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Thursday, November 1, 2007

November Praise and Coffee Giveaway!

I had so much fun last time, I'm doing it again!
This time it's a
DOUBLE CD set of Christmas Worship
Godiva Coffee!
(Note, I will send cocoa if you are a non-coffee drinker!)

Here are the rules:
1. Post a comment to THIS post, including
a note about something that you are THANKFUL for!

2. Make sure there is a link to your blog or email
so I can contact you if you win

3. One entry per person please!
4. Feel free to advertise on your blog if you like!

EDITED November 15...contest closed!


Momma Roar said...

I'm thankful for my husband and children....and for the opportunity to maybe win some great music!

Zaankali said...

Wow I am the first! I am thankful for so many things. Today I am thankful that I have 4 healthy kids with the cold and flu season in full swing.

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Another giveaway!! Pick me! Pick me! :)


Char said...

I am thankful that God hasn't left my side, even though I tried running away from Him so often. He has saved me, by His grace alone, and I am beyond grateful! I am thankful that there is NOTHING I could do to save myself - that salvation is His gift to me. And you! c",)

Cyndi said...

Today I am most thankful for God sending me and my Dad to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Philadelphia. I think through all the prayer for him and this staff my DAD finally sees HOPE in his fight against caner! I am THANKFUL!!!

Shelley said...

I am thankful for all the trial that our family has seen over this last year. It has all drawn us closer to our Heavenly Father! I am also thankful that we are getting settled in our new home, my childhood home, and life is starting to get back to normal!
In HIS Mighty Grip

Growing Believer said...

I am thankful for the AMAZING husband the Lord has given me and the GREAT church family we have found in our journey to come closer to the Lord. He has blessed me with more than I could ever count!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that God loves me despite me, & that He loves me enough to continue working in my life & revealing Himself as I grow in my walk with Him. :)

concerned parent said...

I am thankful for grace that not always deserved! I am thankful thank for a God of second chances and a life blessed by his hand. For healing in Brooke and that he sends just the right people when we truly need them.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
O LORD of hosts,How blessed is the man who trusts in You!
Bless you,

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the faithfulness of the Lord as He daily is leading and changing things in our home for His glory!

Sweet idea to share again with all of us the chance to be blessed. Thanks Sue!

Ashley said...

Today I am most thankful for a God who NEVER changes!!

oooo, pick me, pick me!! :)

Linette said...

I'm so thankful for good health! Even though my recent health scare was so hard, I'm glad it happened because it brought all of us closer to God. I'm so very thankful for my husband and daughter. They mean everything to me. :)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'm thankful for God, my family, and my fiance. :)

Alana said...

I have so much to be thankful for, but right now I am thankful that they are having pajama day at preschool so I can let my little guy sleep in, snatch him up in his jammies and go ;-)

Tracy said...

I'm thankful for my family, especially my husband, who shows me a glimpse of my heavenly Father's love each day.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Sign me up buttercup!!! I am so excited about how God is using your ministry to touch so many people's lives...

Oh...I guess that would be what I am thankful for...your ministry, your friendship, and the fact that God is blessing so many people through you.

Thanks Friend, Melissa

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

What an awesome giveaway!

I am so thankful for my family and our health!

Midlife Mom said...

Hi Suem thanks for stopping by the other day. Come by again anytime to the ole' farm, I love to have visitors!

I have so many things to be thankful for there isn't room to write them all! I had a very bad fall off one of my horses 5 weeks ago and in reality shouldn't even be here or should at least have a broken neck from the way I landed. God spared me from all of this and I am healing very well from the injuries that I did sustain. ONLY by the grace of God did I come out of this whole!!!! ONLY!!!! This is just one of MANY things that I am praising God for and am so thankful! (

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!
Today I'm thankful for my husband, who, when the kitchen sink pipe broke last night he went immediately to Lowe's to get the part he needed and then came home and promptly fixed it. Gotta love that!
Thanks for being so generous!
God bless :)

Heather C said...

I'm thankful for a God who is so at work in my life I can't even count the ways. I'm thankful that He has brought me through difficult stuff... so that I would recognize just how powerful and sovereign He is. What a mighty God!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

You are SO sweet to be hosting this giveaway!

Praying that God blessing you in amazing ways today!!!

Living Beyond said...

Today I am extremely thankful for the grace of God in my life. It's been a tough week this week in ministry and I have done a lot of complaining (inside my head lol) but I am thankful for where He has me, that He has a plan for me and that He will perfect that which concerns me!

I'm also thankful that I have a chance at getting this blog candy lol thank you!!

Susan said...

I am thankful for the family, friends that He has given to me. They are all truly blessings.

Susan said...

I am thankful my Prodigal is saved and returned!!!

Annie said...

I'm thankful for God's promises!

Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

Kathy Herman said...

I am thankful for so many things.....first and foremost I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who healed me of breast cancer.... my husband who is my everything and my wonderful Mom who is my best friend. I would say I am totally blessed and for that I am THANKFUL!

I love your blog! I found out about it on Mel's world and now it is one of my favorites!

Karen Hossink said...

On a superficial level, I am thankful you will send me cocoa istead of coffee if I win this giveaway. :)
But the thing for which I am most thankful today is God's goodness in all things. He gives hope when there seems to be no room for hope. He uses our hard times for our good. He redeems us and makes all things new. I am so thankful for Him!!!

Susan Skitt said...

Thankful for eternal life through Jesus Christ... forever thankful.

Thank you for hosting another nice contest, Sue. You are very gracious :)

Dionna said...

Sue - Did you make that note about cocoa just for me?? :) HA HA
I'm thankful for my new writing job.:) And I'm thankful for my husband and children. And my health. And my house.

Praise and Coffee said...

Yup! But now if you win, it will look rigged! LOL

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Thankful? What am I NOT thankful for? Let's see.....I'm thankful for the fact that tomorrow night is a date night with my hubby. Quality time with him is so important to me. Can't wait!!!!


PS- If I'm chosen, I'd prefer cocoa....:-)

Unknown said...



Praise and Coffee said...

Well Gina, I think you should email me your address because I have to at least send you a Christmas card now!!!


SunnySusan said...

I am so very thankful that He is faithful even when I am not....

I love me some coffee and the CD would just be the cream, thanks

Roo said...

hello my friend. thanks for your comment on my blog. shilohs appointment this week got cancelled. but i am taking her in for more tests this comng tuesday. thank you for praying! :)

i am thankful for the smell of fresh pumpkin muffins that is coming from my kitchen! as i type this! coming over? :)

hephzibah62 at yahoo dot com

Praise and Coffee said...

Oh Ruth, I'll be right over!

Kimmie said...

Hi Sue..

Honestly worship is just what we need in this adoption wait ;-)

I am SO thankful for godly encouragement as we await for our child/children to come home through this adoption to Guatemala. I am amazed at the love, encouragment and support I have found through blogging friends.

God is good!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Sharon Brumfield said...

Well I am certainly thankful that God created coffee but that is a simple one.:)
I am thankful that when He decides it is your time to walk through the fire--He goes with you.
And I am out and there is no smell of smoke on me--just the ropes He burned free.

Tamara said...

So ready for some music! :) I am thankful for the opportunity to host a Japanese exchange student for two nights at our home and the opportunity to ask him about God. (even though he spoke LITTLE english). I am also thankful for my awesome husband who picks up where I leave off...

Tammy said...

Oh, please enter me! :)
I'm thankful for my family, our health, and a place to call home! :)

Just Mom said...

I am thankful for all that God has given me, including my family, my friends and this beautiful world.

Enter me, please. :-D

LadySnow said...

I know I probably don't have a chance, but you never know. :D I am so thankful for many things. First and foremost I am thankful for the Lord opening my eyes as a teenager and saving my soul. Bless his Holy Name!

Sheri said...

I am thankful for the blogger friends I've met, and especially godly women like Sue who so freely share their faith with others. Thank you -- you've been an inspiration to me!

~~Deby said...

So thankful for my salvation...see my blog Sept 30th post...thankful for family, my church, my pastor..and just the grace of GOD..
Great giveaway..btw

debsblog at gmail dot com

Cathy said...

I am thankful for my Jesus, who is always with me, and for my blogging friends and all the beautiful, inspirational things that we can share. And family and friends of course. It is sweet of you to have another giveaway.

A Captured Reflection said...

Oh could I join in too? I am thankful that God is so with us during the storms. He is calmly there in the boat right with us. I'm having a giveaway too, if you are interested.

Elizabeth Sue said...

Hello I am thankful for the Lord's Grace and Mercy, as well as my loving and healthy family. (not to mention being healthy myself) I could go on all day.....Would you please enter me? You can click on my name above and it will take you to my blog. There is also a link on it to e-mail me. Great contest & thank you for entering me.

Tamatha said... make me want to do a give away on my

Right now I am thankful for you and your kind and compassionate heart.:o)

Dakota said...

Hi Sue,

I am new at this! I always visit MonkeyGiggles-she's such an inspiration! But yesterday when I visited her blog, she was singing your praises! So we are visiting you today and now I get to share what I am thankful for--which I love to share w/anyone who is interested because I am so grateful each day! I am thankful for my husband, who is a caring and dedicated man and daddy. I am thankful for our little boy, who teaches me something new everyday! I am thankful that I can be a stay-at-home mom, so I share his life with him everyday and teach him all the things that are a part of being a family, and I am thankful for monkey giggles and others like her who always find the good in life and find ways to always make it fun!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i am thankful for two parents that loved me tough and loved me gentle. as i'm watching them struggle in parenting a sibling i realize the love they have for me even more and i am moved by their prayerful perserverance.

i would LOVE this CD...holy cow, you have NO IDEA!! please, please pick me.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely thankful for His grace!!!

Melissa in Mel's World said...


Just wanted to take a minute to invite the Praise & Coffee friends to get in on another Give Away going on NOW until 11/12 at Mel's World...

We ARE ready to bless their socks off!!!! Go God!!!

I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such a great group of chick bloggers!


Andrea said...

I am thankful that I have a job I look forward to going to each day! It certainly makes it easier to be away from the family when you enjoy what you are doing and where you are working!

Of course, I am thankful for my loving (but sometimes - testing) husband and two healthy children!

Oh, I'm so glad you said you'd send cocoa in place of the coffee - I just haven't grown up yet...maybe some day!

Mandalyn said...

I am thankful for grace! The Lord is good!

Thanks for the give-away!!

Pam said...

I am thankful for three healthy children and the hope that one day we will add a fourth via adoption . . . all in God's timing.

This is a fabulous giveaway, Sue. Thanks for hosting!

holy chaos said...

I am very thankful to be a mom to my 6 great kids!

Holly said...

I am thankful for a gift I received today :) Also, I'm thankful to have another chance to win!

Lisa H said...

I found your blog through Just Mom's blog. I'd love to be entered in the drawing!

I am thankful for my family and friends. Also for a loving and patient God who always shows me exactly what I need when I open up my Bible!

Jenny said...

I'm thankful for small victories on this journey of life. And, I'm glad that God is pleased with our small victories.
Great giveaway-I hope I win!

Unknown said...

I'm serious about this one. I am thankful for toilet paper. I can't imagine life without it. But, I'm most thankful that the cost of it has not gone up like gasoline or postage stamps.
Pick me for being practical!!!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I am thankful for uneventful days...there just aren't enough of them! ;)


Felicia said...

I am thankful for being debt free! It is a wonderful place to be.

Thanks for hosting such a yummy contest!

UB SoCal said...

When I decided to enter, I was amazed that there are 62 people ahead of me that have already posted about the awesome things that God has done in their lives. made me think of how thankful I am that there are so many wonderful Christians in this world that recognize God's blessings and give Him the praise and glory that He deserves!

Stephanie said...

Well I am thankful for coffee! I love it. Unfortunately my husband has told me I can not longer visit the local coffee drive up so frequently. So I don't believe I actually had any today. I guess i could make it at home but its so good when its handed to you nice and hot and already made.

So yup I am thankful for coffee... and my little 4 year old red head who keeps me on my toes.

sharon brobst said...

I am thankful for a God that so tenderly and patiently keeps His hand to the wheel as this piece of clay so often makes molding difficult. God Thank you that you love me so much and you're willing to continue working in my heart and spirit!

Fran said...

Oh yes! I'm all over this...a couple of my favorite things that I'm grateful for....good coffee and some awesome Christmas music.

And...a million other things and people and our Jesus!!


Beckyb said...

What a great giveaway - yep, this is me to a "T" coffee and music - the best things in life!!! :) I am thankful for other wonderful bloggers that encourage me spiritually - what a blessing!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Sue, I am so thankful for a healthy house right now!

Count me in for some hot chocolate!

Susan said...

I'm just so thankful for this awesome give away!

You are so generous!

There would not be enough space on this page to share all the things I'm grateful for.

So, for now, I'll just thank God all the new friends I'm making here in blogland.

I've been journaling on Caringbridge for years, and it's so refreshing to come over here and meet so many awesome moms.

Blessings to you!


Amrita said...

Hi Sue, lovely music that is, please sign me up.

I am thankful for the gift of Jeusus ...Emmanuel, God gave us at Christmas

Sonya said...

This is very cool! I love giveaways so much because I meet so many interesting people! So much fun!

I am so thankful for the God of Heaven, who loves me in spite of my sin, and Who continues to guide my path toward being more Christ-like. Without that, I would have nothing. It helps me to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend, and a better Christian.

Michelle (wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman) said...

I am thankful for peace in the midst of storms of this life. Thankful that God is in the business of second chances. And thankful that He turns us to others who are living as His hands and feet (and fingers through those typing in blogland)...people like you, Sue, and your blogging friends!

Jennifer said...

Count me in! Thanks for the chance to win! Good luck everyone!

I have so much to be thankful for, but I am most thankful for my friends & family.

Karen said...

Hi! I am thankful that my special needs son is enjoying basketball. He doesn't really understand what is going on, but he is excited to keep trying, and the coaches are being patient with him! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Praise and Coffee said...

Oh Karen, how cool!

Sassyfrazz said...

This would be wonderful! I love music (Christmas especially, and Coffee) WOo-HOo~~

I am so thankful for Jesus taking my sin, dying for me, and giving me life through his resurrection.

I am so thankful for my husband, my children, and family & friends!

Thanks for this great give away!

God Bless you~
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Katrina said...

I am so thankful for my salvation and the salvation of my family.

I am blessed to have three beautiful children and an amazing husband. God is so good


daisy said...

Oh, I'm thankful for getting to spend the day with some of my girls. I'm thankful that even though I make mistakes as a parent, my kids are gracious enough to forgive me and love me anyway! And I'm grateful for blogging, where I meet great people like you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so mcuh for the chance to win. What a wonderful prize!

I'm thankful that it was God'a plan for us to have 5 kids (I was hoping to stop at 3). His ideas are always the best!!!


Jill said...

I am thankful for wonderful blogs such as yours that encourages me to be everything that God has called me to be.

Thanks for the fun giveaway Sue!

Praise and Coffee said...

I could listen to thankful hearts all day long! Thanks ladies!

gail@more than a song said...

I'm grateful for God's love and forgiveness, for family and health!
Really nice give away, how fun!

Lori said...

I am thankful for my husband, children, extended family, God providing for our every need, our home, our health, our friends.
The list could go on and on.

Wendy said...

I am thankful for God teaching me that all children are blessings from Him. This year I know it better because He blessed me with another new little one. What a year! You can see them for yourself at:

Joyce said...

I am thankful for a camp at Rives Juntion, Michigan called Youth Haven that works with at risk children in Michigan. Also, I am thankful for God saving my life 2 different times in the past 3 years. Please enter my name in your give away. I love Christmas music.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Hey Sue~

I am thankful for a husband who works very hard to provide for his family so I can stay home to raise our daughter.

I don't thank him enough for this privilege and opportunity.


Denise said...

I am thankful for my family (husband & 4 kids). They mean the world to me!! Giveaways are great :)

Jessica said...

I am so very thankful for God bringing my brother safely home from Iraq this past weekend! I am also thankful for my husband and 5 month old daughter who has brought so much joy to my life.

Queen of My Domain said...

What a great reminder for us that we have so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful that I know the Lord and that he accepts me as I am (warts and all) and that he is a forgiving God. I am so thankful for my family which he has blessed me with. And tons more things as well but I think I've used enough of your space up.

Katie said...

I am thankful for my Friend who loves me at all times. I am truly amazed that He would choose me.

GiBee said...

I am thankful for the health of my child!

Beth K. Vogt said...

I am thankful for how music draws me closer to God.

Looking forward to visiting your blog again and again!

Valkyrie said...

I have just discovered these blog-giveaways. This is so neat! I try to pick up one (and only one) Christmas music cd each season, but the finincaial pinch has been on, so I haven't gotten one for a couple of years. This would be so fun! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my candle give away and sharing with me...I do like give aways...this week's THANKFUL item IS Give Aways!

I will be posting and I do hope i win!!! I also am thankful for GOOD coffee!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I'm new here, visiting via CoachJ's blog, who linked to you and this wonderful giveaway :)

I'm thankful every day for my husband and our families. And I'm so thankful to live in a country where I can visit a doctor, drive where I want, and vote to elect our leaders. All wonderful things :)

Have a great day!

Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon Sue,
I am here by way of Heather, from Heather's Brain. I would like for you to throw my name in the pot for the Christmas CD's and coffee. I love coffee. I am new to the blogworld. I started in September, but only got going last month. I always love to make new friends. I have my own site called Karen's Korner. My email address is: Thanks for letting me stop by. Have a good Thursday and God Bless You.

Karen H.

Karen H. said...

Hey Sue,
It's me again, Karen. I forgot to post that I am Thankful for my wonderful Husand and my 2 girls. Also I am thankful that we live in a free country and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Thanks again,
Karen H.

Praise and Coffee said...

Thank you Coach J!

Praise and Coffee said...

And everyone else that has linked!!!

Carole Burant said...

Hi Sue:-) I'm here via Karen's blog...please enter my name in your draw!! I am thankful that I am no longer agoraphobic and that I can go out and travel again:-) xo

Brandi said...

I rushed right over here from Heather's Brain. My husband loves coffee, so I hope I win it for him!!
I am extremely thankful that God has provided my family with a wonderful church home in AZ. We moved here from Memphis a year ago. He has also blessed me with a great new friend for which I am very thankful.

Susan said...

I am thankful for everything...the good, the bad and the ugly! Love the fall and made a comment while driving in the car with my kids on how beautiful all the trees are with the changing leaves and colors and I wondered why God didn't just make them colorful like this all year round. My son's response...if God made the trees colorful all year round you would appreciate it or notice it! God is so good to me...blessing me daily!!

Jenileigh said...

What a sweet giveaway! Two of my very favorite things, Christmas music and coffee!

I am thankful salvation, for my husband, my girls and the call from God to homeschool them.

I am here via Karen at Irritable Mother's blog. Thanks!

Heather K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

this very moment what i am thankful for is that my beautiful God rescued me from the domain of darkness and tranferred me into the kingdom of his beloved son...i read in the newspapers this a.m. about a 22-year-old who was drunk (wasn't the first time--he had been convicted of possession of drugs before that) and he ran a red light and killed a mommy and daddy of an 8-year-old and a 5-year-old. The couple was 29 and 30 years old. These two precious kids' biological father was killed about 5 years ago and their mommy had remarried...I say all that to say...but by the grace of God, there goes I...I was headed in a path of drugs and drinking to fill my empty brother never made it out of that and he died...I did make it out by God's grace and the most amazing thing is this---by God's Presence and Power I have been able to raise 4 awesome children who walk with God and love Him...that's new for the generations I have come from...praise God! Thank you for redeeming my soul! Making me whole! And please God please be with those two precious children today who once again have lost significantly losing their mommy and daddy. But You are right there with them---may they know it and find you in this life! I just had to write this Sue---

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a Savior who loved me when I was loveable.

I am thankful for a good Godly man for my husband. And for God putting us together and allowing me to be his help meet.

I am thankful for my seven children. They are a blessing as well as testing my patience.

Rachel Marie said...

I am thankful for soft baby cheeks to kiss everyday!

Sheila said...

"In everything give thanks."
Today I am thankful for the time that I get to spend with my family and friends. I am ever thankful for their love and support.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a God whose love is never changing, even though there are multiple changes around me. I am thankful for my husband of 20 years, and for the 6 great girls God has blessed us with.

Melissa Markham said...

I am thankful that my husband has a new job after being out of work for six months.

And I am thankful for people having contests - contests have been a great blessing to me in recent months, particularly!

Betsy said...

I am thankful for the Lord, family, and a chance to win your contest!

Maude Lynn said...

I'm thankful for my morning quiet time, particularly with a good cup of coffee!

Rebecca said...

I am ever so thankful that the Lord protected my children and I this past week as we were shopping in Walmart when a man began harrassing us and eventually was (praise the Lord) hauled off by the police!

My blog link should appear, but I will also leave you my email. JUST in case. ;-)

Thank you for the opportunity!

windycindy said...

Hi! Where does someone who as fortunate as I am ( no, I am not a millionaire ) begin?! I have so much in this part of my life to be grateful and thankful for. A wonderful husband, two great teenage sons and we both have great supporting families. We have food to eat, a roof over our head and super neighbors. Almost makes me feel guilty! Please enter me in your contest.....Cindi

Hedi said...

What a giveaway! Is it inernationally open? Anyway, I am thankful of myn dear family, our home and dearest friend and all the blessing I have recieved from the Lord!

Terri said...

I am thankful for a warm home, clothes on our backs, food in our bellies and a husband who works hard for us. I'm thankful for boys who are stinky because that means they are being boys and having fun!

Heather K said...

Hi Sue...I'm thankful for so many things...His mercy..faithfulness..
for my family of girls and husband..
I would love to win your lovely give away..trying to make Christmas a wonderful happy time for our family. And so far I think we're doing okay....thanks for doing the giveaway..they're so fun!
Heather K

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

This is an awesome little package... music and coffee - what could be better!?

I am so thankful for not having strep throat with my kiddos and my mom-in-love right now. I'm thankful that my in-laws are here to help with 'life' after my hysterectomy in October. And I'm thankful that my sweetie and I will have some time to spend away this week on a pastor's couples retreat.

I'm thankful Karen directed me over this way. Nice to 'meet' you!

Praise and Coffee said...

Nice to meet you too Sweet Mummy!!
And all the new faces! I hope to "see" you again!

Dawn said...

I am thankful that you stopped by my blog today and that I have "met" you for the first time. I'd love to have a new Christmas CD and would LOVE some Godiva hot chocolate - Godiva chocolate is probably my most favorite bad habit.

There's a lot of competition, but somebody has to win, right??

Dale said...

I am thankful to know a God who is a waymaker and an opener of doors. He has radically altered my existence!

Jill V. said...

Hi Sue!! Hope all is well:-) I am thankful that, in this economy and season of the year, my husband has still been able to work (he stripes the roads) and not just a little....almost as much as in the summer! I miss him, but I am totally grateful!

missy said...

I am thankful that God is still working on me even when I don't feel like working on myself! :)

Praise and Coffee said...

Hi Jill! Good to hear from you!

Praise God that he working, that's a real testimony here in Michigan!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Allison said...

I am so thankful that I'll never be the same again, thanks to our Father's sweet grace. I am thankful for that grace in my relationship with Him, in my recent marriage with my best friend, and in my classroom as I see 150 kids each day! God's grace changes our days.... That makes me thankful.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for stumbling upon your blog as I was browsing through the Faith Lifts blogroll. My family lives in Wayland and Plainwell area. I am very familiar with Allegan! Every summer my sister-in-law and I love to go to the antique fair. We have the best time! Now, I'm in Australia...I married a wonderful Australian man. We have been married 8 months and are looking forward to celebrating our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together. I'd be so happy if you would visit my blog. I'd sure love to win some Christmas music and some Godiva coffee! Wowee! I will be in Michigan the end of November beginning of I have an American address! Please enter me. Happy Thanksgiving!

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