This month's Praise is Selah~ Greatest Hymns CD!!!!

And, our famous, "Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
You're going to love it!
PLUS, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!

~> To enter the drawing, just post a comment to THIS post telling me the name of your current favorite worship song. (Mine would have to be "High and Lifted Up" by Hillsongs- I know, I know it's been my favorite for a while now...but I just love it!)~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you-PLEASE!
~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice.
I do have your button...the worship song is tough though i love bunches of them but let us just say all of Casting Crowns :)
My favorite worship song right now is Breathe by Rebecca St. James. My e-mail is Thanks!
There are so many good ones it's hard to choose! Not sure if the titles are right but two that come to mind are 'Free to be Me' and 'Praise You in the Storm'
And of course, anything Casting Crowns!
I just love your heart and how you desire to minister to us. I don't tell you enough and wanted to do that now!!
I have so many favorite worship songs, but I have to say that my favorite is "The More I Seek You" by Kari Jobe. I also love Travis Cottrell's "Forevermore (Psalm 145)" -- Pure scripture and I love it so. It always, always, always jumpstarts my quiet time.
I do have your button on my blog -- have had it there for a very long time.
I just love Revelation Song by Phillips Craig and Dean.
I have your button also.
Hugs girlfriend!
I have your helped me put it there! :) Favorite worship song TODAY is "Let You Mercies Fall From Heaven" from the Richland Bible Church worship cd. I think of it when it rains and so today, that is my favorite praise song. If you don't know how to get a hold of me, you need more coffee!
"Give me Jesus". So simple and to the point... LOVE IT!
Name of my current worship song is by Lifehouse called Everything. I also love The Frey...You Found Me...sorry! I could not decide between these!
Never let go - Matt Redman
Oh...and I also have your button!
Hmmm favorite worship song. That's hard, because i love so many. I would have to say at this moment it would have to be Sweetly Broken - it brings right to the cross every time.
I have a button too.
Hello! I would love to enter this month. My favorite praise song at the moment is "You're the God of this City".
My favorite worship song right now is "That's Why We Praise Him". I've got it going over and over in my head! Had a blast the other day! :)
Hummmmm... My favourite worship song... Maybe Oh Glorious Day. There are so many to love though!
See His Love, by Kim Walker! Also, if I can have two, Oh How He Loves Us, by Kim Walker too!
I love the song, I Can Only Imagine.
My Redeemer Lives - all time favorite. And I just added your button to my blog!
I just love "Jesus Messiah" by Chris Tomlin...I could listen to it again and again!
I also have one of your buttons on my blog ;-)
My favorite at the moment is "In Christ Alone"...the newer one...not the old CCM one.
Wow, I love so many, it's hard to choose just one.
I love "At the Cross" by Hillsong Live, "In Christ Alone", "Jesus, Messiah", "Thank You For the Cross" by Kathryn Scott, and the list goes on.
I have a button. My favourite worship song right now has got to be "We Dance Before You" by Broken Walls
My favorite right now is "Yours" Stephen Curtis Chapman
Right now I love "I'm Singing" by Kari Jobe!!
I also have a button on my blog!!
Bluetree's God of This City
Happy June! I adore the song ~
"Lord, I Lift Your Name on High!"
I would appreciate being entered in your always delightful monthly drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I have your button, and lately the songs that I "like" the most - I like them all - is "Bring the Rain" and "I'm Singing"... but my Ipod is full of a bunch of others as well!
Just added your button to my blog! I'm really enjoying your posts! I found you from my cousin Cristi's blog, who won your giveaway last month! :)
Hi Sue
You are such a doll for doing these fav all time worship song has got to be Christ Alone
And I do have your button on my blog....bless you
enter me sweet sue!
my favorite right now is
jonathan david helser
"i will not be silent"
Mine is
In Christ Alone by Start Townsend
Open Up the Sky by Deluge. Thanks!
Hi Sue,
My song right now would have to be "God of this City" by Chris Tomlin.
I get so excited when I sing that song and think about God being the God of the city I live in, Las Vegas. Praise Him!!
I also have your button.
Thanks again for another great giveaway :)
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