Happy April!
It doesn't look so much like spring here in Michigan, but the tulips pushing their way through the cold soil promises me that it's coming!!
This month I am giving away the book by John Piper, "Pierced by the Word"
It's an awesome book with 31 meditations that will bless your heart and soul!

And, "Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
You're going to love it!
ALSO, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!

~> To enter the drawing, just post a comment to THIS post telling me something that you are thankful for.~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you, or stop back on the 10th to see if you've won to claim your gifts.
~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice.
Enter me please, twice!
Thanks for being an encouragement to all women.
I'm thankful for so many things, but today I'm praising God for my husband!
Have the button on my blog...
and I'm thankful for the great women of God at my church! We had an amazing women's meeting last night and I'm privileged to be part of that church family and to be mentored by those ladies.
I'm thankful for God's providence and provision. He is faithful to me.
Hi Sue! I have your button on my blog. I'm going to Tweet about your giveaway in a moment.
I'm thankful for my man this morning. He has been so wonderfully incredible these past few weeks. Okay, for the last 25 years! But God has really re-opened my eyes to him and I just love and adore him these days.
Hugs and blessing, girl.
I am thankful for the sure foundation of God's Word. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand!
I do have your button!
Thanks, Sue!
I am so thankful for my family's health. With all the sadness of health problems going around blog world...I don't take my kids health for granted and am so thankful they are healthy.
Oh I love John Piper! I would love to have this book, and your coffee is so yummy, we had it the other night!
Oh, I would love to win this book. Love JOhn Pipers writing.
I am so Thankful for the rain, the New Growth on the trees, my friends here at school, my children, my hubbie and most of all the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation!
I have your button on my blog. I am so thankful for my husband. He was recently laid off and has taken on the task of staying home with our two small boys. He has done so with so much joy and peace it is wonderful to see. They are bonding like no other and God is showing me what a blessing the three of them are on my life.
I am thankful that God is making changes in my life. I can see them and feel them.
Please enter me twice as well. Thank you and God bless you. I think you have been a piece of the change in me.
I am thankful to be alive. See, a year ago to this day God played a little nasty April's Fool joke on me. I lost a fair share of my vision to diabetes. Lesson learned! NEVER take your health for granted! I am also very thankful to my family, especially my sister Becky for everything she does for me, my husband and all of my friends for their prayers. Thank you!
Hi Sue -
Please enter me in the contest. Thanks. :)
susanjreinhardt at gmail dot com
I'm thankful that I'm able to exercise!! 8 years ago I could barely walk! (I've got your giveaway button on my blog, too!)
I have a button and I am thankful for a God who knows more than I and decides what is best for me even when it hurts.
I thnak God that my Mom 's and mine blood tests showed that everything is in control and my BP is also in control.
I love winning stuff..I am most thankful for the wonderful healing process after my shoulder operation....and of course I have your button on my blog....
Thank you for this great giveaway, Sue. I am thankful that God is always with me.
I'm thankful that God is sovereign in my life, and that He is making the path for our move to Tulsa broad and easy to see.
(I have a button on my blog!)
I'm thankful for our church I attend. I'm blessed beyond measure each time I go. Some days I wish I could go all 7 days of the week.
I also have you button on my blog. Thanks for the fun giveaway again.
I visit your site daily and have the button on own blog for easy access, too.
Your spot here, gives me a bit of a boost to get on with my day.(kinda like coffee does for me too :-).
I am so very thankful every day that God has saved me and has never given up on me even when I did him.Thankful for so many things as well as my relationship with him growing daily.
Thank you for being an encouragement to those of us who need it- Keep it up!!! I pray to be more of the person Jesus wants me to be to encourage others too.
Blessings to all of us today!
Simply BB.
I don't really deserve to win twice...but I'm here so I'll say I'm in. I've got your button.
I am sooooooo thankful for God's provision in this time of change - we are having to walk away form our home, but God has provided a stable home to rent and a job for my hubbs that will sustain us.
AND I am thankful that I get two entries, because OF COURSE I have your lovely button on my blog!
Sounds like a great book just in time for Easter.
Love the name of your blog.....I need to be careful that I'm not praising the coffee some mornings! LOL
I am thankful for so many things must I choose one!? :)
Ok this is too easy, I am thankful for coffee with lots of cream and for the life I have in Christ! :)
It is cold and dreary here - I am told next week we are expecting snow. :(
I would love to read the John Piper Book. I've read one of his and it was great.
I'm thankful that I've been able to enjoy having my son home for a few weeks after being stationed in Korea for a year!
I am thankful for so many things, but right now especially my sweet little mother who is 87 and now lives with us due to health challenges.
And I'm putting your button on my blog now!!
I'm thankful for God stirring up my spirit! He is awesome.
What a great giveaway!
I am thankful and feel blessed that I can read - both that the Lord allowed me the ability, and that I can see the words. I just can't imagine life without being able to read.
Thanks for a wonderful blog.
I have your button. And I'd love to win!
I am so thankful for the sunshine!! It's been winter for so long and I am glad to put away the winter coats today. Oh, it's still cool, but we can layer up instead of having the parkas out.
I have you button as well!!! I wear it proudly!!! What a great giveaway - I'd love to win!
I am most thankful for a God KNOWS all - He's gone ahead of us and He KNOWS. I need that right now.
Please enter me!! :)
Today I am thankful that the flood waters in Fargo/Moorhead are receding.
Love your blog..your devotions are very very inspiring. Just what I need. Thank you.
Very thankful for my daughter and granddaughter!
The thing I am most thankful for is my husband. I look at him & am deeply moved by the goodness of him. He loves God & our family & works so hard to provide for us & he's just so good to people in his life.
Also, I have your button on my blog! :) www.sydneyslife.typepad.com
Thanks again for such awesome give-a-ways!
I just found your blog! Posted your button on my blog and would be happy to share that I am thankful for all God has done in my life and that I have the opportunity to share a bit of my testimony next week at A Woman Inspired Conference!
It's been a while since I visited. I am looking forward to be ministered to by your insights.
hi sue,
nice to meet you.I'm new to the blogging site but one thing (among a million others) that I'm thankful for is ..LIFE. Before the good Lord saved me from the pit of hell, I tried to end the life He gave me, (5 times).Little did I know then what I know now..And that was.."The enemy wanted a depraved, lost soul like mine, but the creator of my soul wouldn't let him take it,& so that wonderful spare DROP OF BLOOD, fell upon my dark heart, revealing to me that LIFE IS SO PRECIOUS, especially when in HIM IS LIFE AND I AM....IN HIM.
Thank you for meeting me today.If I didnt have life to be thankful for I guess, we would have never met.God bless your every breathe cause life is precious...
I am greatful to be alive... was given maybe one month to live on dec 2 2006... and I am still with you all today...praising Him, He has given me comfort to pass through the waters of suffering with an inoperable spinal tumor and advanced spinal disc disease. Our times our in His hands the Word tells us! I love life and every day He gives us! AND HIS GRACE AND MERCY!
cathy b
project hope7 at gmail dot com
I'm thankful for my salvation!
I also have your button on my blog.
I am thankful for my daily email from christian bloggers to lift my spirits
Have fun with your giveaway! It's so much fun to give, huh?
I am thankful for God's extravagant love. I have been so overwhelmed as He has been ministering to me.
Blessings - Lisa
Hello, I am so fortunate that I have a huge list of things I am thankful for! Life, health, family, friends, freedom, a roof over my head, our pets, etc. Actually, I am very blessed! Please enter me in your delightful book and lovely cards giveaway drawing. I appreciate it very much!Thanks, Cindi
Hey there! I follow you on Twitter. Not something I'm accustom to but trying to get used to this twitter thing :)
I am so thankful that God's love is the story of my life and as a result JESUS CHRIST is my LORD and Savior and for that I am overjoyed!
Bless you.
Where is spring anyway? I think everyone I know is heading south for Spring break.
I am thankful for my hubby having a job even though it means we can never go anywhere for Spring Break. LOL! (He works for a greenhouse).
I have your button.
I know I have so much to be thankful for ,being alive today because I suffered a heart attack last week. I know my sons are watching me ,God called them ,because their work here for him was done ,God needed them.
I am thankful to have know such wonderful boys that became amazing men before my eyes. I am so glad that they were a part of my life.
I am also thankful for my other children,who are awesome,family and friends who are by my side.
I'm praising God for my daughter who has recently found the Lord and decided to quit smoking and is now 32 days smoke free. She has been able to do this without the use of medications or patches, just trusting in the Lord to give her strength.. God is Good!!!
I'm thankful for my children and their passion and hunger for God. I'm thankful for the way the Father provided in the way that only He can for my sons. I'm thankful for my sons who are leaving tomorrow on a missions trip.
Hi Sue,
Thank you so much for your encouraging blog. I would love to attend one of your girls night out, that would be so AWESOME!! Maybe someday I can :)
Please enter me twice :)
I am so thankful for answered prayer. God is so faithful!! My mother has a lot of health problems and God is right on top of them. We are seeing one miracle after another. Not to mention the strength he has given me through all of this. Oh Praise Him!!
I am thankful for having Jesus in my life and that I live in a country that I can express it in and share!
I'd love to win this!! I'm thankful for my beautiful, healthy 8 day old daughter, and her big sisters who adore her :)
One thing I am thankful for today is the time I was able to spend with my daughter. It's been a long time since i've had any one on one time with her. Lots of other things too, but that is the main thing today. Thanks Sue for hosting this..you are so faithful.
Hey Sue,
I am so very thankful for my two beautiful daughters that God has so blessed me with!
I am thankful for the wonderful Spring temperatures and sunshine we had here in MO today!
I am most grateful for my parents, my sons, my husband and the love of Christ.
HI Sue - I am thankful for this day - the air I breathe - the Son that is shining in my heart and in the sky - the family God has blessed me with - my Pastor, who is also my Son-in-Love - and all the gals who have shared such beautiful "thanks"!! I have your button on my blog: http://carolslettersfromtheheart.blogspot.com/ too!
Thanks for all the encouragemnet that you send our way each day.
Hugs from Michigan
Carol - cbleich@gmail.com
Like everyone else, I have so much to be thankful for, but for this week I'm specifically thankful for keeping me safe on a 10-hour drive that I made alone. I've done this drive alone before, but it doesn't lessen the thankfulness I feel each time that I make it safely and for the most past uneventfully.
I would love to be entered in the giveaway!
Hello dear friend!
I am thankful for the gift of grace that has been given to me so freely! For good friends, for my amazing family, and for my walk with Him.
I've got your button (for a long time now) and would love to be a part of your giveaway!
Thanks a bunch!
Thank you so much for what you are doing here.
I'm most thankful for forgiveness.
I am most thankful for my health right now. It's been a rough couple of months and things are finally looking up!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have your giveaway button on my blog so enter me twice, please :)
I am thankful for my loving husband who inspires me each day to walk stronger in God's word.
I am so thankful for the faithfulness of Christ to this unfaithful follower. Despite my worst, He withheld not His best. I've brought nothing to the table but a cup full of sins needing forgiveness, and He drank it to the dregs on my behalf...my children's behalf...my wife's behalf.
I am so thankful that our Lord said, "It is finished." Our debt is paid in full.
--JMH (for Tasha)
PS: you can enter us twice, love the blog. As a dad to 4 girls and 2 sons so far, I'm recommending your site to them for devotions. Thanks for the great work on this faith-building site!
I am thankful for the Holy Spirit whom directs me daily.
I am thankful for my family and all the other many blessings in my life!
Happy Easter!
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