OK! Maybe it wasn't in MY mailbox! :-P
But it IS a very beautiful card this year.
Instead of the usual holiday and season's greetings, the President and Mrs. Bush chose a powerful verse out of Nehemiah:
Nehemiah 9:6
You alone are the LORD.
You made the heavens,
even the highest heavens,
and all their starry host,
the earth and all that is on it,
the seas and all that is in them.
You give life to everything,
and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
Isn't that cool?!
Then their greeting says:
Good stuff!" May the joy of all creation
fill your heart this blessed season
When I do get mine, I'll post it (don't hold your breath)!
That is SO COOL!!! I really hope you get one. :)
I'm pretty sure I'm not on the short list...or the long...or any!
That is really great.
I have always hoped that their heart belongs to Him.
Don't you just know that some really enjoyed getting that card.
Good for them for putting the truth out there.
So WHO's mailbox was it in? You perusing other people's mailboxes again? *tease*
I agree...the card is beautiful
LOL! I believe you'll get your card as soon as I get my invitation the the Whitehouse Christmas party. How long do we wait before we notify them that an oversight has occurred? ;) Very cool card from Mr. President.
Christin! You crack me up!!
Big confession- I heard about it last night so I looked online and found it!!!
I think we should get right on it- I'm sure they'll be embarrassed when they realize the oversight!
Was it a joke or real Sue. How nice to get a card from the WH
You didn't get yours wow I would have thought our names were together on this list.
Just kidding, would be fun to have one.
Wow, you're on some mailing list girl! Love that they used Scripture.... okay now, I'm reading down a bit, did I fire off an answer and miss something here? LOL!!!
I got mine from James and Shirley Dobson - (smile) - close enough, eh? Oh yea, that's right, it's because I order things from Focus... oh, BTW, Focus is featuring a great devotional book in their Christmas gift catalog... hmm, what was it's name?
Oh, yeah, The One Year Life Verse Devotional... (of course I'm assuming it's because both James and his wife have their life verses in there - [smile] - not me!).
I was totally teasing here, I am not on their Christmas Card list!
But a girl can dream can't she?!!
That is really cool in this day and age of political correctness.
That the pres would quote scripture on his card takes Bush up a couple notches for me.
Beautiful! I love it! And so nice that you actually didn't have to resort to mailbox thievery. :)
I'll have to check that out!
Yes Gail,
It went out yesterday!
I hope you like it!
Ali, I think someone majorly goofed! ;)
great verse mr president!
That IS awesome. I love how the Bush's are bold about their faith and the many times President Bush has talked about praying. I truly believe he does.
What a beautiful card and verse!
yes, kudos on the scripture quoting for bush :)
finally catching up on my blogs...love your christmas look!! :)
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! May we continue to elect leaders who fear God....
Thank you so much for the birthday wish! :) May the Lord richly bless you. ;)
What do you mean? You mean you AREN"T friends with the Bush's? LOL!
The card is great, the verse? Even better! :-)
You know I cannot imagine what Bush has gone through to be our president---what stress---yet, they stop to acknowledge our good God and honor HIM. I can remember the verse that was on their Christmas card last year---that's how powerful it struck me last year and again this year that the joy of all Creation fills our heart...nothing less...wow...Sue – You so graciously welcome us into your blog home. So gracious! Psalm 84 – your pilgrimage is one of grace upon grace. No good thing does He withhold from Sue who walks uprightly and wants to so very much. Have a great weekend.
ps - it's a little easier to be on their list and get their Christmas card if you LIVE IN TEXAS!!!
WoW!!! Very cool!!!
Thanks for sharing even if this is not sitting on your coffee table.
So, where is Eagles Nest Church? I hope someone is getting to hear your beautiful voice this holy season. I can so visualize you singing in church long ago. You have an awesome gift!
That is neat, Sue. Thanks for showing it.
Hi Ginger,
Eagle's Nest is in NW Grand Rapids- my old stomping grounds!
*blushing* about the singing...
that is so sweet!
WOW!! That is wonderful.
Hey! Haven't been over here in awhile, but that IS a beautiful card! Hope all is well with you and your family. ; )
I LOVE what you did with the Christmas cards! I may have to try that. Your home looks amazing! Merry Christmas!
Now that is cool! I'm sure mine is on its way...or not.
Thanks for sharing your home and the message of the White House card.
Wow, we got one. Its on my fridge. I'm not sure why we got one. Maybe my husband gave money or something.
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