This month's Praise is:

With the holiday's quickly approaching I thought you might like:
Casting Crown's "Peace of Earth"
You'll also get some very yummy
"Praise and Coffee" label coffee!!
PLUS, our good friends at Bayview Cards are giving you a beautifully handmade box of cards!

~> Post a comment to THIS post.
~> Please make sure that I have a way to contact you-PLEASE!~> If you have one of my "Praise and Coffee Giveaway" buttons on your blog, let me know and you will be entered twice. Here is a link to all my buttons: Blog Buttons
Also, I just got back from my trip to the Florida Praise and Coffee Night with Melissa from Mel’s World. It was so much fun! They are a great group of women and Melissa has quickly become a very good friend!
I'm so excited to see women all over the country starting Praise and Coffee Nights in their community, I plan to visit more of them. I'll be heading out to San Diego in February!
Thanks so much Melissa for sharing ministry and life with me and the women around you!

Haven't been reading or writing, for that matter, any blogs, (facebook and twitter had to go, too -- life happens) but I'm so glad I popped over here. Wow! How God is blessing this ministry!!
Enter me in the drawing and yes, I have a button on my blog, too.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Oh I love Casting Crowns. Enter me. What beautiful pictures of you all. I hope one day I can attend a praise and coffee event.
I would love it if you would enter me in this drawing. We enjoy Casting Crowns, and my husband especially so.
Thank you!
Dori and I must be on the same type of "must back away from all the time spent on puter" quest!
I would love to win!
At the first of the new year, we're going to start planning for some women events at the church and this is one I want to see happen!
How fun that you & Mel got to meet!!
Got the button :-)
Please enter me for this giveaway. I also have your button on my blog.
Maybe sometime you could make a Praise night in Tampa, FL - that's only an hour away from me :)
Thanks so much for this give-away! Would love the CD...and yes, I do have your button.
Blessings sweet sister!
Oooh, nothing better to get the holidays started than some new Christmas Music! And coffee too!
I would love to win my two favorite things..praise music and coffee! I hope to see you at the next Plainwell Praise and Coffee:)
Thanks for the chance to win. What a great website. The Lord bless you and your good work real good.
Would love to win this. Do enter my name in the drawing.
Hi Sue! Enter me in that drawing too! It's Ashley from Florida! lol I don't know if your sending them down this way.
Sue, your blogs are inspiring. God is doing a mighty work thru you and i look forward to more to come.
I can totally relate to your blog about your friend married to unbeliever. It's definately a heartbreaking and often times painful situation to be in. All we can do is keep praying for them and God will move and show His face to them in his timing.
Be blessed,
Sheila Lovett
What great photos!!!!! Oh my goodness I love those cards with bows!!
Another great giveaway! Thank you so much for doing these, you are AWESOME :)
I wish you could come to Vegas with your Praise and coffee event, that would be such a blessing. Hey, you never know, maybe I could make it to one of yours over there in Michigan :)
Please enter me in your drawing. I do have a button or two of yours on my blog.
great giveaway Sue. Keeping my fingers crossed~
Hi I just found your blog through Linda Blessed in Vegas :) I look forward to spending more time reading your encouraging posts. Thank you for your ministry and thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway.
I have heard so much about Casting Crowns and have not heard one song yet. :( but would love to.
You have a beautiful blog Sue. Wish I had lived a bit closer when you visited Florida. I'm in Orlando. I would have loved to have met you.
Blessings and love!
I just snagged your I'm for life button to add on my living a more fit life blog. Blessings!
Sue, come on down to Mickey Mouse world some time! We'd love to praise the REAL King of the world with you.
Coffee and Casting Crowns two of my very favorite things!! would love to be entered
Thanks everyone for the sweet words, your encouragment means so much to me!!
I just put your button on my site
This is definitly the time for me to win Sue! I love, love, love Casting Crowns, Christmas Musice & Coffee! This screams pick me! LOL
I also have your button on my blog... :)
I got your P&C package yesterday & am going to talk with a girlfriend about helping me & praying about it. Thanks do much! ~Sydney
Please enter me!! I'd love some good Christmas music.
Enter Emily B.
That's great Sydney, I can't wait to hear about it!
Again are so sweet to do a monthly give I am entering and yes of course I have your button on my blog.....blessings
Thanks for holding this!
Wow! Love Casting Crowns! I'm in.
I've got your button, too! Thanks Sue!
I just love following your praise and coffee events! I hope to get one started here soon. You know how to reach me . . . I'm on your facebook :)
Stacie Knuth
What a great ministry!
Please enter me in the contest. I love your blog! stumbled upon it today :)
Sue, I have so enjoyed following your blog. One day I will have my own Praise and Coffee night! :)
Your button is on my blog and I've been spreading the word about your blog LOTS to my friends.
Happy November!
Looks like a fun time in Florida with more of our sisters in Christ. Casting Crowns will make a great gift & I have your button on my blog too!! God Bless
You know I would love my name added. :-) And I have the button as well.
What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me!
Can't have too much praise music. I'm in. Thanks for this fun.
Anne Kirby
Love your blog - enter me!
love your site. sorry i missed you when you were in florida!
havent been online much in last few months due to serious illness, so blog is way behind, but as soon as I can I will add your button if I already havent.. pls enter me in the great giveaway.
cathy b
projecthope7 at gmail dot com
Please enter me in your drawing...would love to add this to my collection.
Thank you so much!
Beautiful pictures, looks like an awesome time for all.
Please enter me in the giveaway, Casting Crowns is my all time favorite!
I have your button here
slcremer at gmail dot com
Sue, how awesome that you and Mel got together for a praise and coffee night in Florida. I wish I could have been there with you. Casting Crowns is a great group and love their music. How kind of you to offer a giveaway.
Blessings you Godly Gal. I'm doing a post in December for Melissa.
Hugs to you,
I added Praise and Coffee to my sidebar Sue. It was about time. :)
We are working on a Praise and Coffee Night...anyone in the Green Bay/Appleton, Wisconsin area may be interested.
Loved Casting Crowns concert I went to a few weeks ago, they are amazing!
I have your button, Sue!
Please enter me in the drawing also.
Of course, I would love to be entered in the drawing. I love Casting Crowns!
Wow. That is so awesome to read about the Praise & Coffee Nights. You met Mel, and you're going out to meet Ronel, too?
I would love to come to Plainwell again sometime, but it's quite a drive. Then there's the part of me that thinks about trying a P & C Night in the Lansing area, but I know I can't take on "one more thing"...*sigh*
Maybe someday?
Anyway, thanks for getting these started. What an awesome thing!
Great giveaway!!!
Girl, you know I love a GREAT giveaway and this, my friend, is a great giveaway!!!
Count me in!
Thanks so much for your kind words, your encouragement, and your IS such a blessing to have God knit us together these last two years (has it been two years already???).
Love ya bunches!
Melissa in Mel's World
Sounds like a great give away!
I'm so excited to bring Coffee & Praise nights to Hampton Roads, Virginia! :) I have a button on my blog too ;)
Looks like a lot of fun!:o)
p.s. I have a button!
Looking forward to planning a Praise & Coffee night in Greenfield, IN! Enter me in the drawing please.
Sue, I find it such a joy to watch your ministry grow! Praise and Coffee events in so many new places. PTL!
Have another Lord rejoicing day.
Count me in!
And, I have a button at my bloggy home.
Sign me up Sue and I am a follower with your blog button.
Hi Sue put me on
What a wonderful giveaway!!
I do have your button on my blog :)
God Bless!
Praise and Coffee nights! Perfect! It's a good thought. I am trying to rethink my friendship teas for next year, and maybe I'll rename them to praise and coffee days or nights. lol. I put your link on my webpage under Favorite Blogs. My address is on my webpage.
Oh please enter me.
I have a Praise and Coffee blog button on my blog too.
Thank you.
Count me in...Casting Crowns are very talented and God uses them through their music. Glad to read that so many women are being edified in the body of Christ:)
New Christmas music - Hooray! Coffee, too - - - wonderful!
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Michigan Addy Ready
i love casting crowns!! so does my dd so if i win guess who gets a christmas gift! ~smile~
button on blog
I've been away from cyberspace for a while, so have missed reading your posts!
I'd like to be entered into the contest. I have your button on my blog:
many blessings,
Please enter me into the drawing.
I find your blogs insperational. I am looking forward to attending the next Praise and Coffee and am bringing a friend or two.
Thanks for all your support and prayers...
Your Praise and Coffee Giveaways are so fun and fabulous! Happy November!
Many thanks, Cindi
Just connected to your blog and am enjoying your posts. Thought I would jump in for your wonderful giveaway. Love Casting Crowns and coffee!!! :-) :-)
Have a great day.
You can contact me here If I am a blessed winner!
Found you on Internet Cafe and I'm so glad! I look forward to following your blog! Tahnks for the offer of the CD.
Good blog!.. great blog!!...
Looks like you have a wonderful time! Let me know how I can hook up with the group in Florida. I live close to where you met.
Please enter me in the drawing! Casting Crowns is a favorite for our whole family,but we're not able to buy much music right now.
I just added one of your blog buttons to my blog, too.
Kaye Whitlock
Missed the last couple drawings...please enter me in for this month. The Casting Crows CD looks great. I also have your giveaway button on my blog for a second entry. Thanks for your encouagement each day. I love reading on your blog and facebook.
Well Sue I just added your gadget to my blog I would love to be included in your contest.
I will be ordering a leaders packet to see about starting a group here in SW Miami. Marisabelle is a young lady I work with who attended your S Florida event and she knows the owner of her local Starbucks :)
Clara in Miami
Thanks for enter me in the drawing. I love Casting Crowns. I love are Praise and Coffee Nights in Plainwell. Don't like to miss any of them
Hello! I just wandered over here and think this is a fantastic site. Thank you for holding the giveaway, but more than that, thank you for your encouraging blog.
How fun and exciting! Tonight is our first Praise and Coffe Night, and I am really excited. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I also have a button on my blog!
I don't have a blog so I can't put a button on anything but I definitely enjoy Casting Crowns. Please include me for the giveaway. Thank you.
I'm SO proud of your P&C Nights! You are such a rockstar..:)))
It has been fun to watch your praise and coffee ministry grow through your blog. I have your button on my blog and would love to know more about hosting a p & c night here in TX. Thanks for entering me in the drawing!
Hey girl!! I wanna win! You know that I have your button on my blog (! So that makes two more entries for me.
I'm glad you extended this giveaway another day!! I pray to win!
Love ya!!
Add my name! Looks like you had fun in FL. Thanks for sharing pix!
It is awesome to see how your ministry has been spreading!
Of course I would love me some coffee and Casting Crowns!
Oops! I have your button on my blog.
I follow you on Facebook and am in constant awe of your inspiring faith in our Lord our Savior.
I have never posted any comments EVER before until this time and would so love to win this blessed CD.
My email address is
On FB you can find me at Angelica Barron-Gutierrez
Sue...I would love a chance to win! Enter me please! We are fb friends... for contact info if I win!
I am so glad yah'll had so much fun, what a blessing that is.
I think the homemade cards would be sweet to win. Now I am off to check out the website so I can get some of those cards for me...
hehe....I think I might have to put some Christmas music on today with all this talk of Christmas!:o)
oh...and I have a button!
I just heard of this band and I would love this cd.
Great giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
It looks like all of you had a good time! I love the pictures. Please enter me in the drawing, I love Casting Crowns!
PS I don't have a blog for a button,ugg!(I have a youtube channel? 4goodnews1)
my email is:
I dont know if you gave away the cards yet.. but I did just add a button onto my page. Your blogs on marriage are wonderful. Keep it up... There are so many marriages that need the support. Mine was one of them...Through God's power & grace we were restored! Check out our story.....
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