My girlfriend Norma and I set off a week ago from our cold and snowy Michigan to sunny California.
We went out to visit Ronel's Praise and Coffee Night and had a wonderful time! I stand in awe of how beautifully God weaves together our lives across the miles and even on the plane ride over there.
I sat next to a gentleman on the plane from Chicago to San Diego who was traveling to his mother's funeral. Not only was he overwhelmed with grief but he was also troubled by the fact that he had to give his mother's eulogy and had no idea where to start. As we talked I shared some scripture with him that might be helpful. By the middle of the flight he was reading and copying verses from Norma's Bible and we were helping him put together some comforting words that he could share with his family and friends at the funeral.
All I could think was, 'what an honor that God has given us to be able to help this man'. I felt so blessed to see relief come over his face as he read scripture and spoke, with tears in his eyes, of how it brought him such peace. Only God can touch a heart like that.
Then! He was on the same plane as we were on our way back from San Diego to Chicago! He thanked me over and over as we crossed paths on my many trips back to the restroom :)
Only God can set up those appointments!
While in San Diego, we had a blast!
But there was this...
The Coronado Bridge. My nemesis.
Ladies, I had NO idea how terrified of bridges I was until I was on this bridge! While Norma is snapping pictures like a drunken tourist, I was white knuckling it the whole way, shaking and sweating...I looked 10 feet in front of me at the pavement-and no where else, praying under my breath the whole time (I didn't want Norma to know how scared I was until we got over the bridge!). It was everything in me not to reduce to a weeping, trembling puddle on the floor of the car.
The good news, I made it. The wonderful news...there was another way back to the hotel-on land! All I can say is...thank you Jesus for keeping me from a panic attack, it was close!
But THIS, was the fun part...the Praise and Coffee Night with Ronel and friends. They are a beautiful group of ladies that I was privileged to meet.

Thank you Ronel and friends for being soooo warm and welcoming, it is wonderful to have made such great new girlfriends!!
How wonderful your story is about the man on the plane. Only God could do that is right! Oh girl I am so with you about the bridge. I nearly die a thousand deaths on high bridges. My dad was an engineer and I ask him once, how they kept from snapping into when they sway, and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dunno." Gee,thanks I wanted him to promise me that would never happen but he couldn't.
The pictures are so cute. It looks like you had a wonderful trip.
On a personal note, I cannot tell you how much we have enjoyed the CD and the COFFEE! Love it. Thank you.
Sue~your retelling the story about the man on the plane is awesome...and your being so terrified of our bridge....too funny....not at the time ..
I so throughly enjoyed my time meeting you in person...yeah...and Norma is such a hoot!! I will be going back to this one...Ronell is such a sweetie....thanks Sue
A trip to CA sounds pretty tempting right about now. But...we're going in one more month, can't wait!
Wow, what an awesome God connection you made on your flight!
I love hearing testimonies like these where you know it HAD to be GOD! So glad you ladies enjoyed the fellowship time. The pictures let me know you did:)
It was an awesome night and I really enjoyed meeting you and Norma!! Look forward to possibly heading east to visit!!
Thank you again for everything!!
Oh Ms. Sue our time there was so God from beginning to end. Yes everyone the view from the bridge was beautiful and offered some great camera shots...HOW COULD I RESIST!
I am so thankful for the moments that the Lord has showed up at our Praise & Coffee trips. HIS timing is always perfect!
It is wonderful to be connected with our sisters-in-the-Lord, even though they live miles away we are God connected...thanks ladies for all your hospitality!
Yes and thanks so much for my wonderful "sis" Sue for displaying the back of my head on her blog!
Love ya girl...keep pressing on!
Are you serious? As tall as you are and the bridge gave you the willies? Next time wear your wings so you can just fly across. ;)
Glad you guys had a wonderful time.
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