Praise and Coffee Night & (no cost) Conference!
March 6-7th
To the Plainwell Comfort Inn
Plainwell, MI 49080
We will be doing the Beth Moore "Loving Well" video retreat in a box.

”Some people are a joy to love, some are difficult to love, and we all have to deal with some people who are humanly impossible to love. And in every relationship one truth endures: We will never be able to love others well until we have been loved well. Only God can ultimately give us the complete love we so desperately need.”
All Women Invited!
Conference starts Friday 7 PM
Leave refreshed Saturday 3 PM
You can come for just the Friday night worship and 1st session, but we hope you can stay through Saturday!
Live Worship with Trinity ftl!
No cost for conference but you must RSVP for Fri. night or full conference by February 28th. 269-998-3244 or email
If you want to stay at the hotel....
Hotel rooms available, you are responsible to reserve them.
YOU will choose your room mates...BUT, if you need others in your room or would like to room with someone, let me know- I may be able to hook you up with other women looking for roommates.
If you call by Feb. 6th (THEY EXTENDED THE DEADLINE TO FEBRUARY 18TH!!!) and mention “Praise and Coffee” you will get a reduced rate of $98.96.
Plainwell Comfort Inn : 269-685-9891 (you can book a room after that, but not at the reduced rate).
The hotel offers a continental breakfast from 6-10 AM.
We will break on Saturday for you to get your own lunch in town.
FYI~ Hotel has a pool and jacuzzi.
7:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM Praise and Coffee Night Out
Live Worship and Session 1 & gourmet desserts!
9:00 am Worship and Sessions 2 & 3
Noon Lunch
1:15 pm Session 4 & topical small groups (marriage, children, substance abuse, women in leadership etc)
3:00 pm Dismiss
Grab some girlfriends and come out for a great time!
If you would like to start a Praise and Coffee Night in your area,
check out the new website with all the info: Praise and Coffee Nights
I don't believe that I've ever wished I lived in Michigan before. First time for everything! ;) Have a wonderful time, ladies!
God bless! Praying for your conference and HIS awesome presence! How precious and wonderful to serve our most Mighty God! Can't wait to hear!
Wow, that sounds like a wonderful weekend!! Women coming together is powerful! I just posted about How women are helping each other live healthier and this definitely one of the ways to come together, and encourage and pray for one another. I look forward to following your blogs posts and exploring more on here. God bless!
Beth Moore is a powerful speaker. I'm sure all of the participants will have a terrific time.
Sue, if I could I would come(sniff, sob...).
I pray the Lord will speak through you and the ladies will be blessed; this is my heart's cry!!
JESUS Year in 2009!
Miriam :)
Sigh. Wish I could.....
I'm with Janet...wish I could!
Praying nonetheless!
What a blessing this will be! You'll have to keep us posted so we can pray for all involved!
Oh that sounds so fun!
What's MI? That stands fer one of them cold states, eh?
I live only about 20 minutes from Plainwell, and I've never heard Beth Moore or read her works. Maybe God is sending me a holy nudge...
I think so Anne! You would love Beth Moore.'re so funny!
All of you that can't come, I wish you could too!
Duong, that is a great post!!
I SO enjoy your blog! I have recommended your blog to all of my friends! We are going to try and do a Praise & Coffee girlfriends night out soon! I have given you an award for a JOB WELL DONE! Come by my blog to get it!
Oh how I would love to hop a plane to MI and join you!! Looks like a wonderful weekend!! Hope you all have a great time!
We did this study at our church and it was awesome! You ladies are going to enjoy it. Beth is a hoot in lessons 1 and 2!
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