you are all filled up for the conference....what joy....it will be great...I have a button so I get two chances...have a wonderful day in Jesus
My goal right now is to show others more grace!
My goal is to praise Him in EVERY situation!
P.S. -- I also have a button.
I heard your post on girlfriendology podcast it was great. look forward to your blog posts Bonnie
I have a goal to reach out to other women in my blog at www.whatsnextlord.blogspot.com.
I need to see if I can get a button!! I really would enjoy a gift since I am unemployed now!!
Thank you... josuttle@aol.com
I am committed to helping other women.
I have a baby due the first week of April, so my goal right now is to keep my blood pressure under control so I can have the homebirth I want!
I am memorizing scripture and have an accountability partner that I meet with on Wednesday afternoons.
I also want to be an awesome grandmother - I'm a new "Gran Jan" and I am so blessed already!
You may contact me at my blog or granjanmorton@yahoo.com
Bless you sister!
Georgia Jan
A new goal for me this year was an accountability partner - and so far it has been amazing. We are memorizing scripture and we meet with each other on Wednesday afternoons.
I also have a goal to be an awesome grandmother - I'm a new "Gran Jan" and I am so blessed already!
You may contact me at my blog or granjanmorton@yahoo.com
Bless you sister!
Georgia Jan
My goal is to continue to exercise regularly and not make excuses and to be thankful for the little blessings that I often don't notice.
I am trying to get back on track. I need to lose weight and would love to lose a few pounds before spring. Thanks
My goal is to be healthy....I have lost 40 lbs and I have 190 more lbs to go... so pray!!!
My biggest goal is to be more disciplined in my time with God. I do have your button on my blog!
Howdy! Finally catching up on blogs now that I got everything off the old computer before it burned up on me.
My goal is to start everyday with quiet time. I have always wanted to but thought I couldn't get up an earlier that I already was. I have been faithfully getting up 30 minutes earlier since the beginning of the year and now it doesn't even seem like a big deal. I love it!
I have your button also.
I have a goal of being the most supportive helpmeet to my husband I can be during these challenging times.
My goal is to draw close to the Lord and follow His leading to live healthier spiritually and physically.
Hi Sue, missed the March one, so i am casting my vote for this one, let 's see if i win.
I have a goal to keep my weight in check and keep my blood-pressure down.
Hi Sue:)
My goal right now is to eat healthier and exercise regularly.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I have your button :)
Hi Sue!
My goal is to get better control of our eating habits and (hopefully) lose enough weight to get off some of my medications.
My goal is to rely on God for EVERYTHING! His ways are always better than mine! :)
Grace (a.k.a Amy)
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