Have you ever been falsely accused? Have others said things about you that were complete lies or a cruel distortion of the facts?
Yeh, me too! It is a very painful thing to deal with. And for some reason, it so often happens when we are motivated to do something good for others. Our motivation is to help them and for whatever reason, it gets taken out of context and ends up flying back in our face.
I am watching this happen to some people that I dearly love right now. People that are doing everything they can to help others, but are being attacked for it on every side.
Of course we know that our true enemy is satan, the father of lies. He twists and manipulates things to get people in as much strife as possible because he knows quite well that if we are arguing with one another- we will be distracted from God's will and purposes.
Jesus gives us such a beautiful example to follow. As He is brought before Herod in court, he is mocked and falsely accused.
Yeh, me too! It is a very painful thing to deal with. And for some reason, it so often happens when we are motivated to do something good for others. Our motivation is to help them and for whatever reason, it gets taken out of context and ends up flying back in our face.
I am watching this happen to some people that I dearly love right now. People that are doing everything they can to help others, but are being attacked for it on every side.
Of course we know that our true enemy is satan, the father of lies. He twists and manipulates things to get people in as much strife as possible because he knows quite well that if we are arguing with one another- we will be distracted from God's will and purposes.
Jesus gives us such a beautiful example to follow. As He is brought before Herod in court, he is mocked and falsely accused.
Luke 23:9-12
Meanwhile, the leading priests and the teachers of religious
law stood there shouting their accusations. 11 Now Herod and his soldiers began
mocking and ridiculing Jesus. Then they put a royal robe on him and sent him
back to Pilate.
How did Jesus respond? I know how I would have wanted to respond...I would have defended myself. I would have told them the truth!
But in the book of Matthew, Jesus shows us God's response to accusations and lies being spoken against us.
Matt 27:12-14
But when the leading priests and other leaders made their
accusations against him, Jesus remained silent. 13 "Don't you hear their many
charges against you?" Pilate demanded. 14 But Jesus said nothing, much to the
governor's great surprise.
Our natural response is to say something...to explain the truth and defend ourselves. That is why the governor was so surprised at Jesus' silence.
It's just not natural to remain silent in such a situation!
This is a powerful key to leadership.
Don't let the lies and accusations of others affect you.
Jesus didn't.
Instead, He knew His purpose in this life. He knew that the heart of man could be evil and yet He chose to love those who He had every "natural" right to loath.
He even goes a step farther than not responding...He chooses love and forgiveness.
Luke 23:33-34
When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals-one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
What an incredible example of leadership for us to follow.
Sometimes the very people that are pouring pain into our lives are the ones God wants us to love~ even as they are hurting us.
Hurting people, hurt people.
Healthy people love.
1 Peter 2:15
It is God's will that your good lives should silence those who
make foolish accusations against you.
Thankfully, God doesn't expect us to do this without His help.
When I am faced with a situation like this I have to go to the Lord in prayer and plead for His help because my natural response is not always love. I have to follow hard after Him if I want my actions to reflect His love!
I believe that the Lord wants His women to be leaders in this area.
Woman Up!
Follow hard after your God...
Lead soft with love!
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Excellent post, Sue. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing. Simply amazing. God is so good to encourage His people! I just had an situation yesterday concerning this and was sitting her making breakfast praying about how to handle the false accusations :0). Sue, thank you for being such a source of encouragement and always lifting my eyes to His throne.
JOYfully in Him.
Thank you Sue!
Your posts are always inspiring to me and often they are little darts to my heart, soul and spirit.
Love reading your blog :D
I am one of those who is going through that. I expect it from those who don't know the Lord but from those who do, it still baffles me. This is too long to get into in a short comment box but that doesn't mean I haven't been wounded. I forgive, most definitely but when it comes to trying to understand it, that's as far as I get.
Oh wow....yes sister. May His abiding love in our lives be the thing that overflows from our own during those times of hurt and accusation. We need not defend ourselves, for He is our mighty Defender, and on our side.
Great wisdom here!!!! This was so meaningful to me, I hope you don't mind that I posted a link to here from my blog. Thanks!!
"He only is my Rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the Rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God" - Psalm 62:6-7
Great post, Sue!
Great post Sue! I have often found that through my silence, those who wrongly accuse me often find no "fuel" to continue.
It is difficult to not want to defend yourself or fight back - but Jesus is our example.
Thank you, I'm always so glad when we can talk about stuff that's relevant to today!
Loved this, Sue. You're wise beyond your years.
Have a blessed Easter. :~D
e-Mom @ Chrysalis
Like iron sharpening iron, YOU, through the insight of the Holy Spirit, have definitely sharpened my soul today. You put my heart to paper. Wowzer, thank You for this remarkable post.
I feel like my comment here are always the same but when I come here I do always feel the same. I feel refreshed by the word of God, I am thankful for your service to Him, I am thankful that I found your blog, because I am always challenged by what the spirit speaks through you.
Once again, Great Post!
e-Mom, thank you! I'm 42 this year...just getting started! :)
LauraLee & Linda,
Ya know...I just share through the trials that I have and am going through and figure I can't be alone in these feelings :)
Thanks for confirming that too me, it means the world!
That was such a great post!! Thank you for sharing that with everyone. I found your blog and look forward to reading more!
Once again your message is just what I needed.
Thank you.
Sue, You are speaking to my heart. This is right where we have been for the last 2 weeks.
My heart was broken , and confused. Satan can attack in the places you never thought. The places you thought you were the safest. Just goes to prove the ONLY place we are safe is in the arms of Jesus.
Sue I've been thinking on this VERY issue lately! Should I defend myself? I recognized that Christ didn't so I shouldn't unless God calls me too! The other issue I am pondering is, where relationships have become strained, how to offer healing? Was there a misunderstanding that needs to be put right? I'm posting about that tomorrow. I'd love your view!
Girl, I am so glad you listened to the call that God has on your life and created this column. What a terrific example you lead for us. I'm so thankful for your words and am picking it up and am going to WOMAN UP!
You Go Girl!
Melissa in Mel's World
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