Our thoughts and prayers are with you!We urgently need your prayers here in Costa Rica. Yesterday at 1:21 p.m. we were hit by the most damaging earthquake Costa Rica has had in 118 years.
It registered at 6.2 and the epicenter was some 10 kilometers from Poas Volcano. The damage is extensive due to the mountainous nature of the area.
There are 14 known dead so far as of 7 a.m. today with dozens missing and feared buried under landslides. It is raining in the mountains this morning which is seriously hampering rescue operations, and increasing the possibility of more landslides.
Entire communities are cut off as many miles of roads totally disappeared and bridges are gone as well. The Red Cross is trying to get into those areas by helicopter and the latest report is that the U.S. military in Honduras is sending down two large helicopters to help airlift people out.
So far we have had over 1500 aftershocks and OVSICORI (the earthquake/volcano people) are advising that this may go on for an indefinite period of time. The epicenter was 35 kilometers NNW of San Jose where we live.
We were shaken up quite a bit, but suffered no major damage. The quake was caused by movement of a local fault system (not tectonic or subductive). Geologists are keeping a close watch on Poas Volcano because the epicenter was quite close to the principle crater. Will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible.
I will definitely keep these people in my prayers! Thanks for the info!
I will certainly pray. At this time my husband and son-in-law are in Nicaragua, which is just right above Costa Rica. In fact the Missionary they are with is actually from Costa Rica and his wife and children are there. Praying right now.
In Him,
I am praying!
We are praying! I read the news to my DH and we stopped, prayed right then!
We are praying!
"The Angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." ~Psalm 34:7
Praying for all those affected!
I am praying for all these people.
In His Graces~Pamela
I started praying about this since I follow Kathie's blog. I also put a link to it on twitter to alert people.
I am praying, maybe this is the wrong time to mention this but as I looked thru the pictures of the devastation, I saw in several photo's Rainbow's and remebered God's Convenant Genesis 9:15-16.
Bless her heart, praying for them, Sue ~
I've visited Kathie's blog before... praying for them steadfastly. Thanks for the heads up!
Lord, protect Your Beloved.
I am praying for these people.
Praying dear friend.
My invite in light of this tragedy seems so small. But I'm giving away one my devtional books for Mothers. The contest ends Wed., Jan. 14th. Feel free to spead the word and I pray that God blesses whoever it is that recieves this deovtional book.
In Christ,
I will pray right now.
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