Matt 11:28-30
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
I can remember the first time that I heard this verse. I was a teenager facing the pain of loneliness and rejection. I heard this verse in a song and I knew that God was speaking to me to lay down my life before Him.
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
I can remember the first time that I heard this verse. I was a teenager facing the pain of loneliness and rejection. I heard this verse in a song and I knew that God was speaking to me to lay down my life before Him.
Since that day, He’s never stopped asking that same question…will you lay “this” down before Me? Whatever the current trial or storm He continues to draw my heart back to this verse.
We were never meant to take on this life or it’s storms on our own. He asks each of us to “come to Me” when we are burdened by the weight of this world.
Overwhelmed is no condition for a child of the King. His burden is light, and waiting for you to exchange it for your heavy one.
Thank you for that reminder Sue. It is so true that I can so easily get overwhelmed, but I'd rather trade that for underwhelmed any day. God is my strength and He is more than enough to meet my every need.
Thank you Sue. That is where I am at today. With a child who has been sick for a week this time, and another with way too much energy and anxiety, I am pretty overwhelmed and tired. I need to remember to take the time with Jesus because I need it.
I indeed get burdened and I say to myself I will be happy when this or that problem is resolved. I am not good at letting go. Thank you for this, Sue.
Two weeks ago we heard a word that has completely changed our lives: "cancer". Since the diagnosis, and subsequent tests, chemo, and rearranging of normal life, I have felt completely overwhelmed. Although my husband is the one who's body is being ravaged by this disease, I'm experiencing overwhelming fatigue right along with him. We are trusting the Lord... but often I think that it's easier for me to trust Him with the big stuff than the little stuff. This serves as a great reminder to me tonight that I am to bring Him all of it... the big fears and the little stresses... and let Him help me through. He is my portion. He is all I need.
Thanks. Lately I have been SO overwhelmed. I have gotten down on my knees before Christ daily to lay it at His feet but then I find myself picking the trials back up again. I pray for His strength to not only lay my burdens down to to leave them for Him.
Thank you, Sue.
Very timely for me. I've been overwhelmed lately & upset with myself for not putting things in proper perspective. Thanks for the reminder.
Heather - sorry to hear about your DH. Will pray for healing.
I needed to read that today as I have had an everwhelming week....
When going through life's storms waves do crash over you and you even feel like you are in an angry sea. You can't find your footing and you are going under for the count.
Thank the Lord that He sees us and His hand is not shortened. He can put us back on solid Rock.
We must keep our focus on King Jesus!
Ohhhhhh, I so love being a daughter of the King, and resting in Him:) think I will go do that right now, love your post Sue, thanks:) Blessings, Deb
Such a perfect reminder! Thank You!
what a powerful reminder...being a control freak, I struggle with letting go/letting God.
And it still amazes me because I look back on how I screw things up all the time when I do it myself!
Great post!
I came over from Susan's blog...so glad I did...this post really touched me....
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