they’re not big enough!
What has God put in your heart?
Do you know that nothing is impossible with God?
Really, do you believe that?

And one of my absolute favorite verses:

Do you have a dream?
Maybe FREEDOM is your dream.
Our only answer in this crazy dance of life is JESUS.

I don’t think that I really GET that most of the time.
He IS THE way.
HE IS THE truth.
He IS the LIFE.
We say…
“I don’t see a way out of this…”
“I don’t know what to do…”
Trust HIM, He’s the truth- there’s no confusion in Him.
“I am so unhappy with my life…”
Make HIM your life.
Lay down your burdens and pick up your dreams again!!
Maybe it's a business or financial freedom or a happy marriage....
Maybe it's the thought of living free of addiction...
He's the only WAY!
If our dreams scare us, it's because we know that we don't have the means to bring them to pass- good! Because if we can do it on our own, we don't need Him.
Let's dream BIG! We have a BIG GOD!
Very good post, I have let go of many dreams knowing I can not achieve them in my circumstances.
Thanks for the reminder that I have to trust in him not myself.
Girl! I just come on over here to your posts and have a little church and get filled up a bit more each time! Thanks! ; )
I loved this blog as it was so encouraging. That verse from Jeremiah reminds me of the song. You can't sing that without excitement in the air.
God gives us BIG dreams, so that we will have to trust Him and there is absolutely no way that we can take the glory for what HE brings to pass!
Keep Dreaming....
Big dreams accomplished by a bigger God. Amen!
Thank you Sue!!
I needed this reminder today. God has given me BIG dreams, and HE is the one that will see me through!!
Have a blessed day!!
Thanks for the reminder.
Don't I wish that I could drink that in each morning like my cup of coffee.
Great truth!
Thats what my mom tells me! And my dad! Love ur blog. Feel free to visit mine!
Ultimately, for the real answers, we need to go to Him. Great reminder!
Wow! Such a great post. I haven't allowed any "big" dreams to even cross my consciousness in awhile. Yet, everywhere I look, I am being challenged to do so.
Thanks for being one more way God is pushing me to allow Him to do BIG things in my life.
What a wonderful post about our incredible God! Thank you for your encouraging words of truth.
Hi! I'm Holly and our family has also adopted a little girl from China. Please feel free to visit my blog as well!
Thank you for this. Totally speaking to my heart right now.
Sue, thanks for the commenting on my blog and your prayers. I'm much better now! I love your blog and loved reading Lauren's story. Your family is beautiful.
Sue, you are really such a cheerleader for God, loved your words. love always me
Happy 4th Sue!
I have come to your blog via Dori's blog and I love what you said in this post. I believe God meant for me to come here because just last night I was talking to a friend about what I believe God is calling me to do and I compared myself to a person who is much more qualified than me and she said, He will do it thru you! So, your words are very encouraging and very much spoke to my heart that God will do the work thru me. I loved what you said, if we can do it on our own then we don't need Him. So very true! Thanks for letting me visit.
Great post!!! Such encouragement on the beginning of a great day! Happy 4th of July!!!!
I absolutely love this...
"if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough".. that is so cool....
never read that before...
The way the truth the LIFE....
AMEN \0/
Blessings on this 4th...
Happy Independence Day!!!
My husband (who happens to LOVE the US), has posted a copy of a speech that details the absolute sacrifice of your founding Fathers.
Maybe it's because I am Canadian, but when we studied your history, I always pictured these men calmly sitting around a table, and signing a piece of paper that was celebrated by all.....such a false picture! If you haven't heard this, skip on over to 'My Guy's' blog. It's very long, but very appropriate to be read today.
Bless you, and your have a lot to celebrate today.
Great post! I needed that! Dream...dream BIG!
I am dreaming and it scares me!!! But I know Phil. 4:13 for those things HE is calling me into!!
Thanks for a wonderful post!!
You inspire me!!
Happy 4th
Sue- this post reminded me of a song I just heard that totally spoke to my heart. It's called Something big by John Waller. Some of the words are..It's time to dream big dreams, to see Your vision become reality...cause it's for you, by's destined to fail without you,'s gonna fail without you, Lord. Something so great it takes a miracle to do..
I tend to want to do things that are safe. But if they are safe then I am doing them, mostly likely in my own strength. God wants me to do something so big that only He can do it through me...dream big....yes it's scary!
Thanks for your comment on my blog about loving my heart. It encouraged me.:)
I pray you and I both grow closer to our dreams by being willing to trust in God despite our fear.
Happy 4th! Thank you and your family for the sacrifices you are making (with your son in the military) to keep this great country free!
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