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Saturday, November 1, 2008

November Praise and Coffee Giveaway!


November already! Can you believe it???

I have some wonderful treats for you this month!

First your praise:

Your Name is a collection of powerful worship duets from some of today's top singers and songwriters, including Phil Wickham, Lincoln Brewster, Paul Baloche, Leeland Mooring, Aaron Shust, and members of Rush of Fools, Audio Adrenaline, and Building 429.

And your coffee:

Cinnamon Gingerbread! Perfect for November!

And don't forget, Bayview Cards wants to bless you too! You will also receive a beautiful box of their homemade cards!!

To enter the drawing, leave a comment on this post. Make sure there is some way for me to contact you if you win (link to a blog or email). No anonymous enteries- it always surprises me when I get those! The drawing will be on the 10th of November.

If you have my GIVEAWAY button on your blog, let me know (please don't assume that I will remember- somedays I can't remember my own kid's names!) and you will be entered TWICE!!!!

One more thing, a bit of encouragement from the Message Bible:

Romans 12:11-13

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Much love!


Kim said...

Ok Sue, am I eligible? Because I think that cd sounds awesome! Count me in!

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

As always, you are very generous! What a great giveaway this month. (I have your button on my blog)


Praise and Coffee said...

Of course Kim! I was even going to write that I was hoping my local friends would enter too!

Rhonda said...

Oh, you're right. I can't believe it's November either. And this weekend the clocks turn back.

Thank you for doing this. And I do have your button on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Please enter my name!You are so kind.
Praying for this election,
Miriam :)

Joan said...

What a nice giveaway. I also put the button on my blog. Your blog is a great encouragement to women. Thanks again.


LadySnow said...

I keep trying every time with no luck...but maybe this is the month. :D Oh...and I have the button on my blog. :)

Mary said...

I agree, the CD sounds awesome. I tried to put your button on my blog, but haven't figure out how yet. I'm still new in the blogging world. Love your encouraging posts.

Praise and Coffee said...

Mary, and anyone else interested...
First highlight and copy the code in my sidebar box that you want to add to your blog.
Then go to your dashboard and click on "layout"
Then click on "add a gadget" and it will open a new window.
Scroll down to HTML/java script and click on it.
Paste the code you already copied into the "content" and click "save.:

Then you can move it up and down to the place you want it in your sidebar by clicking and holding down then dragging it up or down.

Hope that helps!

Michelle said...

What a blessing someone will receive this Nov. Thanks for the opportunity. Happy November to you!

Holly said...

Hi Sue! I have missed signing up for these...I think the cookbook took a good bit of my memory power. So yay for signing up! Of course, I will add your button to my blog.

Praying for you today,

Mary said...

Thanks for the instructions Sue to add a gadget. I just didn't know which gadget to choose. Got it done!

Laura L. said...

Hello! Thank you for the wonderful encouragement that your blog provides.
I would love to enter this giveaway!
I will add your giveaway button to my blog as well.
Thank you.

Quiltingranny said...

Toss my name into the hat or computer and yes, I do have a link on my blog to yours. How else could I follow your awesome words?

Lalycairn said...

November already. Wow. Seems like it was just the beginning of September. The praise cd sounds awesome and how did you know cinnamon and gingerbread are two of my favorite flavors for coffee?

(Starbucks will mix their cinnamon dolce and gingerbread syrups for a fabulous lattte treat during the fall season.) :)

Lalycairn (at)

Sherri said...

Wow what a treat! I love the message bible too!

Cathy said...

Please sign me up, friend. Those are great gifts, thanks.

Tim said...

Count me in. I love music.

Jessi said...

Ooo...pick me, pick me (pleeease!!)!!

And I've added your button to my sidebar!

Alicia said...

Great giveaway!

Alicia said...

And I have your button!

Desiree' said...

Oh, that sounds yummy! Count me in!!

Julie said...

I'd love to be added to the giveaway, Sue.

SunnySusan said...

Wow Sue

Now could I possibly win back to back giveaways.....

You are the best...hugs 8-)

SunnySusan said...

Oops...yes, I do have your button on my blog too...

day by day said...

I would love to be in the drawing!

And did I just read that this was the week-end that the clocks go back? If it is...I had no glad I read through your comments. My Sunday School class that I teach will also be happy I read your comments. lol!

Praise and Coffee said...

Yes it is Michelle! Nothing like walking in an hour late huh?!

beckyjomama said...

Sign me UP - and twice, cause I got your button:) Oh, yes I do!!!

Living Life in the Full said...

Ok, I've never entered before
so count me in. I do have your botton on my blog.
God Bless,

Christy said...

Please enter me for this give away!

I will also add the button to my blog.

Have a wonderful weekend!

mariel said...

sue, this looks like a GREAT giveaway! Count me in...also, i am going to try AGAIN to enter your button on my sidebar! :)

mariel said...

Yeah! I finally got your button on my page! I really think it was just user error! heehee!!

Toknowhim said...

Enter my name please... Blessings

Susan Skitt said...

I suppose you can enter me twice if you'd like since I have your lovely button on my blog :) What fun!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am going to pass on the give away. I did want to stop by and catch up on your blog. I'm glad you had a chance to visit with your son. I'm not ready to even begin to think about having to visit with my dd being away at college. However, I do have time to think about putting up some Christmas decorations. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great draw... count me in! The coffee sounds yummy.
Thanks for the scripture, it was perfect for me today.

penguinsandladybugs said...

The coffee sounds absolutely nummy!! Please enter me, and twice (I got your button on my blog). I found your blog from a button many months ago...wish I could remember who :-)

Karin said...

Count me in. Thank you!

MJ said...

VERY cool! I am also adding your button! :)

amywaddell said...

Hey Sue,
I have your button on my site. Hopefully I'll win. I also love your button I vote Life, added to my site as well.
Keep up the good work.

Sande said...

Learning by trial and error.

Janet Benlien Reeves said...

Thank you, Sue! I really appreciate your site--it was fun to see you at the internet cafe.

Margie said...

Please enter me in the contest.

This is the time for new flavors of coffee.

Yes, I will consider how to be inventive in hospitality!


Shari said...

I come to your blog and find so much inspiration. Keep up the great work!

Karen Hossink said...

Oh, please enter me!

"Be inventive in hospitality." What a great thought!

Just Mom said...

I'm back, entering again.

Your giveaway button is on my blog.

happyhome said...

Love your giveaways Sue - two of my favorite things. Thanks for the entry and YES, I do have your button on my blog.

See you on FB!

Anonymous said...

Just found Praise & Coffee - Luv it! Count me in on the give away! PTL!

Peggy said...

Wonderful Nov. contest,all thoese neat goodies and a lovely coffee. I have been meaning to try. Count me in

Katy said...

I would love love love to win!!! Thank you so much for the chance!!! :)

thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

Linda said...

A great giveaway as always!! Thank you Sue :)
I have your button on my blog.

Jennifer said...

As I request every month . . . please count me in for some praise & coffee. Thanks, as always, for the chance!

KimAmburn said...

Is it too late to comment? I just found your blog through The Planting of the Lord blog and I'm loving reading through your old posts. The CD sounds great!

IRW Dana said...

You do know how to tempt us with all of these wonderful treats for the senses. It's very much fall here in Iowa and the thought of a good cup of coffee, wonderful music in the back ground, the beautiful colors of fall out the window and the Lord prompting you to write a note to a dear friend on such wonderful cards. Who could resist a giveaway like that???

L Harris said...

Hi! Thanks for this great monthly give away. The cd sounds wonderful. (and I have your button on my blog.)

Denise said...

Bless your dear heart for having a give away.

bookworm said...

Oh how nice! The coffee sound wonderful and the CD is sure to be a hit!

Dimple Queen said...

I must have scrolled right over this post the other day! What's up with that??

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Lovely blog. The coffee sounds delish. Thanks for the chance.

Sherrylinn said...

Oh, this sounds like a wonderful set! I've added your giveaway button to my blog as well. God Bless!

Mikki said...

I'm a total newbie to your blog! I love it!! And of course I love a good giveaway.. especially when it's coffee!

Can't wait to come back and visit!

Debbie Petras said...

I just added your button to my blog. The CD sounds great and the coffee ... I LOVE coffee!

windycindy said...

You sponsor such wonderful giveaway prize packages! The CD is fantastic and the coffee and its' flavor are perfect. Please enter my name in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Kerri said...

Putting your link on my blog site
I love your blog name, too! Goes perfect with mine!!!! Kerri in Spokane

Anonymous said...

I've decided to come out of lurkdome to have you add my name to the drawing if it isn't too late. Thanks so much. I've appreciated reading your blog.

Julie G.

Marlene said...

Thank you for your blog. I appreciate your voice, especially your comments on luck. I am looking into starting a praise and coffee here in IL. I'll let you know when we do. Please put my name in your drawing. I did just add your button to my blog.
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I love your site! You are very encouraging, Thank You! I added your button to my blog, I linked yesterday's article for all to read and I also borrowed your coffee bean background, if that's okay! :) Thanks for your generous giveaways! ~Sydney

Staci said...

The cd sounds great! And who doesn't love coffee?? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What a giveaway......And in a month of Thanksgiving. May we all remember to give thanks and praise~

nickmal said...

just love your blog, so thank you.

jen said...

Thanks for the giveaway contest! Coffee and praise music is such a great combo- and the perfect atmosphere for writing letters!

Heather said...

Count me in, and I have your button on on my blog!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I just discovered this site! I posted the button on my sidebar at Another Road to Ramble. Sounds like a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I also have your button on my sidebar!

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