Wow! I'm IT...I have been tagged by Monkey Giggles (who I would nominate if I could!!). She awarded me with the Thinking Blogger Award. I am so honored, I don't know what to say except thank you and (((hugs))), that was so sweet of you to think that I am a thinker! You might be the first!!! ;D
Or was it - I make YOU think... well anyways, somebody's thinking!
I have a long list of people to thank, but I'm just sure the music is about to start and cut me off!
So, now it is my priveledge to pass along the honor to 5 of my favorite blogs that make me think. For those of you that I've tagged,here are the rules.
The rules are:
1. When you are tagged write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Okay, here they are in no particular order, the blogs that Make Me Think.
Wow...thank you. That was very sweet of you....I'm honored as well. I will post in the next couple of days! ;)
awwww, thanks sue! i got nominated a few weeks ago...
THE BEST part of this award is "paying it forward" heh?
shalom friend -- xoxo
I just got nominated, too...and you were on my list to nominate...ugh! Now gotta find someone else to add to my list! Ha!
THANK YOU!! I am sooo excited. I very so very honoured. Now, for the fun part. To bless someone else. :)
and by the way friend, you also make ME think.
thanks sue!
you're so kind, sue. thanks for the honor and for the sweet words. it's been such a gift just to read your words and know that i have a fellow sister in you. much love!!
Congrats Sue. You do make me think beyond myself and my trivial things of the day.
Thank you so much! You are too kind!
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