I'm a Northern girl, so this is going to be very strange for me to be enjoying such warm weather on Thanksgiving. Therefore, I have vowed to watch Elf, The Grinch and any other Christmas movie I can find, and then to listen to Christmas music all the way home, just to make sure I get myself ready for the season!
In the meantime I will be enjoying my new jogging stroller and getting some exercising- walking- NOT running...my opinion is that unless you are being chased, you never run once you've hit 40 years old. Things just bounce different and it's not pretty!
For some inspiration, I want to leave you with a link to a post I did when I first started posting. It's one of my favorites although most of you haven't read it.
Click here:
Are you living like an orphan?
Have a wonderful Sunday! I am looking forward to service here at the racetrack tonight!
Have a wonderful week with your family in warm and sunny Florida!
I am 100% jealous! :)
Sue, Sue Sue!! I can't believe the timing of your decision to post the link to the Orphans post was random. God has been speaking to me on this very issue and you mentioned a key word that relates directly to my experience - that of disappointment from others and that "I'm the one Jesus is disappointed with" That hit me like a ton of bricks.
Thank you for this post. It reinforced the feeling that God is speaking about something fundamentally wrong in my view of him as my Father and I believe that he wants to change that for good.
At home this Sunday sick with a cold. UGH!
I went back and read the post. You are right. I don't often think of myself in a special way--as the one Jesus loves.
Sometimes a disconnection takes place. It all becomes about serving instead of about loving and being loved.
We are not quite as warm as Florida and by Thanksgiving Day we are to be in the 40's. \o/
AMEN...I agree!! I am on the VERY VERGE of 40 and NO RUNNING...YES!!! unless I am being chased:)
Enjoy sunny Florida, we used to live there and it is weird...no cold weather..especially for a girl born and raised in Pittsburgh!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
peace and blessings!
I am going over to read the Orphan post...isn't it funny that there are some you just WANT people to read..
I feel that way too!!
have fun!
lori (again!):)
touching post...
how many of us have "attachment issues?"
the moment you shared with your daughter is so very sweet!
We spent Thanksgiving in Texas last year. It was so weird to be outside in short sleeves. I totally get what you mean about the difference in weather. We are Michigan girls..ahhhh!
Loved your previous post. It hits the heart. So glad you included it!
I can so relate to the contrasts in weather. When I moved from the UK in the depth of winter and arrived in New Zealand in the blazing summer, I went into shock at first (it's taken me 7 years to get used to it). I'll have been here 9 years next month.. anyway, had to giggle. I only took up running aged 40, but I don't do it in the public eye, safe on my treadmill...that said I just invested in a pair of trainers, as we're going away for Christmas and can't bring the treadmill, so will have to run a la public - but no one will know me where we are going so it won't matter I hope. Off to check out your Orphans post now...
Have a glorious time in Florida!!
Enjoy your week in Florida -- it is very cold here in Michigan! It really touched my heart when you wrote in your post about your daughter telling you that she loved you. It is so sweet from any child, but from one you adopted, it seems extra-special! I really enjoyed this post.
>>>...my opinion is that unless you are being chased, you never run once you've hit 40 years old. <<<
Yeah, what she said. ;)
I have not seen that post and loved it...been thinking a lot today about John, the one Jesus loves and just read it about 10 minutes ago...OOOHHH!
You have such a beautiful way with your thoughts----it's the mind of Christ in you and it so shows up in your precious posts.
Florida sounds great...it's cold in Texas---like 70-ish cold for us...lol
Enjoy your family and your Lord this week!
Sounds heavenly! Of course I'm the woman that wears flannel pj's to bed in the summer because the man likes the house so cold.
We're off to sunny F-L-A in a few weeks and I can't wait!
HAve a great week! I wish I was in Fla!! My mom and brother are there and I'm missing them....
And I TOTALLY agree...NO running after 40! :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Sue I just posted a song on my blog and for some reason I thought of you - it might touch your heart as it did mine!
Although we Canadians celebrate our Thanksgiving in October - I've always kept my Thanksgiving decorations and celebrate again in November. I LOVE THANKSGIVING. Give thanks with a grateful heart.
We starting watching our Christmas movies over a month ago.. so as to see them all before Christmas. Christmas Music begin as early as September.. my 18 year old daughter is following in her Mamma's foot steps!!
One can choose to focus on all the work of special events OR focus on all the fun and memories.. I'm all for the the fun and memories.
Blessings and have a safe trip.
Oh! Have a great trip! I recommend Jack Frost! That is a fav around here! With Michael Keaton & Kelly Preston.
So with you on the whole jogging/running thing! No jigglies please! :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue!
Have a great week and enjoy the weather. I am sure you will get your "fill" of cold weather once you return. :D
oh Florida sounds great right now!! We are in humid/muggy Houston (although it is supposed to get cool Thursday) I hope you adjust to the weather. Have a great Thanksgiving sweet friend and safe travels back home!!
Please enjoy your vacation. I wish I could be somewhere warm. My girls live in Michigan too. One near Rives Junction and the other one near Coleman. We are praying for no snow so we can all get together for Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours in Sunny FLA, Sue!
Loved that post...so sweet. And, yes, I often live like an orphan - forgetting that I have been adopted and am loved beyond measure!
Have fun.
Hi Sue,
I came here by way of Sharonb's, and I've enjoyed reading your posts. My husband was into motorcross when we were dating, and we went to a lot of competitions.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Karen @ Kindred Haven
Sounds like a lovely getaway! Hope you have a great time with your family!
love you sue! happy thanksgiving to you my friend.
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