So here's what I want you to do, God helping you:
Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work,
and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.
(Message Bible)
How cool is that?!
Such a simple statement, give it all to Him! And count it an offering, I love that.
It is simple. but not easy. If it were easy He would not have said, "God helping you."
The Lord doesn't want an offering that is so easy we can give it without His help.
He loves that we lean on His everlasting arms to help us through this life and that we need Him, even in regards to our relationship with Him.
Without Him, I am not even able to love Him....whew, that's almost too much for my mind...
Here it is in the NIV:
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.
"In view of God's mercy..."
What an amazing God we serve...He doesn't just demand our's only because of Him that we are even able to offer it.
If He did not show us mercy (that we did not deserve), than we would not even have the right to bring an offering before this Holy God. Yet, He made a way for us to boldly come before Him and stand in His presence.
If not for His mercy, we would not have this incredible access to the throne!
Oh! Let's offer Him our everyday, ordinary life...but remember what an honor it is to be able to do just that!
Lord, I pray that You would help us today to lay our lives before Your throne as an offering. Help us to "see" what an incredible honor it is to do that, and Father give us the strength and courage to do those things that you've called us to do today. Let our lives be a pleasing sacrifice before You. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray!
Click HERE to enter the November drawing...TOMORROW!
Father give us the strength and courage to do those things that you've called us to do today.
Oh yes!!! Beautiful as always:o)
I SOOOOOO needed to read that today. Thanks, Sue! I'm struggling in this area right now.
I love it!
God helping you...
here's what to do...
offer all the pieces...
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing this, Sue!! I was just talking to a friend yesterday about taking life "one day at a time"...after all, that's how it's given! I am going to copy that first scripture on a note card and put it to memory this week. Blessings, my friend!
That's too cool...I love The Message.
Amen to that! Let us offer every bit of our lives to Him.
Yes, Yes, Yes...Preach it sister...every day we have a gift, to praise Him with our everyday ordianary lives...yet, how sad is it, that most of us forget that...
Thank you so much my friend for gently reminding us of the GIFT we have!
Great thoughts! Thanks for helping us get our viewpoints adjusted!
*sigh* I too am struggling in this area...thank you-heather
(((hugs)))) Heather, I'm praying for you.
Sue, that was so beautiful...just yesterday my daughter and I were talking about that...
you said it so much better than I did, I am going to let her read your really was beautiful...
Everyday, I pray, "use me Lord,"
whatever way HE wants, and I will offer it for HIM to use..
you blessed me this morning!
thank you Sue!!
peace and blessings,
Hi Lori!
I'm so glad this was a blessing to you, thanks for telling me!
I recognize daily that without Him I am nothing. I am so thankful for His constant help in my life. Thanks for your beautiful thoughts.
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