Hello and Happy New Year Girlfriends!!
I pray that 2011 is your best year ever. I hope you fill your life with the ones you love and live as one that is loved by the God who created you!!
I am busy working on the upcoming winter Praise and Coffee online magazine and so very excited about it and the opportunity to inspire and encourage you through this new venue!

It should be out the second week of January...watch for it!
Read our first issue here.
And if you would like to submit something, check out this link.
Once again we are starting the month and New Year with a giveaway!
Praise and Coffee for you, because we love you!
The winner will receive the WOW 2011 CD!

AND some delicious COFFEE from our friends at Barista de Casa!!!
Check out their fabulous coffee.

Follow them on Twitter: Barista de Casa
To enter the drawing, it's simple:
1. Leave a comment on THIS post. Drawing will be January 10th and the winner will be posted on THIS post then.
2. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you win.
3. If you have any of my blog buttons on your blog, let me know in your comment and you will be entered twice.
AND....check it out...we have some *NEW* buttons available now, update your sidebar!
4. Note: Past winners are eligible to enter again 1 year after they win.
Feel free to tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter about the giveaway and thank you if you do!!
Drawings will be on the 10th and I'll post the winner to this post.
My sweet online friend Dori won this month!!! Congrats girlfriend!