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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Waiting is the Hardest Part


Ok, sorry if I brought back memories of Tom Petty singing this song...if you don't know who Tom Petty is or what I'm talking about, be thankful.

I talk to women online and in person all the time that are waiting...their waiting for breakthrough in their marriage. They've been praying and holding on to hope for a long time.

Waiting is not easy, but God understands that and gives us so many powerful words concerning the wait.

Psalms 27:14
Wait patiently for the LORD.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

Ps 37:7
Be still in the
presence of the LORD,
and wait patiently for Him to act.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly
high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and
not faint.

Gal 6:9
So don't get tired of doing what is good.
Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.

The waiting is part of the journey. Don't despise this time and think that you cannot enjoy life or find hope along the way. THIS is part or the journey.
There is joy in the journey if we look for it.

Psalms 62:8
O my people, trust in Him at all times.
Pour out your heart to
for God is our refuge.

Finding our refuge in God is the most beautiful place to be and (when we look back on our life) often we cherish it more than the actual "breakthrough."

When we find our comfort and joy in the Lord-in the midst of pain, that IS breakthrough. That is more precious than any earthly answer we could get.

Whatever you are waiting for...whether it's in your marriage or another part of your life...cling to God for your hope, joy and encouragement. He's right there waiting...

Your goal may be _________________ but His (God's) goal is you.
I pray that you find your hope and love in your Savior that gave everything He had to bring you into relationship with Him.

He's waiting too.

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