I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and New Year, I've missed you all and hope to get back to a regular schedule of blogging again after all the holiday woo-ha is over with!
This month's Praise is:

It only seems appropriate to start the year off with this one!
AND....you'll also get some very yummy
"Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
That's all! And feel free to blog about the giveaway or tell all your Facebook friends!TO ENTER DRAWING:
~> Post a comment to THIS post.
~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you-PLEASE!~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice! Here is a link to all my buttons: Blog Buttons
Happy New Year!
Ah, I so want the WOW 2010 CD. I posted your button on the sidebar of my blog. You can contact me at tkrafty [at] gmail.com. Thanks.
So awesome! I luv giveaways. I pray your year is blessed! :-)
Hey, I would love to win the WOW 2010 Cd. I also checked out your video on abortion. I find it very intersting that facebook users found it offensive. Murder is offensive to God. I choose life! Also, we're friends on faceboook so it you need to contact me you can, via facebook(: Happy new year!
-Sara Dederika Holm
Still so happy to be connected to you in this way for 2010! Your blog blesses me.
Enter me in the drawing and yes, I have a P&C button on my blog.
Many blessings for a bright new year for all. New day new life Rejoice!!
That would great to win! :)
This really is a great way to ring in the new year. Thanks!
Just found your blog recently. Looking forward to reading much more. The CD looks like a good one! ~Lanie
I have your Woman Up! button on my blog.
Yay! How fun! I'm ready to win something this year! hehe Have a great 2010. :) (I have your button on my blog too)
I'd love to win. Your site is very inspirational.
that's a great giveaway! Happy New Year!
Oh I was just looking at this CD yesterday. Yipppeee. I am adding your button right now.
That would be an awesome CD to add to my collection. Have a blessed New Year.
Have the button at my bloggy home and count me in for the CD.
Wishing you the happiest of New Years and the grace to walk the path the Lord sets before you!
Would love the cd and coffee!
How fun to start the new year off with a giveaway. You can contact me at rosemahoney46@gmail.com. I do have your blog button on my page. Have a blessed day!
I love giveaways, and especially those that involve music! I do have a giveaway button on my blog, and you can contact me by going to my blog and finding my email address. YAY! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Would love to listen to the WOW 2010 CD!
That CD sounds awesome I bought it for my younger cousin and it had some great artists listed on it, im on facebook and email uniquegemini at yahoo.com
have a great 2010
love! LOVE! add me....please. xo
Happy New Year Sue :)
Thanks for another great giveaway!!
I have your button on my blog :)
What a fun idea.... I was referred by Gloria Pickering.... blessings to your new year.
I have your button!! I would love this CD. . . imb0611 at g mail dot com
Hope this year is a blessed one.
Nice giveaway...
What a cool giveaway to start the year with. I did add one of your blog buttons in my sidebar - just not the giveaway one though :) ...
Thank you for the chance to win.
What a GREAT gift! Thank you for this chance!
Your sister in Christ,
Mom of Many
What a nice gift for a giveaway. Love to win that CD. I do have your button on my blog too. Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you too!
Fun! Happy new year!
Count Me in! And remember...I have your button on my blog as well. ;-)
I am going to win one of these days....I just know it! :-)
Oh, and I have your button!
Happy New Year! My husband really likes the Wow cds so he can hear the "new" music that is out, so this would be perfect for us. I have your button on my blog. Thank you!
Stopping in to enter, and say Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!!
I would love to win.......
can it really be 2010....So glad I found your blog and look forward to many reads in 2010..Happy New Year..
I haven't heard this one yet but I'm sure it awesome! I love to get a new Praise and Worship CD to start the year off right. Last years was Hillsong United! Still ministers to me.
I have your button on "Cherie" and "PWC"
Do I get 4 entries? Just kidding!
Have a sweet day friend!
Love you!
Ooh, I would love to win that!
I also have your button on my blog. :)
Boy would i love to win this cd..thanks Sue you are the cream at the top..you know the cream always rises to the top...anyway..happy new year and thanks for all you do for our marriages.
Mary Lou
Music to my ears! Thank you for another fabulous giveaway.
In Christ our Lord, have a happy new years!
Tamrah T.(jttso2 AT gmail DOT com)
I would love to win the new WOW 2010 CD!!! :) purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Another awsome giveaway! Thanks Sue! Oh, and I do have your button on my blog! :) ~Sydney
Happy New Year! Your giveaways are such fun. The music and coffee sound like a wonderful combination to me.
Many thanks, Cindi
Happy New Year Sue..of course I would love to win...and I have your button on my blog.....blessings
Would love a chance to win this CD. Thanks!
What a wonderful way to bring in the new year!!
This sounds like a great CD hook me up Sue. We did have a wonderful holiday, sure hope your family did too!! Thanks Julie and you know you can find me on FB =)
Love Wow Cds have not bought one in years....
I'm in! Thanks for a terrific giveaway. I support what you're doing Sue, and I'll become a fan on FB too. :~D
I would love to win this for my friend.
Just discovered your blog and it is now a favorite! Please enter me for the drawing. dearestmums@gmail.com
I have a 9 mo old who has decided sleep is for sissies, I NEED coffee!!!
It would be nice to win this CD. God bless your year of 2010.
I found you today through my friend, Janet :)
Your button is on my blog, Frugal Plus here.. http://frugalplus.com/
I look forward to reading your blog in 2010!
Thanks for a Great Giveaway!
I would love this cd!
My grandchildren would adore this CD in the van on the way to school as they put on their armor each day! I already have your button on my blog www.quiltingranny.blogspot.com
or email compassionatequilter at rocketmail.com
Happiest New Year!
Have a blessed new year!
What a great way to start off the new year. A great giveaway CD! I'm in and I have your button!
Blessings and Happy New Year!
Please enter me.
Oh VERY cool giveaway! Count me in!
I LOVE me some Praise & Coffee...count me in my friend!
Also, wanna grab some time with ya soon, I'm working on a 2010 Calendar for South Florida Praise4 & Coffee...yay!
Love ya bunches!
Melissa in Mel's World
I've recently found your blog and am enjoying reading through old posts. Have a happy and blessed New Year!
I just added a "Woman Up" link to my blog. :)
Hi Sue,
I would like to enter your competition and I would also like to honour you with a Sisters in Faith award for being with me from near the beginning of my blog. :)
P.S. I still have your fridge magnet on my fridge. :D
Happy New Year!!
Thanks for the great giveaway. Please enter me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this! What is better than the combination of positive music and a cup of coffee?
I love the WOW cd's! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
(at)))) gmaildotcom
Oh how I would love to win this! WOW always has the best of the best music!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Love following you on Twitter! Thanks so much for your ministry!
- Vicki@VickiLyons.com
Oh I would LOVE to win the CD...and the coffee...mmmmm, yep, that sounds good too! :)
And yes, now that the busy season is over maybe I too will get back into blogging. I've really been slacking.
Love the look and organization of your site. You have really hit a great combo with "praise and coffee". The mugs are precious. I will be happy to put praise and coffee button on my site. Who helped you with your site?
Got the button.... Love your site always! =) ~Kristina
Looking forward to the P&C night here in South Florida on Jan 27 & posting your sidebar @ Myspace & Facebook :-)...I bet the WOW 2010 cd is awesome! Lynn.Sheppard@GoldCanyon.us
Thanks Lindylou, I've done on the work myself. Lots of trial and error and pulling out of hair!
Thanks for the opportunity! Stay warm today, it's -9 here - not wind chill!!!
I do have your buttom on my blog!
Thanks again!
Sign me up for the drawing please!!
I have your button on my blog....
Thank you and stay warm today. It's -9 here without windchill !
Neat giveaway! Would love the Wow Cd.
Please enter me. Thanks. Love and prayers Melody
msproule1225 at gmail.com
Please sign me up!
Wow... lots more entries than the last time I entered one of your giveaways! :) I love it the way God is blessing your ministry. :)
Please enter me. The button is on my blog :)
Please enter me in your give away. Can't wait for Plainwell Praise and Coffee!
I would love to get the cd. I have your button on my sidebar. Hope to hear from you. Contact me at tamv65@gmail.com. Thanks.
usually I forget to enter your monthly contests. Glad I made it into this one! I would LOVE to win the CD and the coffee. IF I win tho, I would like to put the coffee into one of the SOLDIERS care packages I am working on now! ( actually if anyone would like to donate your coffee or travel mugs to honor some of the soldiers serving in IRAQ, I would gladly accept them and in include them in the boxes. I have a Christian friend serving there who is concerned for the morale of his platoon who arent getting much mail..so I have taken on the task of trying to change that in the weeks ahead. I did it because this young man loves the Lord and wants to see the lives of these men and women serving others with their lives, touched by the love of Christ through care packages. Coffee, cookies, christian cds, and encouraging letters are the some of the best things we can give I was told.
Hope you dont mind me sharing this here, ..was just thinking about it as I entered to win the coffee and cd!
And of course, would love to have you ladies add me to your prayer lists for supernatural healing from these darn spinal tumors and pain.
cathy b
projecthope7 at gmail dot com
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