It all started Wednesday morning as we headed out in the motor home for our 22 hour drive to San Antonio, TX. We were blessed to have Mark’s folks come with us, they were such a big help and Matt loved having them there.

We arrived at Lackland Air Force Base and headed to the Reception Center where we were briefed on the activities involved in graduation and our expected behavior on the base.
The first time we saw Matt, was when he ran by us for the ceremonial “Airman’s Run” signifying the last time they would do their morning run as “trainees.” Matt had a grin ear to ear as he saw us, we laughed so hard.
Then we went to the coin ceremony. This is where he received his coin that signified his becoming an Airman. It was then that we could finally go see him! He’s not allowed to be involved in any major PDA, so I waited until we got back to the motorhome to wrap my arms around him like a good Momma should!
We were all so tired that we just hung out all day in the motorhome on base.

The next morning was graduation. What an incredible experience to see our little boy, now standing there a fine young man. He was the Guidon for his flight squad, so he walked out in front with his instructor and carried their flag. I just have to say that he looked so good!
I just cried seeing him out there, we were so proud of him.
We spent the rest of the weekend on and off the base trying to soak up every minute together with our family.
One of the best parts of the weekend was church on Sunday morning. Matt was so excited to take us to his church. It is a very contemporary non-denominational service.
Every week they play the video, “Letters From War” by Mark Schultz. Picture standing in a big church that is packed out (standing room only) with military men. We were surrounded by camouflage and dress blues and when they watched the video, they erupted in shouts, they cheered and gave thunderous applause!
They have Airmen walk up and down the aisle with kleenex-that's a very good thing! I was bawling.
The video is hard enough to watch, but seeing their response made it even more emotional.
It was so hard to say goodbye again. Thankfully though, he now has his laptop and cell phone so we will be able to communicate with him on a regular basis.
Matt continues his training at the Lackland Base. He is going to technical school for the Security Forces for the next 14 weeks. We should find out then where he will be based as a Military Policeman. I am hoping that is will be stateside, but I pray God’s will would be done. I want him right in the middle of God’s plan for his life.

Now I have the wonderful honor of the title "Air Force Mom"...I'm so proud of my son.
Congratulations to your Son! I'm sure you are so proud of him! :) What a beautiful song! Where's my Kleenex??
Hey Sue! I wept while I read your post this morning. What a wonderful weekend.
22 hours in a motor home with children and hats off to you, Proud Air Force Mom!
I've added Matt to my regular prayer list.
Hugs and blessings...
He looks like he is doing so well. Wonderful to see you all together again. You must be so proud!
OH MY, what a man he is! It seems to strange to see him in his uniform and yet it feels very right.
Glad you are all home and everyone is safe.
what a joyous weekend it sound like you had. The changing of season's is always an exciting time. Wear your new title with PRIDE!!!!
What a wonderful son you have!!!! I would be so proud too!
Sue~ Thanks for sharing that with us. I've not seen that video, and I don't have a son in the military, but I can there watching it with tears streaming down my cheeks. Blessings..
Sue you can just see his joy and his peace! I am glad that you were able to go and be there with him-how wonderful for him to share his joy and accomplishments with those he loves most. ** how truly awesome that he has a church! What a wonderful blessing to live for the Will of God.
He looks like an arrow for God! (a very handsome arrow at that!)
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
How great is our God to give us the gifts He has given us. And then we give them back to Him and He grows them up big and strong like your son.
I am so glad you had the honor of seeing your son and the achievement he has earned.
I'm so excited to finally find another MI blogger. I've been blogging for over a year and haven't met a Michigan friend.
It's so exciting about your son! We are heading to TX in a couple of weeks to our daughter's graduation from college. She is married and living in Dallas.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and God bless.
Sue, that brought me to tears!
What a beautiful weekend for your SHOULD be so proud of your son.
Oh my word! Dave and I were just trying to figure this out. I did recognize you! Of course we remember your family. How cool is this! I can't believe your family is all grown. You guys seemed so young compared to us, haha. I'm so excited! Dave remembered Mark and I knew you looked familiar right away.
Hurray! My first Michigan friend and I KNOW you!
He looks like a wonderful young man, whose momma raised him right!
Congrats to BOTH of you!
Ahhh, precious! Praying for your Son, sweet friend! AND yes, come visit soon...ready to have a good visit!
Love in Him,
I came over from seeing your comment on Ginger's site. Hope you don't mind.
I loved reading about you and then reading this post. What a blessed event you just got to be part of.
I followed you here from Ginger's place. It was fun to read the comment that you know her from "before". Small world, as you will see if you go visit my blog today.
I just had to write a comment, though, and tell you how moved I was by the pictures for this post. I get all teary eyed when I see anything to do with our military.
I am so thankful for them all, and for today specifically for your fine son. He makes me proud to be an American. God bless!
Oh Sue...
Just catching up with you this morning. I didn't even go see the video yet, and I already am wiping tears from my eyes.
Adding Matt to my prayers, too, as well as his Air Force Mom. I see why you are so proud ;)
Hey Sue,
Congrats on being an Air Force Mom! The pictures are amazing! Matt looks so happy as well as you guys:) That movie gave me the goosebumps I loved it. I definetaly know that I want to join. Its just unbelievable. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Sue! I'd never seen this video - wow. And y'all look like you just had a precious weekend. I'm so glad you had that time together. I would be proud too!
What an emotional few days that must have been. It must have been wonderful to have the motor home to be able to be together and stay on the base.
Bless you Air Force Mom. You are now part of an exclusive 'Prayer Team' with an authority to cover a U.S. Airman in prayer.
Wow.....what a post:o) I am happy for you and your family. Congrats to your son for graduating:o)
Congratulations to you Son!!! What a wonderful accomplishment for him. I just know these years are going to go so quickly with my own children.
Congratulations to your son, and a great big thank you to your whole family for the contribution you have and will make for our country and freedom.
My bro was at Lackland for his boot camp and then went on to MS for further training before being stationed at Gunter in AL. Your pics brought back memories of him being in TX ... Congrats to your son.
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