His promise to us:
1 Peter 5:6-7
6 Humble yourselves, therefore,
6 Humble yourselves, therefore,
under God's mighty hand, that
He may lift you up in due time.
7 Cast all your anxiety on Him
because He cares for you.
No, God's not late...He's right on time.
And He's right on time for everyone, all the time. Amazing!
So true!
But I admit to some days wishing I had a "God watch" or a "God calendar" to let me know what He is up to and when He's going to do it! :)
But, thankfully, when we know His nature, when we know who He really is, we can rest as we wait upon Him.
I am so glad we can trust Him!
Thanks for reminding us!
Kimberly :)
Wow!! Sue, this is just one more way God is pressing His message home for me this week. Go read my thanks tank and you'll see.
Thanks for posting this today. It touched my already softened heart.
So true! Thanks for the reminder!
They that wait upon the Lord...
Thanks for the encouragement!
Amen! There is peace in His timing!
Have a blessed day!
Thanks for reminding me of this, I am really bad at being patient.
Thanks, Sue. He is constantly teaching me that His timing is PERFECT.....waiting on Him right now.....He has shown me several times in the past year that what I thought I needed at a certain time was needed much more even a year later....He is still pounding this home with me. I have given Him the praise and will continue to do so. It is tempting to want to know the good things that are ahead of us, but none of us want to know the bad things....which goes back to His grace is always sufficient for the day and there is never any left over, there's always a new supply for that day...God is good and His timing is perfect for each of His children...He knows what is best for His children and He knows how ALL things work for our good,and we need to rest in that and trust Him.
He's never late!
Excellent! And I don't think it's coincidental that he tells us to put our anxiety on Him and reminds us He cares about us immediately after tells us He does things in His timing.
Timing is something that can cause us so much anxiety and make us question whether God has forgotten us.
Thanks for sharing this!
I just found your blog through a link on another - the title caught my eye...little did I know that when I came here this post would be EXACTLY what I needed to hear! Thank you - may God bless you! Sunshine
Good reminder thank you.
I'm SO glad that God is on HIS time and NOT mine!!
You post today, confirms the devotional thread that has been running through my heart this week.
Hey Sue,
Just wondering if you got the email.
I'm so glad He is never late...unlike me!
MG- yes ma'am, and I was just getting to write you back.
I've been gone all morning.
His timing is perfect because He cares for us. That never ceases to amaze me. that is one of my favc verses,too.
God is never late and never early. But He is always right on time. What He says, He will do - He always keeps His Word/Promises to us (Numbers 23:19). Lord Bless.
Yes and AMEN! I needed that today. I was just talking to God about this while folding laundry. Sharing my frustration about the tarrying that I feel He is doing. Thank you for listening to Him and sharing from your heart.
oh goodness, Why do you write about just what I need? I know, I know, because Scripture is the breathing word of God!!
Thank you!
I am not a fan of waiting either!!!
I hear ya.
I really needed to hear that today Sue! Thank you. :)
Thats so funny that you posted this scripture because my pastor had emailed it to me too. We are waiting, waiting and more waiting for hannah's adoption to become final and this is what I needed to be reminded of. Its Gods timing.
Surely you've been reading my mail :)
Thank you
Oh yes! Thank Lord for that much needed, "Calm down I've got it all under control Sheila!" reminder!!
I always say God has to first develop my character to match my calling--- and that takes time.
But I wouldn't want it any other way~
Thanks for the inspiration today!
"I always say God has to first develop my character to match my calling--- and that takes time."
Oh Lysa, that is good, I love it!
Amen and amen. Not always "on schedule" but always on time!
I LOVE this verse.
He is my HERO!! He comes in for me right at the very last minute to rescue me!! Gotta love Him:)
Sue, your post came right on time! I had just read an e-mail about this very issue! Isn't God cool!!!
I shared with a customer today how we live in such a state of "rush, rush,. rush!!" Why we can't even stand to have to wait at the fast food places! Terrible, huh? And we sometimes have that same attitude toward our heavenly father....His timing is always perfect...we're the ones that expect it on our time table....
Glad He loves us so to put up with out antics....
Amen, He is always right on time.
I cast my anxieties regularly upon Him ... I am so thankful He's such a powerful and loving God! This definitely applies to my life right now. Thank you for this post. Once again, you inspire me.
And boy, am I casting my anxieties on Him today! Hope He comes up with some answers soon!
Amen sisters!
Amen and Amen Sister...and I thank God for that each and EVERY day!
Thanks for the good word my friend!
Thanks for the reminder!
That's one of my favorite verses!
Excellent reminder!
Always so refreshing to come and visit your site, Sue. Love reading through it all - esp. the marriage stuff! I'm a BIG proponent of healthy marriages :)
Love that!
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