Isaiah 1:18
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
Snow is a beautiful reminder of the forgiveness of sins that our loving God offers us.
Maybe you haven’t felt pure for a very long time…you can.
When you receive the forgiveness that Jesus offers you
- your sins are forgiven & you are washed white as snow!
What about the Snowflakes…
As a child I had learned that no two snowflakes are alike. But I don’t think that I really grasped how amazing that is until I think about it now.
It’s not hard to believe that no two are alike in my hand or even in my yard, but when I think about all the snow in my neighborhood and all the snow in this country and all the snow in the world!
There are no two alike?!
That is simply amazing.
That is simply our God!
Snowflakes may have similar qualities, but they are all uniquely different.
Just like you and I!
We are created in the image of God.
No 2 snowflakes are alike… no 2 of us are alike.
WHY not???
Because- YOU were created on purpose….you are no accident!
Psalms 139:13-14
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Eph 2:10
10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
YOU are far more important than snow!
But when we see snow – it points us to our awesome Creator.
Because we all have a unique purpose, it is important that we also remember not to compare ourselves to others.
You were not created to fulfill their purpose…
you were created to fulfill your purpose.
If we start comparing ourselves with others, we are sure to miss all
that God has for us!
You are precious to God!
It was/is important to God that you were unique!
He “had a hand” in creating you – just the way He did!
He is crazy about you and I!
That should never fill us with pride when we truly understand the majesty and glory of our God and WHY He loves us so much.
Let me share a quote with you about God’s love from the book, “Pierced By the Word” by John Piper.
“For many years I have sought to understand how the God-centerdness of God
relates to His love for sinners like us. Most people do not immediately see
God’s passion for the glory of God as an act of love. One reason for this is
that we have absorbed the world’s defnintion of love. It says: You are loved
when you are made much of.
The main problem with this definition of
love is that when you try to apply it to God’s love for us, it distorts
reality. God’s love for us in not mainly His making much of us, but
His giving us the ability to enjoy making much of Him forever. In other
words, God's love for us keeps God at the center.”
I LOVE that!
No matter how you look at it, it all comes back to HIM!
That is so powerful!!!
As wonderfully made as we are- it’s still all about being made in HIS image!

When you see the snow…think about:
*He washes us white as snow
*We are all uniquely created for His purposes
*It’s all about Him!
I will continue this series online, but if you would like to hear the message that I shared in it’s entirety, email me your home address and I will send you a copy of the CD (no charge).
"When you see snow.."
I wish!
It is a good thing that I don't have to wish for His love and presence like we have to snow.
Wonder if He gets as excited when He hears my voice as we do when we see snow?
That is a lot of excitement!
I'm sorry!
You're going to have to apply this when you see PICTURES of snow!
I'm loving your series Sue. First the star, then the snow. Looking forward to what's next. We can learn so much from God's Word and His creation, can't we? Amazing!
I'm sorry I did not get to come and hear the message in person, as I am reading the past two posts it is clear to me that God has placed an anointing on your life to teach us. I will have to get a cd from mom very good.
Love, ali
Just as we cannot imagine how two snowflakes cannot be the same, our brains cannot completely comprehend how God created the earth and solar system. To me, its liken to a dog trying to do algebra. Its impossible for him to figure it out, just like us trying to fully know how God works. Thats where faith comes in.
Great series, looking forward to the cd.
I love this post Sue. Thanks for reminding me that God is in control and has a reason for everything under the sun that I have been going through. I know he is with me.
I experienced snowfall in the Himlayas where i worked. it was beautiful.
Great lesson there.
Will you send the CD overseas. The postage would be expensive.
I would be happy to send that out to you, just email me (it's in my profile) your full address!
I'm guessing you know the song, "White As Snow"? I was walking home with my boys the other day in the snow and thought about being cleansed by Jesus' blood. It is a wonder-full and hope-full picture!
Yes, Karen- powerful song!
I love that about snowflakes. Truly miraculous that no two are alike. How much more amazing is it that no two humans are alike? And that we were designed that way for a purpose. Love it!
God bless you Sue! Thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you for being YOU!
Oh how timely - thank you! It's supposed to snow here in Tulsa this weekend and it will be my first snow in 13 years. It will be the children's first snow! Thank you for reminding me of the symbolism of pure white snow, just before it arrives!
Thanks so much for the timely reminder! This will be my first snow in 13 years and my kids' first snow, so we're all excited. I'll be telling the children all about your post before they go out to play. :)
Have you ever read the book "The Crippled Lamb" by Max Lucado?? If not, please get it and your children will LOVE it!! Its a beautiful, beautiful story.
And, yes honey. I would love to hear your CD. I'll email you my address. You are precious. I already feel blessed!
We are expecting more snow today into this evening and I will remember this message instead of grumbling and complaining! What a great word picture!
LOVE this one. I would like to link back to it at a blog I am getting ready for our young girls at church.
Would you mind that? It just totally fits the message we are working to impart to them.
you can email at
the blog address if you want to check first is
We have not announced it to them yet. So it has not had their little footprints on it yet, but I can't wait!
Help yourself!
Sue snow for us either ;)
Great post! This is the third time ina week that I have come across Psalm 139. Is that not cool?
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