I had so much fun yesterday! I hosted a get together/meeting for all the gals helping with the Praise and Coffee/Loving Well Weekend. (To the girls who couldn't make it...we missed you!)
It was so cool to get all these women from different churches and walks of life together to hash out all the details of our conference. They had so much great input.
My heart for the Praise and Coffee ministry is to bring us all together in unity with the common cause of Christ, no matter what church we attend. With 9 churches represented, our get together was a beautiful snapshot of just that idea.
Then to top it off we had a powerful time of prayer for the conference and the Project Pamper outreach that we are coordinating with it.
I am so thankful to be a part of what God is doing among the ladies in the community, I can see us becoming Girlfriends in God and I am loving it!!!
For those of you that weren't there with us, I want to share an easy recipe with you that we all loved:
Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed Bread
1 pkg. Duncan Hines Bakery style blueberry muffin mix
2 Tbls poppy seed
1 egg
1 Tbls grated lemon peel (I used lemon juice)
1/2 cup confection sugar
1 Tbls lemon juice
Heat oven to 350, grease and flour 8x4x2 loaf pan
(Rinse blueberries, set aside)
Combine mix & poppyseed. Break up lumps.
Add egg & water, stir.
Fold in blueberries & lemon peel. Pour into pan.
Sprinkle with contents of topping packet.
Bake 1 hour. Cool 10 minutes.
Remove from pan and pour drizzle over bread.
(Hint, use aluminum foil to stop topping from coming off.)
Invite a few girlfriends over and enjoy!!
Sue, looks like God is doing a wonderful thing through Praise and Coffee Ministry:)
What a great ministry you have, Sue. The word the Lord gave me this year was UNITY we need it so badly in The BODY of CHRIST and You are doing so much along these lines :o)
recipe sounds delicious.
Sounds perfectly wonderful!! And I can't wait to hear how Project Pamper goes!!!
This ministy is doing great things; all through God. When I am older; I want to become a writer. I want to write Christian books; that is my true goal. Though I am only 13 year old, I am thinking and writing about God. I know more than most people my age; because of all the dinner coversation about the bible and church. I learn a lot. I want this type of blog when I am older; I am trying to make my blog right now reflect God, and I pray that it may bring pagans to Jesus. Because of the fact that I love God and enjoy writing, I think that has lead me to want to become a writer. I have a long way to go; but with God anything is possible. Sorry for this long dragging comment; but I felt that I to say all this. I don't know if you understand; but it was just, "Lauren Ann, say what you are thinking right now, love God."
I am hoping you don't mind. I will be coming back to visit your blog; because it makes me think about God more, because what you write glorifies Him. I love your blog; really. I know I need to stop talking, but I can't make myself. I will, though, for your sake. You probably don't want to know everthing about my feelings and goals. *hugggggg*
God Bless,
Lauren Ann
Lauren Ann,
Thank you for your awesome comment, I love it!!! Feel free to write "long dragging comments" on here anytime sweetie!!
I love your heart and passion for the Lord, keep following in His footsteps!
Love and hugs,
As always you are allowing God to use you for His Glory! How awesome Sue!
How wonderful! We are thinking about hosting a "coffee house night" outreach at our church. You should come! :) Seriously, it would be neat, coffee, live music from people interested in playing and sharing testimonies!
hey i just found your blog and think "praise and coffee" is brilliant!! project pamper also sounds fantastic! blessings on you and your ministry!!
I love getting together with women of other faiths. I get to see a bigger picture of God's family. :)
Good luck with your Project Pamper. What an awesome outreach. Everyone deserves some hope! God is using Praise and Coffee!
This recipe sounds delightful and easy! I might have to try it.
I noticed you are following my party blog. :) Thank You. I got kinda excited with my first follower and am totally surprised any time a new follower comes on board.
Is that Norma I see in the first picture, on her knees?
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