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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Plainwell, MI ~ Praise and Coffee Night

What a great night!

Last October I met Kim deBlecourt at the Breathe Writers Conference in Grand Haven, MI. She highlighted her story in one of the classes and I was immediately drawn to her.

Adoptive parents always feel a sense of kinship with other adoptive parents and I couldn't wait to get to know Kim better. Kim had experienced a nightmare while trying to bring her son home from the Ukraine to Holland, MI and I was compelled to know more about her and her story.

She graciously wrote about it for the magazine and then came out last night to tell the whole ordeal at our Praise and Coffee Night.

You can read about it in our magazine here: Spring 2011

Or wait for the book "Until We All Come Home"...which is coming...AND they are in talks about a movie.
It will be an incredible movie!!

Kim, thank you so much for sharing your story with us!!

Connect with Kim on Facebook: Kim deBlecourt

Stacey Davis, Sue Cramer and Char DeMoore

Deborah Brine, thank you for sharing your Stella & Dot with us before heading back to Australia!

Denise Dykstra and Kim deBlecourt

Andrea Creech and her sweet Mom!

Anne Kirby and her best friend!

Check out our website if you would like to start Praise and Coffee Nights in your area!

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